Narang is a jatt surname under chachar clan and narang is also from one of the sons of Basra(jatt clan of Pakistan and India)
There are certain villages of narang like
Narang mandi(Dist. Sheikhupura Pakistan), Narangwal(Dist. Ludhiana), Narangpur(tehsil Phagwara)
The Basra, a clan found mainly in the northern part of the Rechna Doab, with a few villages located accross the Ravi in Gurdaspur and Batala. Like many of other Jat tribes in the Sialkot region, they claim descent from the mysterious Saroha tribe. There are currently very few Saroha Rajputs, but most claim to be Chandravanshi Rajputs. There is very little written about the Saroya Rajputs. According to one tradition, they are a branch of the Chauhan Rajput. They claim descent from Raja Chattarbhoj Chauhan, from whom descended Rajah Manik, ruler of Sambhar in Rajasthan. He had ten sons, one of whom was called Nirvan. One of Nirwan’s sons Dev Raj, who established his control over the mountainous regions of southern Rajasthan. In the local Gujarati language, Sirohi is said to mean a sword. Dev Raj established a town in this region, also called Sirohi. A branch of the tribe is said to have settled in the Rechna Doaba. A number of Jat tribes claim descent from Saroya, such as the Basra, as well as the related Serah Jats.
The British sources on the Basra are thin on the ground. H.A Rose, the early 20th Century colonial ethnography describes them as follows:
a Jat clan (agricultural) found in Shahpur: Basrae, a Jat clan (agricultural) found in Amritsar.
Rose refers to Basra being settled in Shahpur, the modern Sargodha District. Although there is a village called Basra in the district, there real homeland is in Sialkot District.
Many Basra also connect themselves with the mythical Rajah Salvahan, who is said to founded the city of Sialkot. According to this tradition, Raja Salvahan has two sons named as Basra and Sarra. From Basra descend the Basra tribe of Jats and from Sarra the Sarai, another well known Jat tribe.
The below is one of the genealogies given of the tribe. It connects them not with Saroya, but the Sapra, also a famous Jat tribe, but with the Serah tribe also appearing in this geneology.
Basra+ Serah. + Naru. + Lali
Manga + Changa + Sangla + Narang + Sarral + Sahal