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Data sets

This list is automatically generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by Listeriabot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

name wikidata item site links
"Age" determination of European flat oysters from the Voordelta reef Q108196472 0
#SchauMichAn - Franz Seraph Stirnbrand (um 1788-1882) und seine Porträts der Stuttgarter Gesellschaft Q113860097 0
1.11 Lexicography: Panjābī-Persian Q119767957 0
10,000 Immunomes Q57631658 0
150 Analog Max Weaver Dye Library Subset Q43836669 0
20 Newsgroups data set Q46476936 0
2011 Census data Andhra Pradesh - Villages dataset Q42501043 0
2016 Supreme Court Database, Version 2015 Release 02 Q50820757 0
population data by age Q118496886 0
2021 ‎AWaRe classification‎ Q122925811 0
2023 ‎AWaRe classification‎ Q123466662 0
20th Century Press Archives Q36948990 5
4,4'-methylene diphenyl diisocyanate exposure induces expression of alternatively activated macrophage-associated markers and chemokines partially through Krüppel-like factor 4 mediated signaling in macrophages (dataset) Q124072395 0
50 Salads dataset Q50480849 0
A Bibliography for Aegean Glyptic in the Bronze Age Q61761384 0
A Brief History of Human Time - Codes Datasets Q112623812 0
A Brief History of Human Time - Cross-verified Dataset Q112623813 0
A Cross-National Survey of Muslim Attitudes, Wave 1 Q66714362 0
A Cross-National Survey of Muslim Attitudes, Wave 2 Q66714364 0
A Gold Standard of Meaningful Compounds in Complex Class Labels Q119854298 0
A Guide to the Classification of Medieval Ceramic Forms Q111800028 0
A Reexamination on Noun/Verb distinction in Mundari appeared in the selected entries of Hoffmann's Encyclopedia Mundarica Q123668506 0
A Scientific Dataset of useful plants of China Q113333457 0
A Study of the North American Hispanic Adventist Church - Adult Survey, 1994 Q66623144 0
A Study of the North American Hispanic Adventist Church - Youth Survey Q66623170 0
A Survey of Graduate Ministry Programs, 1992-1993 Q73040979 0
Property Graphs as RDF in Oracle Q113301623 0
A dataset on catalogue of alien plants in China Q113193153 0
A dataset on inventory and geographical distributions of vascular plants in Beijing, China Q113396612 0
A dataset on the diversity and geographical distributions of wild Impatiens in China Q113271164 0
A digital future for the Burgundian Legacy Q113318702 0
a comparison of glass and plastic impingers Q115074945 0
A global multiproxy database for temperature reconstructions of the Common Era Q38373243 0
A list of open access papers pertaining to racism Q99463506 0
A model for detecting the effects of vibration on peripheral blood flow Q99985239 0
A new list of threatened woody species in China under future global change scenarios Q113193719 0
A novel stochastic multi-scale model of Francisella tularensis infection to predict risk of infection in a laboratory (computer codes) Q67446083 0
A plant species list dataset for urban area of Beijing, China 2007 – 2020 Q113323949 0
A projectile concussive impact model produces neuroinflammation in both mild and moderate-severe traumatic brain injury (dataset) Q119012622 0
A single cell reference map for human blood and tissue T cell activation Q110866680 0
A-SCORE Scholarly Resource Q105299872 0
AAPG geologic provinces map Q59225931 0
ABBYY Lingvo Q4032872 3
ABC News Beliefnet Poll, 2001 Q66481013 0
ABC News Bishops Meeting Expectations Poll, June 2002 Q66481014 0
ABC News Church Abuse, 2004 Q66481015 0
ABC News Church Scandal Poll, 2002 Q66481017 0
ABC News Church in Crisis Poll, 2002 Q66481016 0
Religion and Politics Q66481024 0
ABC News Priests and Pedophilia Poll, 2002 Q66481021 0
ABC News Religion Poll, 1997 Q66481023 0
ABC News Vatican Meeting - Expectations Poll, 2002 Q66481026 0
ABC News Views of Islam Poll, 2003 Q66481018 0
ABC News the Pope & the Church, 2003 Q66481019 0
ABC News/Washington Post Poll: Faith-Based Initiative Q66481012 0
ABC News/Washington Post Poll: Politics and International Relations Q66481020 0
ABC News/Washington Post Poll: Springtime Politics Q66481025 0
ABC News/Washington Post Poll: The New Pope Q66481022 0
ACE 2005 Multilingual Training Corpus Q119855471 0
ACI-BENCH Q121133181 0
AEMET metereological dataset Q111911803 0
AGENDA 2030 - Globala målen för hållbar utveckling Q105793159 0
AIFB DataSet Q30309204 1
A dataset of mammal Q112755285 0
ANR project and partner dataset Q111939378 0
AP-HP hospital groups list Q30103127 0
ASC Leiden Thesaurus dataset of 5 June 2018 Q54856619 0
Adamlink Q54371815 0
Adamlink Reference Data - Streets Q113110779 0
Additional Labeled Reference Data from the Linked Open Citation Database (LOC-DB) Project Q119855281 0
Additional dataset to "Comparing urban coastal flood risk in 136 cities under two alternative sea-level projections: RCP 8.5 and an expert opinion-based high-end scenario" Q111103387 0
Address locator Q16825407 1
Affect and the weight of idealistic and pragmatic concerns in decision situations Q119854483 0
Africa (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56194526 0
Africa (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56194540 0
Nordiske personer i Afrika under kolonitiden Q116513722 0
Agreement of hip kinematics between two tracking marker configurations used with the CODA pelvis during ergonomic roofing tasks (dataset) Q119012760 0
AgriNepalData Q111912076 0
Agribalyse Q61856634 1
Aid Transparency Portal Q108254493 0
Album Academicum Q66023108 0
Aligned ISNI and Ringgold identifiers for institutions Q64159407 0
Allgemeine Sammlung Q115283340 0
Amazon product data Q36814600 0
America's Evangelicals Q66601606 0
American Catholic Laity Poll, 2011 Q66481163 0
American Congregational Giving Study, Congregational Profiles, 1993 Q73160531 0
American Congregational Giving Study, Gallup Poll, 1993 Q66481145 0
American Congregational Giving Study, Member Questionnaires, 1993 Q66481146 0
American Jewish Committee Religious Right Survey, 1996 Q66481148 0
A National Survey on Diversity Q66714390 0
Boundaries in the American Mosaic Q114858242 0
American National Election Studies, 2000 Q66714498 0
American National Election Studies, 2002 Q66714501 0
American National Election Studies, 2004 Q66714504 0
American National Election Studies, Cumulative Data File, 1948-2004 Q66714511 0
American National Election Studies, Panel Study, 2008-2009 Q66714492 0
American National Election Studies, Time Series Study, 2008 Q66714507 0
American National Election Studies, Time Series Study, 2012 Q66714509 0
American National Election Studies, Time Series Study, 2016 Q66714495 0
American Protestant Mission Agencies Profiles, 2016 2.0 Q103238010 0
American Protestant Mission Agencies Profiles, Full 2.0 Q103238001 0
American Religious Identification Survey, 2001 Q66481154 0
American Religious Identification Survey, 2008 Q73160537 0
American Time Use Survey, 2005 Q66481086 0
American Time Use Survey, 2006 Q66481087 0
American Time Use Survey, 2007 Q66481088 0
American Time Use Survey, 2008 Q66481089 0
American Time Use Survey, 2009 Q66481090 0
American Time Use Survey, 2010 Q66481091 0
American Trends Panel Wave 18 Q114858270 0
American Trends Panel Wave 20 Q114858276 0
American Trends Panel Wave 24 Q114858256 0
American Trends Panel Wave 30 Q114858240 0
American Trends Panel Wave 4 Q114858254 0
American Trends Panel Wave 6 Q114858251 0
American Trends Panel Wave 61 Q114858288 0
American Trends Panel Wave 84 Q114858263 0
American Values Scale, 1985 Q66481070 0
American Values Scale, 1986 Q66481071 0
American Values Scale, 1987 Q66481072 0
American Values Scale, 1988 Q66481073 0
An investigation into the relationship between coal workers' pneumoconiosis and dust exposure in U.S. coal miners Q26248459 0
An open dataset of IPCC reports 'references (6th Assessment Cycle) – Version 1 Q111103183 0
Anabaptist Historical Data on Beliefs and Practices Q66481150 0
Anabaptist Historical Social Network Data Q66481149 0
Analyse der Tag-Struktur in Bibsonomy Q119844407 0
Anan Ganjanapan Q110624613 0
Urheberrecht in der wissenschaftlichen Forschung: Ein "Window of Opportunity"? Q119972526 0
[[Annotation of chitin biosynthesis genes in <italic>Diaphorina citri</italic>, the Asian citrus psyllid (Q115250135)|Annotation of chitin biosynthesis genes in <italic>Diaphorina citri</italic>, the Asian citrus psyllid]] Q115250135 0
Annual Church Profile For Southern Baptist Convention Churches - Sunday School, 1980 Q67398293 0
Annual Church Profile For Southern Baptist Convention Churches - Sunday School, 1985 Q67398295 0
Annual Church Profile For Southern Baptist Convention Churches - Sunday School, 1990 Q67398297 0
Annual Church Profile For Southern Baptist Convention Churches - Sunday School, 1995 Q67398299 0
April 1 Q95157013 0
Annual mean soluble iron deposition and ocean BGC response for each case in Hamilton et al. (2020) Q108083244 0
Anthropometric database for the EMTs in the United States Q29009982 0
Anti-Semitism in the United States, 1964 Q73160533 0
Anti-Semitism in the United States, 1981 Q66481151 0
identifying novel biomarkers and mechanisms of action Q107002032 0
Applicant Reaction Scale Q59595215 0
[[Aquaculture (Museene i Sør-Trøndelag AS (MIST) [no]) (Q113673851)|]] Q113673851 0
Arab Barometer, 2006-2007 Q66481152 0
Archeological Base Register Q113119555 0
Architecture and design exhibitions in Sweden (KulturNav) Q68302540 0
Architektur neu entdecken mit Piranesi digital Q113860092 0
Archives Hub Q4787279 1
Archäologie Q115283354 0
Archäologie Landkreis Rotenburg (Wümme) Q115283353 0
Archäologische Sammlung Q115283352 0
Are forensic experts biased? Scientist’s claims spark outrage Q112039773 0
Argentina (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56122411 0
Argentina (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56122404 0
Arkeologer (Norsk Maritimt Museum, Eksterne data) Q120964952 0
Arkeologer (Sverige) Q121133757 0
Arkeologiske perioder Q121410671 0
Arkitekter verksamma i Sverige Q17373699 0
Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project Q18354074 2
Art & Architecture Thesaurus LOD Dataset Q23017666 0
Art in Umeå Q102343039 0
Artists in Canada Q56027560 0
Arts and Religion Survey, 1999 Q66481084 0
Artur och Sofi Hazelius släkt Q120820043 0
Assets of Cultural Interest (BIC) Q106835096 0
AtlantGIS Q109881478 0
Atlas Kolejowy Polski, Czech i Słowacji Q56697142 0
Attitudes of Cultural Progressive Activists, 2009 Q66481165 0
AudioSet Q63391362 0
Auf Spurensuche. Kleindenkmale im Landkreis Esslingen Q113860083 0
August 2011 Political Survey Q67212807 0
Austin Institute 2018 Post-Midterms Study Q114858235 0
Australia (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56071539 0
Australia (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56071452 0
Australian Art Exhibition Catalogue Index 1845-1900 Q76572240 0
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Linked Data Q111912157 0
Australian Climate Observations Reference Network - Surface Air Temperature Dataset Q111911958 0
Fields of Research Q56241725 0
Austria (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56071776 0
Austria (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56071769 0
Austrian School Directory Dataset Q122966792 0
Austritte in Wien aus der IKG 1868–1914 Q108285441 0
A Tunguska sized airburst destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age city in the Jordan Valley near the Dead Sea - Scientific Reports Q120703255 0
The Nordic Museum's and Skansen's yearbook Q78122985 0
Automatic Facial Coding Versus Electromyography of Mimicked, Passive and Inhibited Facial Response to Emotional Faces. Q119855320 0
B144 Q19514732 2
BAG book of street names Q52084601 0
XPS raw data of Al-coated titania nanoparticles Q108444174 0
BBCSport Q112666980 0
BFI list of publishers 2020 Q110937325 0
Impact metrics and indicators for coronavirus related publications Q115146894 0
Bangladesh (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56098544 0
Barocke Seesternsammlung Q113815030 0
Basic Geographical Gazetteer of Spain Q106767497 0
Bau des Mittellandkanals Q115283370 0
Bauelementesammlung der DDR in Streichholzschachteln Q113815012 0
Baukastensammlung Q113162876 0
Baylor Religion Survey, Wave I (2005) Q66481159 0
Baylor Religion Survey, Wave II (2007) Q66481157 0
Baylor Religion Survey, Wave II (2007) - Instructional Dataset Q66481161 0
Baylor Religion Survey, Wave III (2010) Q66481160 0
Baylor Religion Survey, Wave III (2010) - Instructional Dataset Q107002961 0
Baylor Religion Survey, Wave IV (2014) Q66481103 0
Baylor Religion Survey, Wave IV (2014) - Instructional Dataset Q107002962 0
Baylor Religion Survey, Wave V (2017) Q103238040 0
Baylor Religion Survey, Wave V (2017) - Instructional Dataset Q103238056 0
Beating the Stoner Criterion Q104887642 0
Beazley Archive Pottery Database Q117155077 0
Belarus (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56190169 0
Beliefs and Inter-Church Relations, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, 1987 Q67204881 0
Benutzerumfrage der Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim 2012 - Fragebogen und Antwortdaten Q119844752 0
Benutzerumfrage der Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim 2016 - Fragebogen und Antwortdaten Q119855115 0
Bergen Burnout Inventory - 9 Q59595216 0
Bergmännisches Kunsthandwerk Q115283371 0
Biblioteki naukowe Q61484289 0
Bier aus Hannover Q115283351 0
Biographical Database of Estonian Photographers Q59131875 0
Biographical Summaries of Notable People Q113154148 0
Biographies of the Entomologists of the World Q57831640 0
Biological effects of crude oil vapor. IV. Cardiovascular effects (dataset) Q115074964 0
Biological effects of inhaled crude oil vapor VI. Altered biogenic amine neurotransmitters and neural protein expression (dataset) Q119012987 0
Biological effects of inhaled crude oil vapor. II. Automated oil vapor inhalation exposure system (dataset) Q115074857 0
Biological effects of inhaled crude oil vapor. III. Pulmonary effects (dataset) Q119012848 0
Bird tracking - GPS tracking of Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Herring Gulls breeding at the southern North Sea coast Q84835477 0
Birth Records of the City of Rotterdam 1811-1913 Q21126080 0
Bitstamp XBT/USD trade data Q42073353 0
Bloomberg.com Q112610835 0
The value of a female rolodex Q119974693 0
BookCorpus Q117286329 4
Botanische Lehrtafeln der Uni Göttingen Q115283342 0
Brabant buildings Q113119556 0
BradleyDoublePlusGoodMeltingPointDataset Q106956307 0
Brazil (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56120397 0
Brazil (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56120379 0
Brazil Religion Survey, 2007 Q66481100 0
Brazilian Flora 2020 project - Projeto Flora do Brasil 2020 Q117034902 0
Brent corpus Q39244680 0
Brinkman keyword thesaurus Q113119557 0
Jeblad/Norsk biografisk leksikon pre 1700.json Q21154091 0
Buildings in Dusseldorf over 55 meters Q56064780 0
Buildings in Helsinki Q60983962 0
Bulgaria (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56151018 0
Bulk and Mineral Analyses, Including Major, Minor, and Trace Elements, of Metamorphosed Eucrite, Elephant Moraine (EET) 90020 Q111192169 0
Bundestagswahl 2021 Kandidaten Datensatz Q110166145 0
Burials on Vienna’s Jewish Cemeteries Q109502614 0
Business Data Manager Experimental Evaluation Q119854432 0
By-elections to the UK House of Commons Q115770900 0
CAS COVID-19 Anti-Viral Candidate Compounds Q90481889 0
Train unit scheduling with bi-level capacity requirements Q104887802 0
CHELSA-W5E5 v1.0: W5E5 v1.0 downscaled with CHELSA v2.0 Q109558134 0
CIQUAL database Q63348790 1
CM SAF cLouds Q114404844 0
CLEF 2000-2003 Query Translations (Uyghur, Kyrgyz, Turkish) Q119974721 0
CLEVR Q90517975 0
CNN/Daily Mail Q122701833 0
COCO Q30337044 0
Activity monitoring and recovery Q104713889 0
CONLL04 Q119495944 0
CORD-19 Software Mentions Q105839951 0
CORDIS - EU research projects under FP7 (2007-2013) Q55095102 0
CORDIS - EU research projects under Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) Q55092403 0
COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports Q89353866 0
COVID-19 State and County Policy Orders Q112352166 0
COVID-19 State-Level Restrictions on Indoor In-Person Worship Q114858293 0
COVID-19 vaccination sites in France Q104866215 0
CREMA-D Q60628947 0
A large dataset of software mentions in the biomedical literature Q114078827 0
Callejero oficial del Ayuntamiento de Madrid Q28937434 0
Callejero oficial del Ayuntamiento de Oviedo Q61989188 0
Calles de Sevilla Q30474399 0
Caltech 101 Q2934404 4
Campaign 2000 Typology Survey Q73041000 0
Camptochaeta luxemburgensis Heller Q107586230 0
Canadian Archival Information Network Q120671669 0
Cardinality Estimation using Label Probability Propagation for Subgraph Matching in Property Graph Databases Q113301415 0
Caribbean (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56194173 0
Carnegie Council National Surveys of Higher Education, Graduate Student Sample (1975) Q66821373 0
Carnegie Foundation National Survey of Higher Education, Faculty Sample (1975) Q66821371 0
Carnegie Foundation National Survey of Higher Education, Faculty Sample (1984) Q66821372 0
Carnegie Middle East Governance and Islam Dataset, 1988-2010 Q66481109 0
Catholic Pluralism Project, 1995 Q66714440 0
A Social and Religious Profile Q66623178 0
Catálogo de Manuscritos Digitalizados de Guatemala y México en Family Search Q118856900 0
Caucasus Barometer 2012, Armenia Q66481112 0
Caucasus Barometer 2012, Azerbaijan Q66481113 0
Caucasus Barometer 2012, Georgia Q66481114 0
Caucasus Barometer 2012, Merged Q66481115 0
Caucasus Barometer, 2009 Q66481117 0
Caucasus Barometer, 2010 Q66481116 0
Census of households, 1976 Q60181218 0
Census of the Amish in Holmes County and the Surrounding Areas Q66481069 0
Central England temperature Q3814006 3
Cervical Functional Spine Units Multi-Validation Dataset Q104887803 0
Chanan Wongvipak Q110624760 0
A two-year follow up study Q59595217 0
Changing American Family Survey Q114858253 0
Latinos and the Transformation of American Religion Q66691415 0
Chapman Survey of American Fears, Wave 1 (2014) Q66485849 0
Chapman Survey of American Fears, Wave 2 (2015) Q107002964 0
Chapman Survey of American Fears, Wave 3 (2016) Q107002965 0
Chapman Survey of American Fears, Wave 4 (2017) Q107002966 0
Chapman Survey of American Fears, Wave 5 (2018) Q107002967 0
Characterisation of calcium phosphates after femtosecond laser irradiation Q104887643 0
Characterization of a multi-stage focusing nozzle for collection of spot samples for aerosol chemical analysis (dataset) Q122826908 0
Charles T. Alton Q110626557 0
Chavivan Prachuabmoh Q110624726 0
Checklist of the Lepidoptera of the British Isles - Data Q23681516 0
Cheongju University Regional Education and Finance Research Institute - Location of Elementary and Secondary Schools Q114121940 0
Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Study (CILS) Q103238088 0
Chile (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56123257 0
China (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56097499 0
China (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56097480 0
1971-2030 Q104887644 0
Christian Nonprofit Organizations, 2005 Q66821366 0
Drinking Q114858273 0
Church and Community Project, 1987 Q66481118 0
Church of the Nazarene Annual Report of Pastor To the District Assembly, 1980 Q66714453 0
Church of the Nazarene Annual Report of Pastor To the District Assembly, 1985 Q66714456 0
Church of the Nazarene Annual Report of Pastor To the District Assembly, 1990 Q66714459 0
Church of the Nazarene Annual Report of Pastor To the District Assembly, 1995 Q66714462 0
Church of the Nazarene Annual Report of Pastor To the District Assembly, 2000 Q66714447 0
Churches and Church Membership in the United States, 1952 (Counties) Q73160650 0
Churches and Church Membership in the United States, 1952 (States) Q73160655 0
Churches and Church Membership in the United States, 1971 (Counties) Q66485828 0
Churches and Church Membership in the United States, 1971 (States) Q66485830 0
Churches and Church Membership in the United States, 1980 (Counties) Q66485832 0
Churches and Church Membership in the United States, 1980 (States) Q66485834 0
Churches and Church Membership in the United States, 1990 (Counties) Q66485836 0
Churches and Church Membership in the United States, 1990 (States) Q66485839 0
Citations with identifiers in Wikipedia Q51903355 0
Citing Boetticher's "nineteenth-century paintings", art volumes and illustrated books to link old and new mountains of data linked openly Q120720904 1
City of Fremantle and Town of East Fremantle Street Names Index Q121022909 0
Civic Involvement Survey, 1997 Q66481123 0
Civil Weddings in Vienna Q102110729 0
proposta de taxonomia Q120732943 0
Classification for the degree of urbanisation in Cyprus Q60197762 0
Clergy Job Satisfaction Survey, 1996 Q66481166 0
An Exploratory Study on Housing and Financial Preparedness Q67398266 0
Clyde-built Ship Database Q5136842 1
CodRED Q109517852 0
Training machine learning algorithms for automatic facial coding: The role of emotional facial expressions’ prototypicality Q119976230 0
Recipe and Protocol v1 Q107742601 0
Colombia (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56122578 0
Colombia (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56122568 0
Combined Panel Surveys of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, 1987 Q67204884 0
Common Locale Data Repository Q2986828 12
A collection of 21 complete benchmark tasks for entity matching. Q119969833 0
Comparative Cross-National Study in the Middle East and North Africa Q107002984 0
Comparative Values Survey of Islamic Countries Q66623198 0
Comparison of datasets in machine learning Q22682148 1
Complementary and Alternative Medical (CAM) and Spirituality, Religiosity Survey Q66481162 0
Concept Matrix - Structured Literature Review Q119854510 0
Conceptual Captions Q112062632 0
ConfIDent Q108990283 0
Congregational Ministry, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, 1987 Q67204879 0
Consolidated OpenCitations Corpus – April 2017 Q30068043 0
Constances Q55439728 1
Constant vs. cyclic flow when testing face masks and respirators as source control devices for simulated respiratory aerosols (dataset) Q119012984 0
Content Analysis of the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1999 Q66691392 0
Continental shelf maps could add Egypt-size area to U.S. territory Q124304282 0
Controlled generation of peracetic acid atmospheres for the evaluation of chemical samplers (dataset) Q108918748 0
Converts in Vienna Q111020513 0
Cora Q112662467 0
Coronavirus Open Citations Dataset Q91412104 0
Corpus of Linguistic Acceptability Q62268706 0
Correlates of War Q5172839 4
Correlation between graphitic carbon and elemental carbon in diesel particulate matter in workplace atmospheres (dataset) Q119012832 0
Country Compendium of the Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species. Dataset. Q113089149 0
Croatia (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56159435 0
Exploration of Success Factors - Interview Transcripts Q119854341 0
Exploration of Success Factors - Survey Data Q119854342 0
Cross-National Socio-Economic and Religion Data, 2005 Q66601585 0
Cross-National Socio-Economic and Religion Data, 2011 Q66601583 0
Crunchbase Q10846831 14
Culturally Adapted Spiritually Oriented Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Child Survivors of Restavek Q66481468 0
Customer Review Datasets Q36799682 0
The overlooked disorder: (Un)awareness of developmental coordination disorder across clinical professions Q119974718 0
DBLP Dataset 2021-01-02 Q105160373 0
DOIBoost Dataset Dump Version 3 Q77714364 0
DORT & HIER - Verschobenes Gedächtnis Q113815020 0
DPM OC, EC and FT-IR data (quantifying elemental and organic carbon in diesel particulate matter by mid infrared spectrometry) (dataset) Q122827446 0
DWDS-Lemmadatenbank Q108403066 0
DWIE Q119496066 0
Daftar Situs Cagar Budaya di Kota Banda Aceh Q105263965 0
DailyDialog Q115139583 0
Danish FrameNet 1.0 Q99603860 0
Data "International taxation and productivity effects of M&As" Q118910731 0
Data Asset eXchange Q65654305 0
Data Museum dan Bangunan Cagar Budaya Data Tahun 2019 Q105267074 0
Data Release for Analysis of Vegetation Recovery Surrounding a Restored Wetland using the Normalized Difference Infrared Index (NDII) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Q114029204 0
Big Five facets and religiosity: Three large-scale Q119960957 0
"Time is a great healer: Peak-end memory bias in anxiety – Induced by threat of shock" Q119974803 0
"You see what you avoid: Fear of spiders and avoidance are associated with predominance of spiders in binocular rivalry" Q119974711 0
Data and metadata of soil microbial community structure, enzyme activities, functional genes and earthworms derived from H2020 Diverfarming project Q117144720 0
Data and scripts for "When Attitudes and Beliefs get in the Way of Shared Decision-Making: A Mediation Analysis of Participation Preference" Q119976229 0
Restoration of biogeomorphic systems by creating windows of opportunity to support natural establishment processes Q109727987 0
Data for Litoria ewingii tadpole experiments, Canterbury, New Zealand Q115411528 0
"Evaluating Multilingual Text Encoders for Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Retrieval" Q119969839 0
"Evaluating Resource-Lean Cross-Lingual Embedding Models in Unsupervised Retrieval" Q119969838 0
"Parameter-Efficient Neural Reranking for Cross-Lingual and Multilingual Retrieval" Q119972564 0
Decades of tree planting in Northern India had little effect on forest canopy cover and rural livelihoods Q108771013 0
The influence of an in-stream thermal gradient on chironomid emergence during winter Q108316662 0
They mostly come at night: predation on sleeping insects by introduced candy-striped spiders in North America Q117826068 0
Tree-planting programs in Himachal Pradesh India 2019 Q108771382 0
Data from the ARDA National Profiles Q66623181 0
Data from the ARDA National Profiles Q66623183 0
Approaching feared stimuli: Behavioral Q119854897 0
Entities as Topic Labels - Combining Entity Linking and Labeled LDA to Improve Topic Interpretability and Evaluability. Q119855220 0
The Role of Constructiveness in Interparental Conflict for Mothers’ Perception of Children's Health Q119855288 0
Data from the paper "Girls’ Stuff? Maternal Gender Stereotypes and Their Daughters Fear" published in "Frontiers in Psychology" Q119976226 0
"Legislative Gridlock and Bureaucratic Politics in the European Union" Q119855245 0
"Ministerial Gatekeeping and Parliamentary Involvement in the Implementation Process of EU Directives" Q119855250 0
A comprehensive look at phobic fear in inhibition of return: Phobia-related spiders as cues and targets Q119854875 0
Acquisition of behavioral avoidance: Task-irrelevant conditioned stimuli trigger costly decisions Q119854456 0
All’s Bad That Ends Bad: There Is a Peak-End Memory Bias in Anxiety Q119855306 0
Avoidant decision making in social anxiety: the interaction of angry faces and emotional responses Q119854457 0
Better safe than wealthy: Dysfunctional risk avoidance in spider-fearful individuals Q119974697 0
Cognitive Consequences of Formal Clothing: The Effects of Clothing versus Thinking of Clothing Q119855251 0
Different Patients Q119976227 0
Extracting agency and communion from the Big Five: A four-way competition Q119972507 0
Face-to-face: Perceived personal relevance amplifies face processing Q119855180 0
Facing two faces: Defense activation varies as a function of personal relevance Q119855181 0
Fair and Argumentative Language Modeling for Computational Argumentation Q119972560 0
From avoidance to approach: The influence of threat-of-shock on reward-based decision making Q119855200 0
Inhibition of Return in Fear of Spiders: Discrepant Eye Movement and Reaction Time Data Q119854504 0
Left/Right or U? Estimating the Dimensionality of National Party Competition in Europe Q119855244 0
Linked disambiguated distributional semantic networks Q119854505 0
Mind-body practices and the self: Yoga and meditation do not quiet the ego Q119855254 0
Policy Preference Detection in Parliamentary Debate Motions Q119855305 0
Shared Decision Making during the COVID-19 Pandemic Q119976224 0
Social and emotional relevance in face processing: Happy faces of future interaction partners enhance the LPP. Q119855169 0
The cost of fear: Avoidant decision making in a spider gambling task Q119854466 0
The persistence of socially instructed threat: Two threat-of-shock studies Q119855182 0
The well-being benefits of person-culture match are contingent on basic personality traits Q119960955 0
Topic-Based Agreement and Disagreement in US Electoral Manifestos Q119855222 0
Towards a Computational History of Universities: Evaluating Text Mining Methods for Interdisciplinarity Detection from Ph.D. Dissertation Abstracts Q119855252 0
Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval Using Monolingual Data Only Q119855256 0
Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Scaling of Political Texts Q119855212 0
Valence and Arosual: A comparison of two sets of Emotional Facial Expressions Q119854475 0
Weakly supervised construction of a repository of iconic images Q119854433 0
What’s in an Accent? General Spontaneous Biases Against Nonnative Accents – An Investigation with Conceptual and Auditory IATs Q119855201 0
Data from the papers "The impact of EU decision-making on national parties’ attitudes towards European integration" and "Party ideology and legislative agendas: Estimating contextual policy positions for the study of EU decision-making" Q119855248 0
A review of riverine ecosystem service quantification: research gaps and recommendations Q108933612 0
Density-dependent signaling: an alternative hypothesis on the function of chemical signaling in a non-territorial solitary carnivore Q109996786 0
Diversity and functionality of soil fauna Q109593418 0
European ornamental garden flora as an invasion debt under climate change Q116439766 0
Exploration and Explanation in Computational Notebooks Q99485443 0
Gene expression response to a nematode parasite in novel and native eel hosts Q109562528 0
Historical dynamics of ecosystem services bundles Q108933575 0
How to restore invertebrate diversity of degraded heathlands? Q109605471 0
Living apart together—bacterial volatiles influence methanotrophic growth and activity Q109735748 0
Macroevolutionary synthesis of flowering plant sexual systems Q108651092 0
Migrating bison engineer the green wave Q117413644 0
Minimum required number of specimen records to develop accurate species distribution models Q123860052 0
Monitoring microarthropods assemblages along a pH gradient in a forest soil over a 60 years' time period Q109593423 0
Mortality limits used in wind energy impact assessment underestimate impacts of wind farms on bird populations Q108864306 0
Nature development in degraded landscapes: how pioneer bioturbators and water level control soil subsidence Q109733803 0
Nectocaridid ecology Q116436924 0
Numerical top-down effects on red deer (Cervus elaphus) are mainly shaped by humans rather than large carnivores across Europe Q123436607 0
Phylogenomic resolution of the cetacean tree of life using target sequence capture Q88975347 0
Successional shifts in tree demographic strategies in wet and dry Neotropical forests Q118220347 0
Who's downloading pirated papers? Everyone Q30225838 0
Data on people vaccinated against Covid-19 Q110976797 0
Assessing the validity of the Manifesto Common Space Scores Q119855243 0
Data repository - Dietary shifts increase the feasibility of 1.5°C pathways Q123694946 0
Using Machine Learning for Web Page Classification in Search Engine Optimization Q106353200 0
Data set on restoration projects of coastal marine habitats reported worldwide Q108857430 0
Data Q119972510 0
Ncei.noaa.gov/weather/New York City.tab Q28052609 1
DataPile Q95156778 0
Database of Photographers Q11969799 2
Database of Photographers Q20202924 0
Database of Photography Companies (Sweden) Q88074232 0
Database of Recorded American Music Q30671667 1
Database swedish working life museums Q28834837 0
What’s in a face: Automatic Facial Coding of Basic Emotional Expressions of Untrained Participants compared to Trained Actors Q119960938 0
Dataset - On the usage of isotope in hydrogeological studies in Indonesia Q108696809 0
Dataset Kandidaten verkiezingen gemeenteraad Amsterdam Q111698573 0
Dataset associated with study on swimming mechanics and propulsive efficiency in the chambered nautilus Q60536350 0
Dataset for "Continued use of retracted papers: Temporal trends in citations and (lack of) awareness of retractions shown in citation contexts in biomedicine" Q120880629 0
Dataset for Estimating Surface Water Presence and Streamflow of Ephemeral and Intermittent Streams in Southwest US Q114503341 0
Dataset for article Berrang-Ford et al. "Systematic mapping of global research on climate and health using machine learning" The Lancet Planetary Health Q108939816 0
" Replication data for: Estimating Party Positions across Countries and Time - A Dynamic Latent Variable Model for Manifesto Data" Q119855249 0
"Instructed threat enhances threat perception in faces" Q119855291 0
Dataset of a Study of Computational reproducibility of Jupyter notebooks from biomedical publications Q114418376 0
Dataset on Rates of in-situ Litter Decomposition across a Range of Ephemeral to Seasonally-Intermittent Stream Reaches and Landscape Positions in Arizona, USA Q114505655 0
Dataset on Soil Physio-Chemical Properties and Seasonal Moisture and Nutrient Dynamics in Temporary Stream Channels and Contributing Uplands in Arizona, USA Q114506050 0
Dataset outdoor gyms Umeå Q116268026 0
Dataset relating to 'Apertureless near-field terahertz imaging using the self-mixing effect in a quantum cascade laser' Q104887645 0
Dataset relating to 'PDielec: The Calculation of Infrared and Terahertz Absorption for Powdered Crystals' Q104887800 0
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics – Aqueous Solubility of Inorganic Compounds at Various Temperatures Q110074878 0
Semi-parametric prediction of brand loyalty Q119976225 0
survey about research data management in agricultural sciences in Germany Q122473548 0
Datenbank Bauforschung/Restaurierung Baden-Württemberg Q107307341 0
Datenbank Genitivmarkierung Q106600310 0
Datenbank Rechtschreibwortschatz Q106600304 0
Datenbank attributive Adjektive Q106600306 0
Datenbank zu-/dass-Komplemente Q106600307 0
Datenedition der Rintelner Weserzollregister von 1571 bis 1621 Q119967657 0
Datensatz zu den Mannheimer Bürger- und Beisassenannahmen (1779–1804) Q119974685 0
Datensatz zu den Mannheimer Fremdenlisten (1791, 1792, 1807–1818) Q119974684 0
Daylight Q116859478 0
Deadly sharp points found in Idaho could be first American-made tools Q116007289 0
Distress by Information Q119968797 0
Claims of the arguments paired to the title question Q119960923 0
December 2006 Values Update Survey Q73158052 0
Deepwater Horizon response air sampling data Q25113898 0
Demographics in U.S. Congregations Survey, Parishioners Q66485868 0
Demographics in U.S. Congregations Survey, Pastors Q66485866 0
Denkmaldaten Niedersachsens Q115283369 0
Der Rattenfänger im Museum Hameln Q115283362 0
Dermal exposure to the immunomodulatory antimicrobial chemical triclosan alters the skin barrier integrity and microbiome in mice (dataset) Q112235425 0
Details of publications using software by the Public Knowledge Project Q116742355 0
Detecting Meaningful Compounds in Complex Class Labels (Experimental Results) Q119854311 0
Detroit Area Study Q66485851 0
Detroit Area Study Q66485854 0
Detroit Area Study Q66485856 0
Deutscher Reichsanzeiger und Preußischer Staatsanzeiger Q113860105 0
Developing a solution for nasal and olfactory transport of nanomaterials (dataset) Q124072394 0
Development of a thermal spray coating aerosol generator and inhalation exposure system (dataset) Q112235408 0
Die 91 Wasserspeier am Freiburger Münster Q113860077 0
Die Afrikareisen von Fritz und Berta Kiehn Q113860089 0
Die Datenlaube Q61943025 3
criticism Q116956667 0
Dietary shifts increase the feasibility of 1.5°C pathways Q123694018 0
Digisams termlista (Riksantikvarieämbetet) Q107182552 0
Digital Preservation Framework File Format Plans Q115118996 0
Digital bedrock geologic map of the Cavendish Quadrangle, Vermont Q57843029 0
Digital bedrock geologic map of the Chester quadrangle, Vermont Q57842951 0
Digitale Collectie Q110279951 0
Digitales Archiv Mathematischer Modelle Q113815021 0
Dimensions COVID-19 publications, datasets and clinical trials Q95691011 0
Dimensions of Religiosity, 1985 Q66485869 0
Dimensions of Religiosity, 1986 Q66485872 0
Dimensions of Religiosity, 1987 Q66485874 0
Dimensions of Religiosity, 1988 Q66485876 0
Dimensions of Religious Commitment, 1986 Q66485881 0
Dimensions of Religious Commitment, 1987 Q66485883 0
Dimensions of Religious Commitment, 1988 Q66485885 0
Directory of rental housing from social landlords Q63808591 1
Directory of the National Network of Public Libraries Q60644001 0
Direktion Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte, Sammlung Musik- und Theatergeschichte, Mannheimer Theaterzettel. Zwei Monate in der Ära Carl Hagemann Q113860091 0
District Census Dataset of Andhra Pradesh - Towns(2011) Q58768667 0
Phylogenetic analysis and life-form traits Q111319615 0
Divisão Regional do Brasil Q112576560 0
DocRED Q104419382 0
Données relatives aux personnes vaccinées contre la Covid-19 Q104886508 0
Drug Indications Extracted from FAERS Q56863002 0
Drug-Indication Database Q70116865 0
Düsseldorfer EG/Statistik Q1272344 1
E-Book-Umfrage an der UB Mannheim 2010 - Fragebogen und Ergebnisdatensatz Q119844456 0
EIB projects dataset Q108354215 0
EIB publications dataset Q108367987 0
ELCA-Episcopal Church Clergy Study, 1998 Q66601589 0
ELCA-Episcopal Church Study, 1999-2000 Q66601587 0
EMOTICOM--Danish Version Q109952559 0
EOD Historical Data Q117837314 0
ETS Entering Survey, 1994 Q66601601 0
ETS Exiting Survey, 1995-1996 Q66601615 0
EURONIA Q5324560 1
Ecologische effecten van het incident met de MSC Zoe op het Nederlandse Waddengebied, met focus op microplastics. NIOZ report 2021-03 Q109017696 0
Economic Values Survey, 1992 Q66601580 0
Economic burden of occupational fatal injuries in the United States based on the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 2003- 2010 Q41571429 0
Ecuador (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56122701 0
A National Study of Protestant Congregations Q66601577 0
A National Study of Protestant Congregations Q66601563 0
A National Study of Protestant Congregations Q66601565 0
A National Study of Protestant Congregations Q66601566 0
A National Study of Protestant Congregations Q66601569 0
A National Study of Protestant Congregations Q66601572 0
A National Study of Protestant Congregations Q66601574 0
Effects of Cultural Intelligence in Cross-Cultural Virtual Collaboration - Experimental data Q119854299 0
Effects of antimicrobial chemical exposures on influenza vaccination and antiviral immunity Q107002036 0
Effects of e-cigarette flavoring chemicals on human macrophages and bronchial epithelial cells (dataset) Q112235793 0
Effects of large herbivores on fire regimes and wildfire mitigation Q108847831 0
Effects of process ambidexterity on coordination and outcomes in software project teams - surevy data Q119854301 0
Effects of silica inhalation on metabolic obesity in a western diet-induced F344 rat model; silica inhibits adipose function and diet-induced inflammation (dataset) Q108918129 0
Effects of welding fume exposure on human placental cells Q77796909 0
Effects of whole-body vibration on reproductive physiology in a rat model (dataset) Q115074576 0
Efficacy of Do-It-Yourself air filtration units in reducing exposure to simulated respiratory aerosols (dataset) Q119012842 0
Efficacy of portable air cleaners and masking for reducing indoor exposure to simulated exhaled SARS-CoV-2 aerosols - United States, 2021 (dataset) Q112235608 0
Efficacy of universal masking for source control and personal protection from simulated respiratory aerosols in a room (dataset) Q108918793 0
Efficacy of ventilation, HEPA air cleaners, universal masking, and physical distancing for reducing exposure to simulated exhaled aerosols in a meeting room (dataset) Q112235892 0
Egapro gender equality index P9279
Ehrenberg Drawings Q113815031 0
Eidsvollsmenn (Norsk Folkemuseum) Q109448355 0
Einmaleins zur Bremer Schulgeschichte Q115283375 0
Elevated muscle mass accompanied by transcriptional and nuclear alterations several months following cessation of resistance-type training in rats (dataset) Q115074507 0
Emakimono - Japanische Querrollen Q113860100 0
Examining Collaboration Structure and Collaboration Function Q119854913 0
Empirical Study of Religious Liberty Decisions (1986-1995) Q114858292 0
Empirical Study of Religious Liberty Decisions (1996-2005) Q114858282 0
Empirical Study of Religious Liberty Decisions (2006-2015) Q114858271 0
En Vogue - Illustrierte Modezeitschriften aus dem 19. Jahrhundert Q113815008 0
Endtime Family (Children of God), 1997 Q66601591 0
England and Wales Precipitation Q16974820 2
English Church Census, 1989 Q66601597 0
English Church Census, 2005 Q66601594 0
Enquête nationale sur le logement Q19631704 1
Environmental Indicators and Data Warehouse Q30766363 1
Equatorial Guinea’s Cabinet Dataset (1994-2020) Q112127189 0
Evidence from Oregon’s Planning Goal 18 Q110426929 0
Ethnologie Q115283355 0
Evaluation measures for ontology matchers in supervised matching scenarios Q119844494 0
Evaluation of propylene glycol methyl ether as a potential challenge agent for leak detection of liquid and headspace from closed system drug transfer devices using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (dataset) Q115074504 0
Evaluation of pulmonary effects of 3-D printer emissions from acrylonitrile butadiene styrene using an air-liquid interface model of primary normal human-derived bronchial epithelial cells (dataset) Q115074577 0
Evaluation of the fall protection of Type I industrial helmets (dataset) Q112235405 0
Evangelization and Outreach in U.S. Orthodox Parishes Q66691412 0
A National Study of the Orthodox Parish Clergy in the USA Q67204860 0
Ex Post Evaluation of Project KMS Q119854440 0
the impact of high fat diet and rat strain on local and systemic immune markers following occupational welding fume exposure Q119012621 0
Exceptional Experience Questionnaire Q66601609 0
Exhibitions (KulturNav) Q118314221 0
Expeditions and explorations Q70730653 0
Expenditures of CARL member libraries for scholarly resource subscriptions licensed through CRKN for 2016 - 2017 / Dépenses des bibliothèques membres de l'ABRC pour les abonnements aux ressources savantes sous licence du RCDR pour l'année 2016 - 2017 Q106987588 0
Experiment Data Set - Design Cycle Two Q119854486 0
Experimental data of vegetation-induced hyporheic exchange experiment in Ecoflume of St. Anthony Falls Laboratory on 2021 (29GB) Q116885724 0
Exploration and Analysis of Temporal Property Graphs Q113301477 0
Exploratory Interview Study for Project Knowledge Reuse Q119854437 0
Exploratory Interview Study with Financial Agents Q119854434 0
Giving in US Orthodox Christian Parishes Q67204851 0
A Literature Review Q119854431 0
Exploring Religious America, 2002 Q67398221 0
Exposure to the antimicrobial chemical triclosan disrupts keratinocyte function and skin integrity in a model of reconstructed human epidermis (dataset) Q119012977 0
Exposure to the immunomodulatory chemical triclosan differentially impacts immune cell populations in the skin of haired (BALB/c) and hairless (SKH1) mice (dataset) Q119012759 0
Extracellular Recordings From The Locust, Schistocerca Americana, Olfactory Pathway Q98840081 0
FANTOIR Q3066631 1
FB15K Q39155733 0
FB15K-237 Q63761446 0
FLORES-200 Q118629808 0
FLUXNET2015 Dataset Q118610825 0
FMA Q115271248 0
Face mask fit modifications that improve source control performance (dataset) Q112235669 0
Faith Among Black Americans (All Respondents) Q114858238 0
Faith Among Black Americans (Black Respondents) Q114858281 0
Faith Communities Today (FACT) 2000, Combined File Q66601643 0
Faith Communities Today (FACT) 2000, Presbyterian Congregations Q66601650 0
Faith Communities Today Survey (FACT) 2000, Church of the Nazarene Congregations Q66601647 0
Faith Communities Today Survey (FACT) 2000, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Q66601622 0
Faith Communities Today Survey (FACT) 2000, Roman Catholic Q107003192 0
Faith Communities Today Survey (FACT) 2000, Seventh-Day Adventists Q66601652 0
Faith Communities Today Survey (FACT) 2000, Unitarian Universalist Congregations Q66601654 0
Faith Communities Today Survey (FACT) 2010, Assemblies of God Q66601625 0
Faith Communities Today Survey (FACT) 2010, Christian Reformed Churches Q66601628 0
Faith Communities Today Survey (FACT) 2010, Church of the Nazarene Q66601632 0
Faith Communities Today Survey (FACT) 2010, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Q66601630 0
Faith Communities Today Survey (FACT) 2010, Jewish Q66601646 0
Faith Communities Today Survey (FACT) 2010, Orthodox Parishes Q66601635 0
Faith Communities Today Survey (FACT) 2010, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Q66601637 0
Faith Communities Today Survey (FACT) 2010, Roman Catholic Q114858268 0
Faith Communities Today Survey (FACT) 2010, Seventh-Day Adventists Q66601639 0
Faith Communities Today Survey (FACT) 2010, UCC Congregations Q66601641 0
Faith Communities Today Survey (FACT) 2015, Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod Q107003190 0
Faith Communities Today Survey (FACT) 2015, Seventh-day Adventists Q107003191 0
Faith Communities Today Survey (FACT) 2015, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Q107003189 0
Faith Communities Today Survey (FACT) 2015, Unitarian Universalist Association Q114858244 0
Faith Matters Survey, 2006 Q66601673 0
Faith Matters Survey, 2007 Q73160659 0
Faith Matters Survey, 2011 Q66601671 0
Faith and Community Survey of Four Indianapolis Neighborhoods, 1997 Q66714374 0
Faith and Family in America, 2005 Q66601657 0
Changes in Religious Affiliation in the U.S. Q66601660 0
Fallacy Files Q111432695 0
a synoptic classification based on APG III Q56910515 0
Families and the Church, Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, 1987 Q67204877 0
Famous People Throughout History Q113154055 0
Farben & Muster - ART x FASHION SHOW Q113860096 0
Farblithografien - das Insta der Urahnen Q115283339 0
Fartyg Q20734454 0
Feasibility of a selective epoxidation technique for use in quantification of peracetic acid in air samples collected on sorbent tubes (dataset) Q119013082 0
Female surnames PESEL 2022 Q112419262 0
FewRel Q119496886 0
Fibeln Deutsches Kaiserreich Q115283344 0
Fichier bancaire des entreprises Q3071365 1
Fichier des véhicules assurés Q60851193 1
Polarity and Stylistic Gradience in Late Imperial Chinese Literature Q113157213 0
Field Experiment Data Q119854339 0
FightMatrix Q108685471 0
File 1. Profiling of floral secondary metabolites in Arabidopsis accessions. Q60594247 0
measurements of filtration efficiency to evaluate their potential for source control Q122826933 0
FinCEN Files Q99510880 19
Final Reference Standard for 200 SPLs annotated for ADRs Q73670648 0
Fine-grained sediment diffuse pollution risk mapping scenarios for the Yorkshire Derwent catchment Q104777110 0
Finland (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56148562 0
Finland (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56148559 0
Finnish Corporate Names Q58797565 0
Firefighter body dimensions for updating safety specifications for fire apparatus and firefighter protective equipment Q24825607 0
First name file Q28752709 1
a pilot study Q122827504 0
Flickr Shapefiles Public Dataset 2.0 Q24010939 0
Flora of the Dutch Caribbean Islands Q123860095 0
Flow and clay erosion data taken and processed at SAFL in a grid-turbulence tank Fall 2021-Spring 2022 Q116885862 0
Flug- und Extrablätter aus der Revolutionszeit 1918 bis 1920 Q113860079 0
Flygplanskonstruktörer Q121157640 0
Folketinget open data Q124006002 0
Fontaines-a-boire Q76424180 0
Food-10k Q52555782 0
Forgiveness Survey, 1999 Q66601669 0
Form and function - designing successful mobile data services - Survey Data Q119854343 0
Formulating Effective Coordination Strategies in Agile Global Software Development Teams - Interview transcripts Q119854300 0
Fotograffirmaer (Norge) (Preus museum) Q116505110 0
Fotografien von 1910-1914 aus dem Landkreis Lüchow-Dannenberg (Hannoversches Wendland) Q115283389 0
Fotos auf Glas - ein Feuerwerk an Themen und Blickwinkeln Q113860098 0
Fotosammlung Harald Knauer zum Eisenbahnwesen (StAL PL 734) Q113860095 0
Fountains in Eyüpsultan Q123165422 0
Four-State Church Involvement Study, 1988 Q66623146 0
France (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56084416 0
France (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56084413 0
FreeDict Q2564329 3
French National Directory of Representatives Q3456281 1
French National Directory of Research Structures Q51077216 1
Friedhofstandorte Q61858349 0
Frimärksgravörer och formgivare (Postmuseum) Q60061396 0
the Community Service Activities and Finances of Religious Congregations in the United States Q66485847 0
Fréquentation des Musées de France Q29914460 0
Författare,1600- och 1700-tal Q120799714 0
GBIF occurrence download Q63837084 0
GCAM / ISEGRIM Q122956737 0
GLAM-Workbench/trove-newspapers-data-post-54 Q115147443 0
GPCC Full Data Monthly Version 2020 at 1.0°: Monthly Land-Surface Precipitation from Rain-Gauges built on GTS-based and Historic Data Q111103451 0
GPOAccess Q51772316 0
GRID Q27768150 6
GTAA audiovisual subjects Q113119566 0
GTAA classification Q113119561 0
GTAA persons Q113119567 0
genres Q113119562 0
geographic names Q113119563 0
names Q113119564 0
topics Q113119565 0
Gallup Poll of Catholics, 1987 Q66619044 0
Gallup Poll of Catholics, 1992 Q66619045 0
Gallup Poll of Catholics, 1993 Q66619046 0
Gallup Poll of Catholics, 1999 Q66619047 0
Gallup Poll of Catholics, 2005 Q66619043 0
Gazetteer of Australia Q5529110 1
Gemeentelijke herindelingsverkiezingen 2012 Q114905238 0
Gemeentelijke herindelingsverkiezingen 2013 Q114905323 0
Gemeentelijke herindelingsverkiezingen 2016 Q114905794 0
Gemeentelijke herindelingsverkiezingen 2017 Q114905905 0
Gemeentelijke herindelingsverkiezingen 2018 Q114905161 0
Gender Shades Q105552751 0
Gene Atlas Dataset Q21074956 0
Gene expression profiles of di-n-butyl phthalate in normal human mammary epithelial cells Q25891656 0
General Social Survey 2008 Cross-Section and Panel Combined Q66619063 0
General Social Survey 2010 Cross-Section and Panel Combined Q66619065 0
General Social Survey 2010 Cross-Section and Panel Combined, (Inapplicable Responses Coded as Missing) Q66619064 0
General Social Survey 2012 Cross-Section and Panel Combined Q66619070 0
General Social Survey 2012 Cross-Section and Panel Combined - Instructional Dataset Q66619068 0
General Social Survey 2012 Cross-Section and Panel Combined, (Inapplicable Responses Coded as Missing) Q66619069 0
General Social Survey 2014 Cross-Section and Panel Combined Q66623138 0
General Social Survey 2014 Cross-Section and Panel Combined - Instructional Dataset Q66619071 0
General Social Survey 2014 Cross-Section and Panel Combined, (Inapplicable Responses Coded as Missing) Q66619073 0
General Social Survey Panel Data (2006 Sample) Q66623142 0
General Social Survey Panel Data (2016-2020) Q114858259 0
General Social Survey, 1976 Q66619076 0
General Social Survey, 1978 Q66619077 0
General Social Survey, 1980 Q66619078 0
General Social Survey, 1988 Q66619079 0
General Social Survey, 1990 Q66619080 0
General Social Survey, 1991 Q66619082 0
General Social Survey, 1993 Q66619083 0
General Social Survey, 1994 Q66619085 0
General Social Survey, 1996 Q66623127 0
General Social Survey, 1998 Q66623129 0
General Social Survey, 2000 Q66623131 0
General Social Survey, 2002 Q66623133 0
General Social Survey, 2004 Q66623135 0
General Social Survey, 2006 Q66623137 0
General Social Survey, 2016 Q66623140 0
General Social Survey, 2016 - Instructional Dataset Q66619074 0
General Social Survey, 2016, (Inapplicable Responses Coded as Missing) Q66619075 0
General Social Survey, 2018 Q107002974 0
General Social Survey, 2018 - Instructional Dataset Q103238115 0
General Social Survey, 2021 Q114858291 0
Generation Next Survey, 2006 Q66619054 0
GeoLinkedData Q44012987 0
GeoNames - subset of names in the Netherlands and Belgium Q113119559 0
GeoSpecies Knowledge Base Q111911643 0
Geographic Nomenclature of Municipalities and Population Entities Q95877977 0
Georg Forsters Entdeckung der Südsee Q113815033 0
German Federal Courts Dataset Q32961325 0
German and Austrian casualty lists of the First World War - Saxony, Poland, Czechia Q113815016 0
Germany (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56084731 0
Germany (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56084725 0
Germany’s trees are dying. A fierce debate has broken out over how to respond Q109930297 0
Geschichtsbilder aus Winnendens Vergangenheit Q113860099 0
Global Administrative Areas Q5512808 4
Global Aridity Index and Potential Evapotranspiration (ET0) Climate Database v2 Q114239901 0
Global Attitudes Project, Spring 2009, 25 Nation Survey Q66619048 0
Global Attitudes Project, Spring 2010, 22 Nation Survey Q66619049 0
Global Attitudes Project, Spring 2011, 23 Nation Survey Q66619050 0
Global Attitudes Project, Spring 2012, 21 Nation Survey Q66619052 0
Global Attitudes Project, Spring 2013, 39 Nation Survey Q66619053 0
Global Culture Q113191961 0
Global LEI index Q55259097 0
Global Reservoir and Dam Database Q111103248 0
Global Restrictions on Religion Data Q66619055 0
Global Restrictions on Religion, 2007-2016 Q67212801 0
Global-scale temperature patterns and climate forcing over the past six centuries Q55877541 0
God and Society in North America, 1996 Q67325550 0
Gold- und Silberschmiede-Gesellen in der Stadt Verden, 1819-1867 Q115283378 0
Google Finance Q1198691 21
Google Ngrams Data, 1800-2000 Q66821343 0
Google and Twitter Cross-National Religion Measures Q107003197 0
Government Open Source Software Policies Q116972311 0
Government Religious Preference 2.0 (GRP 2.0), Composite Q66619056 0
Government Religious Preference 2.0 (GRP 2.0), Financial Support Q66619057 0
Government Religious Preference 2.0 (GRP 2.0), Free Exercise Q66619058 0
Government Religious Preference 2.0 (GRP 2.0), Official Status Q66619059 0
Government Religious Preference 2.0 (GRP 2.0), Regulatory Burdens Q66619060 0
Government Religious Preference 2.0 (GRP 2.0), Religious Education Q66619061 0
Greece (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56160100 0
Gridded 5km GHCN-Daily Temperature and Precipitation Dataset Q119506540 0
Gridded Population of the World Q111103249 0
Grundstar – the People of Mannheim in the 17th and 18th Century Q113167993 0
Géniové církve a vlasti Q97600561 0
HadCRUT Q5637531 3
Hammer-Sammlung Ludwig Thome Q113815037 0
Hans Manndorff Q110626593 0
Harris 1967 Survey on Catholics' View of their Church Q66623157 0
Harris 1969 New York City Racial and Religious Survey, No. 1925, Blacks Q66623151 0
Harris 1969 New York City Racial and Religious Survey, No. 1925, Jewish Q66623153 0
Harris 1969 New York City Racial and Religious Survey, No. 1925, Non-Jewish-White Q66623155 0
Harris 1979 ABC News Survey No.792113 Q66481008 0
Harris 1984 (September) Business-Week Survey, Study No. 842112, Nonvoters Q66481009 0
Harris 1984 (September) Business-Week Survey, Study No. 842112, Voters Q66481010 0
Harte Arbeit, schwerer Stein Q113815027 0
Harvard Library local authority file Q59297374 0
National Health Interview Survey, 2007-2018 Q122827258 0
Here's the visual proof of why vaccines do more good than harm Q124000202 0
Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum Q115283349 0
Herzog Augusts Bücherrad-Katalog Q115283350 0
Heuristic Analysis for NLI Systems Q109284322 0
Hi-Knowledge corpus Q118976911 0
Hierarchical Clustering for Property Graph Schema Discovery Q113301387 0
High resolution images for Taxonomic review of the goblin spiders of the genus Dysderoides Fage and their Himalayan relatives of the genera Trilacuna Tong and Li and Himalayana, new genus (Araneae, Oonopidae). Q110444407 1
High-fat Western diet alters silica-induced airway epithelium ion exchange but not airway smooth muscle reactivity (dataset) Q119012609 0
High-fat Western diet consumption exacerbates silica-induced pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis (dataset) Q112235609 0
High-resolution land cover of Kansas (2015) Q105464003 0
Hiking trails and amenities in protected areas Q96504366 0
Hinterglasbilder aus Kaiserswalde / Lasówka (Grafschaft Glatz, Schlesien), 1750 - 1900 Q113815035 0
Historic Milestone Society Database Q111653353 0
Historical job ads Q110544812 0
Historical job ads 2020 Q116505125 0
Historical tree planting data from Himachal Pradesh Q108771162 0
Historische Daguerreotypien...Fotorevolution in Leipzig Q113815013 0
Historische Kinderbücher Q115283388 0
Historische Kleidung und Trachten Q115283348 0
Historische Porträtsammlung - Carte de Visite Q113815019 0
History of American Religion, 1770-1930 Q107003027 0
Holy Communion during the Pandemic in American Orthodox Christian Parishes Q114858257 0
Hong Kong (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56102956 0
Hong Kong (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56102934 0
Hospital in Västra Götaland Q76346568 0
HotelRec Q124305285 0
Houses of the municipalities of Galicia Q66483473 0
Houston Area Survey, 1982-2010 Q66623162 0
Houston Area Survey, 2010 Q66623168 0
How Faith Shapes Feelings About the Coronavirus Outbreak - Religious Practice in the Time of Coronavirus Q114858247 0
How are you getting by? Coping in Developmental Coordination Disorder versus Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Q119976228 0
Hurricane Katrina - Spiritual, Psychological and Mental Health Response Q73160540 0
Hydrologic Data Collected at Leaky Weirs, Cienega Ranch, Willcox, AZ (March 2019 - October 2020) Q113841387 0
Hyperlink Graph of the World Wide Web of 2012 (aggregated by first level subdomains) Q119844899 0
Hyperlink Graph of the World Wide Web of 2012 (aggregated by host) Q119844886 0
Hyperlink Graph of the World Wide Web of 2012 (aggregated by pay-level-domain) Q119844840 0
IM3 SELECT Urbanization Data Q115181099 0
ISIL list of Japan Q60662183 0
ISPU American Muslim Poll, 2016 Q107002976 0
ISPU American Muslim Poll, 2017 Q107002977 0
ISPU American Muslim Poll, 2018 Q107002978 0
ISPU American Muslim Poll, 2019 Q107002979 0
ISTEX-1000 Q112119226 0
Identification of Important Web Sources of Information on Wikipedia across various Topics and Languages Q115703466 0
ImageNet ILSVRC-2012 Q115034926 0
A Meta-Analysis Q119855257 0
Implant Files Q59210757 2
In vivo and in vitro toxicity of a stainless-steel aerosol generated during thermal spray coating (dataset) Q115074575 0
Inconsequential role for chemerin-like receptor 1 in the manifestation of ozone-induced lung pathophysiology in mice (dataset) Q124072415 0
Index Villaris, 1680 Q106918373 0
India (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56097356 0
India (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56097342 0
1991 Q99223275 0
Indiana Mainline Churches, 1986 Q66623180 0
Individual records of desertion from the British Army 1807-1815 Q91013347 0
Individual work of bachelor students monitored using a dynamic assessment dashboard Q106903408 0
Indonesia (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56098338 0
Indonesia (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56098324 0
Indonesia Public Facility Dataset 2019 Q110238474 0
Industribedrifter (Norsk Teknisk Museum) Q110899492 0
Influence of impurities from manufacturing process on the toxicity profile of boron nitride nanotubes (dataset) Q119012693 0
Influenza virus induced novel miRNAs regulate the STAT pathway (dataset) Q108918792 0
Inhalation of polycarbonate emissions generated during 3D printing processes affects neuroendocrine function in male rats (dataset) Q122827604 0
Innbyggerundersøkelsen Q11977323 1
Instrumente der Experimentalphysik Georg Christoph Lichtenbergs Q115283341 0
Integrated Authority File Q36578 70
Integrated on-chip THz sensors for fluidic systems fabricated using flexible polyimide films Q104887807 0
Challenges and First Steps Q119854302 0
Interleukin-11 receptor subunit alpha-1 is required for maximal airway responsiveness to methacholine following acute exposure to ozone (dataset) Q115074529 0
Interlinking dataset of the video game databases Mobygames, GameFAQs and MediaArt DB Q65814486 0
International Religious Freedom Data, 2001 Q66623185 0
International Religious Freedom Data, 2003 Q66623187 0
International Religious Freedom Data, 2005 Q66623190 0
International Religious Freedom Data, 2008 Q66623192 0
International Religious Freedom Data, Aggregate File (2001-2005) Q66623194 0
International Religious Freedom Data, Aggregate File (2003-2008) Q66623196 0
Religion II Q66691379 0
Religion III Q66691376 0
Interpretive case study on ES Transformation - Interview Data Q119854476 0
Hadasch Q119854337 0
Interview Transcripts & Qualitative Data Analysis Q119854507 0
Interviews and Workshops - Design Cycle One Q119854485 0
Interviews and Workshops - Design Cycle Three Q119854488 0
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Metadata and Ontologies Q112267386 0
Inventors in Sweden (KulturNav) Q59567131 0
Inventory of Diocesan Family Ministry Services, 1995 Q66601664 0
Inventory of Professional Theatre Productions in Switzerland Q50920196 0
Inventory of Professional Theatre Productions in Switzerland, 15 September 2015 Q50921539 0
Inventory of Research Libraries in Switzerland Q64827913 0
Iowa Climate Statement 2020 Q116238448 0
Iris flower data set Q4203254 13
Irradiation of acellular porcine superflexor tendons. Q104887646 0
Is the world’s oldest tree growing in a ravine in Chile? Q112129038 0
Israel's Religiously Divided Society Data Set Q66623201 0
Italian School Data Portal Q52116343 0
Italiensehnsucht - Nordeuropäische Künstler des Klassizismus und der Romantik bereisen Italien Q113860086 0
Italy (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56160056 0
JCCLS Common Reference Intervals Q55432160 0
n Kirjaston aineistoluetteloista löytyvien opinnäytteiden luettelointi ja kuvailutiedot Q109097625 0
Japan (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56071553 0
Japan (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56071639 0
Jean-Claude Bradley Open Melting Point Dataset Q69644056 0
Jernbanestrekninger (Norsk Jernbanemuseum) Q121365079 0
Active Tracking of Blue-spotted Flathead Q110652593 0
Jewish Day School Study, 1993 Q66485858 0
Jewish Values Survey 2012 Q66691389 0
July 2003 Values Update Survey Q73158049 0
July 2011 Political and Media Survey Q67212800 0
KANTO Q104089764 2
KC2 Software defect prediction dataset Q115783142 0
Kandidatenlijsten Gemeenteraad 2022 Q111284531 0
Kategorisierte Lernerkorpusdaten (Dissertation Tassja Weber 2020) Q119960977 0
Kazakhstan (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56102833 0
Den Erinnerungslücken auf der Spur Q119854502 0
Kent County Congregations Study, 2007 Q66691396 0
Kenya (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56184333 0
Kenya (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56184400 0
Kongelige (Nordiska museet) Q60061690 0
Konkursdatenbank Deutsches Kaiserreich (1879-1914) Q119967785 0
Kosten van Ziekten Q1968724 1
Kreiselsammlung der Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik Q113860104 0
Krig och slag (Statens maritima och transporthistoriska museer) Q60042824 0
Kulturausbruch – Von Afrika in die ganze Welt Q113163026 0
Kulturorganisasjoner (Kulturdirektoratet) Q112570607 0
Kunst im Stadtraum Q27132245 0
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum (Stuttgart) Q113860085 0
Kunstnere, arkitekter og designere i offentlige samlinger i Norge (Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design) Q109526810 0
Kunstwerken Utrecht Q111220614 0
Kültür Envanteri Q116810382 0
L'Almanacco di Gherardo Casaglia Q54807425 0
LGBTQ Religious Archives Network Q94639733 0
LGBTQ and Mormon Families Survey Q66691421 0
LJ Speech Q111968763 0
Lab Experiment Data Q119854340 0
Labeled Faces in the Wild Q110857282 0
Labeled Reference Data from the Linked Open Citation Database (LOC-DB) Project Q119855255 0
Land, Air, Water Aotearoa Q99466205 0
Landesgalerie Q115283356 0
Large Movie Review Dataset Q36846256 0
Leeds Robotic Commands Q59817360 0
Legisworks Historical Statutes at Large Data Q119576313 0
LemonWiktionary Q99542947 0
Lesbian Christian Identity Q66691418 0
Lesebücher Deutsches Kaiserreich Q115283345 0
An interpretive inquiry exploring activities and motivations — Dataset Q107376977 0
Library Location Data Q68644488 0
Life Choices, 1990 Q66691423 0
Lilly Survey of Attitudes and Social Networks Q66691440 0
Linked Movie DataBase Q111584318 0
LinkedGeoData Q44012825 0
List of University of Lille's Research units Q116729915 0
List of crowd accidents from 1900 to 2019 Q120978210 0
Longitudinal Religious Congregations and Membership File, 1980-2010 (County Level) Q67325583 0
Longitudinal Religious Congregations and Membership File, 1980-2010 (State Level) Q67325585 0
Longitudinal Study of Generations, 1971 Q66691429 0
Longitudinal Study of Generations, 1985 Q66691432 0
Longitudinal Study of Generations, 1988 Q66691434 0
Longitudinal Study of Generations, 1994 Q107002982 0
Longitudinal Study of Generations, 1997 Q66691438 0
Longitudinal Study of Generations, 2000 Q66691426 0
Longitudinal Study of Generations, 2005 Q107002981 0
Longitudinal Study of the Second Generation in Spain, Waves 1, 2 and Parent Survey Q107002975 0
Look At Me! 100 Gesichter – 100 Geschichten Q113860075 0
Lower Order Grid Coordinates Q115497040 0
Lung response to crystalline nanocellulose (CNC) exposure in rats Q99985086 0
Lung toxicity and gene expression changes in response to whole-body inhalation exposure to cellulose nanocrystal in rats (dataset) Q119021451 0
Lung toxicity profile of inhaled copper-nickel welding fume in A/J mice (dataset) Q115074950 0
Luxembourg leaks Q18509259 15
Límites municipales, provinciales y autonómicos Q107742870 0
MACrépertoire Q115677564 0
Joint Tracking and Event Analysis for Carried Object Detection. Q104887837 0
MNIST database Q17069496 13
MPQA Opinion Corpus Q36952285 0
MTS-Dialog Q122146787 0
Maatalouskiinteistöjen pakkohuutokaupat 1930-luvun pulavuosina Q109443446 0
Annelida Q64025111 0
Makrofotografien und 3D-Modelle von Insekten Q115283359 0
Malaysia (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56098128 0
Male surnames PESEL Q112222222 0
Manipulation of the spin helix in FeGe thin films and FeGe/Fe multilayers - Raw data and images Q104887805 0
Mannheim Affective Sound Inventory (MASI) Q119960883 0
Mannheim International News Discourse Data Set (MIND) Q119855293 0
Mapbox Streets Q110613699 0
[[:Marital Instability Over the Life Course [United States]: A Five-Wave Panel Study, 1980, 1983, 1988, 1992-1994, 1997 (Q66691443)|]] Q66691443 0
A Five-Wave Panel Study, Wave I Q66691442 0
Maryland LGBTQ Historic Context Study Q112663083 0
Mass Balance Data—USGS Benchmark Glaciers Q77368697 0
Mass production vessel Q20742975 0
MassBank/MassBank-data: release version 2022.06 to wikidata Q113696454 0
MassIVE MSV000085202 Q97650993 0
Material Evidence in Incunabula Q63063251 0
The well-being benefits of person-culture match are contingent on basic personality traits Q119960956 0
Maui Invasive Species Committee - Pest Surveys - 1996-2011 Q81403472 0
Measuring Morality Study, 2012 Q66714383 0
Media Cloud Q6805470 1
Melting Point and Pyrolysis Point Data for Tens of Thousands of Chemicals Q107064384 0
Mennonite Church Member Profile, 1989 Q66714369 0
Messtischblätter des Deutschen Reiches zur Provinz Schlesien Q113815029 0
Metagrid Q39530266 2
Metropolitan Area Religious Ecology, 1980 Q66481095 0
Mewsli-9 Q112119144 0
Mexico (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56122823 0
Michael Moerman Q110626653 0
Michael Vickery Q110626714 0
MicroRNA-mediated calcineurin signaling activation induces CCL2, CCL3, CCL5, IL8 and chemotactic activities in 4,4'-methylene diphenyl diisocyanate exposed macrophages (dataset) Q112235776 0
Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus Q47463175 0
Mid-November Survey, 2001 Q66691528 0
Middle Eastern Values Panel Study Q107002985 0
Middletown Area Study (Autumn), 1981 Q66691459 0
Middletown Area Study (Spring), 1981 Q66691457 0
Middletown Area Study, 1978 Q66691451 0
Middletown Area Study, 1979 Q66691453 0
Middletown Area Study, 1980 Q66691454 0
Middletown Area Study, 1982 Q66691460 0
Middletown Area Study, 1983 Q66691464 0
Middletown Area Study, 1984 Q66691466 0
Middletown Area Study, 1985 Q66691469 0
Middletown Area Study, 1986 Q66691471 0
Middletown Area Study, 1987 Q66691475 0
Middletown Area Study, 1988 Q66691480 0
Middletown Area Study, 1989 Q66691483 0
Middletown Area Study, 1990 Q66691493 0
Middletown Area Study, 1991 Q66691494 0
Middletown Area Study, 1992 Q66691496 0
Middletown Area Study, 1993 Q66691500 0
Middletown Area Study, 1994 Q66691503 0
Middletown Area Study, 1995 Q66691506 0
Middletown Area Study, 1996 Q66691511 0
Middletown Area Study, 1997 Q66691515 0
Middletown Area Study, 1998 Q66691519 0
Middletown Area Study, 1999 Q66691525 0
Middletown Area Study, 2000 Q66691445 0
Middletown Area Study, 2002 Q66691447 0
Middletown Area Study, 2004 Q66691449 0
Militärer (Statens försvarshistoriska museer) Q123220559 0
Millennial Values Survey, 2012 Q66691533 0
Millennial Values and Voter Engagement Survey, 2012 Q66691531 0
Mills and mines (KulturNav) Q60643980 0
Mining Waste Cadastre of Serbia Q118287870 0
Ministries By and To Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Men and Women, 1987 Q67204873 0
Ministry With Young Adults - A National Catholic Initiative, 1995 Q73158079 0
Mistrust Q119855307 0
MoDOT Roads Routes Q120099180 0
Model Archive of Pahute Mesa-Oasis Valley Groundwater Flow Model Q107371225 0
Constraining the atmospheric limb of the plastic cycle Q107740711 0
Modeling neuroimmune interactions in human subjects and animal models to predict subtype specific multidrug treatments for Gulf War Illness (dataset) Q112235777 0
Artsdatabanken/Vulpes lagopus Q20886694 1
Statistisk sentralbyrå/1108 Q20887553 1
Monuments in the City of Buenos Aires Q110961341 0
Monuments of the city of Madrid Q110734982 0
Movie Review Data Q35513135 0
Multi-task Deep Learning for Daily Water Temperature and Streamflow Prediction Q110883268 0
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes induce arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase expression and enhance the polarization and function of M1 macrophages (dataset) Q119012624 0
A consumer perspective on the integration of physical and electronic channels Q119854436 0
Multilingual Compositional Wikidata Question Q115519849 0
Muscardinus avellanarius Q113815710 0
Museum Data Files Q60644143 0
Museum Stat Q42886707 0
Muslim American Survey, 2007 Q66691541 0
Muslim American Survey, 2011 Q66691538 0
Musschia isambertoi M. Seq., R. Jardim, M. Silva & L. Carvalho (Campanulaceae), a new species from the Madeira Archipelago (Portugal) Q55809307 0
"We Are That Kind of Women" Q116675927 0
persons Q113119571 0
topics Q113119570 0
genres and styles Q113119568 0
persons and groups Q113119569 0
Münzsammlung der UB Leipzig Q113815015 0
NDOV Loket Q96073807 0
s lista med arkivinstitutioner Q61983652 0
NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation Program lead measurement database Q24703672 0
NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation Program noise measurement database Q24704530 0
NIOSH Sampling Data Sheet n-Butylamine S138 (Set 4) Q24175730 0
NIOSH anthropometric data and ISO digital headforms Q96593284 0
NPS Internet Chatroom Conversations, Release 1.0 Q39366926 0
NST Lexical database for Danish Q66371001 0
Name Suggestion Index Q62108705 0
Named ship types Q20742915 0
NanoSpotTM collector for aerosol sample collection for direct microscopy and spectroscopy analysis (dataset) Q119012831 0
Nationaal Wegenbestand Q1974099 1
Nationaal Wegwijzerbestand Q108556104 0
National Congregations Study Switzerland, Cumulative Dataset (1998, 2006, and 2008) Q66714477 0
National Congregations Study, Cumulative Dataset (1998 and 2006-2007) Q66714465 0
National Congregations Study, Cumulative Dataset (1998, 2006-2007, 2012, and 2018-2019) Q103238169 0
National Congregations Study, Cumulative Dataset (1998, 2006-2007, 2012, and 2018-2019) - Instructional Dataset Q103238180 0
National Congregations Study, Cumulative Dataset (1998, 2006-2007, and 2012), Version 2 Q66714469 0
National Congregations Study, Cumulative Dataset (1998, 2006-2007, and 2012), Version 2 - Instructional Dataset Q66714473 0
National Congregations Study, Panel Dataset (1998 and 2006-2007) Q66714476 0
National Congregations Study, Panel Dataset (2012 and 2018-2019) Q114858255 0
National Elevation Dataset Q6972410 1
National Grid EIC Library Q117803345 0
National Health Interview Survey, Adults, 2002 Q66821359 0
National Health Interview Survey, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Supplement, 2002 Q66821360 0
National Health Interview Survey, Families, 2002 Q66821361 0
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), Demographic and Examination Data, 1999-2000 Q66821344 0
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), Demographic and Examination Data, 2001-2002 Q66821345 0
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), Demographic and Examination Data, 2003-2004 Q66821346 0
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), Demographic and Examination Data, 2005-2006 Q66821347 0
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), Demographic and Examination Data, 2007-2008 Q66821348 0
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), Demographic and Laboratory Data, 1999-2000 Q66821349 0
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), Demographic and Laboratory Data, 2001-2002 Q66821350 0
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), Demographic and Laboratory Data, 2003-2004 Q66821351 0
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), Demographic and Laboratory Data, 2005-2006 Q66821352 0
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), Demographic and Laboratory Data, 2007-2008 Q66821353 0
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), Demographic and Questionnaire Data, 1999-2000 Q66821354 0
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), Demographic and Questionnaire Data, 2001-2002 Q66821355 0
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), Demographic and Questionnaire Data, 2003-2004 Q66821356 0
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), Demographic and Questionnaire Data, 2005-2006 Q66821357 0
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), Demographic and Questionnaire Data, 2007-2008 Q66821358 0
National Hydrography Dataset Q6973463 1
National Hydrography Dataset Plus Q110270011 0
National Library of Luxembourg ID Q71384796 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Mixed-Mode Survey, Wave V Q114858228 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Add Health Sample Member Weights, Parents (2015-2017) Q107003016 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Children and Parenting Data, Wave III Q66481039 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Children and Parenting Data, Wave IV Q66481055 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Completed Pregnancies Data, Wave III Q66481040 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Contextual Database, Wave I Q66481030 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Contextual Database, Wave II Q66481034 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Current Pregnancies Data, Wave III Q66481041 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Education Data Weights, Wave III Q66481043 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Education Data, Wave III Q66481042 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Family Health History (Parent), Parents (2015-2017) Q107003198 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Family Health History (Spouse/Parent), Parents (2015-2017) Q107002997 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Glucose Homeostasis Data, Wave IV Q66481057 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Graduation Data, Wave III Q66481044 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Grand Sample Weights, Wave I Q66481033 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Grand Sample Weights, Wave II Q66481036 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Household and Family Roster, Parents (2015-2017) Q107003201 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use In-Home Data, Wave III Q66481045 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use In-Home Data, Wave IV Q66481058 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use In-Home Questionnaire Data, Wave II Q66481035 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use In-Home, In-School, and Parent Questionnaire Data, Wave I Q66481031 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Inflammation and Immune Function Data, Wave IV Q66481056 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Lipids Data, Wave IV Q66481059 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Live Births Data, Wave III Q66481037 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Live Births Data, Wave IV Q66481053 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Network Data, Wave I Q66481032 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Parent Main Interview, Parents (2015-2017) Q107003200 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PVT) Score Data, Wave III Q66481050 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Pregnancy Data, Wave III Q66481046 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Pregnancy Data, Wave IV Q66481060 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Pregnancy, Live Births, Children and Parenting Data, Wave V Q114858266 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Relationships (Time Segments) Data, Wave IV Q66481062 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Relationships Data, Wave III Q66481047 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Relationships Data, Wave IV Q66481061 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Relationships in Detail Data, Wave III Q66481049 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use School Weights, Wave III Q66481051 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Spouse/Partner Roster, Parents (2015-2017) Q107003206 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Spouse/Partner, Parents (2015-2017) Q107003207 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Wave I Parent Weights, Parents (2015-2017) Q107003199 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Weights, Wave III Q66481052 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Public Use Weights, Wave IV Q66481063 0
National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, Weights, Wave V Q114858267 0
National Poll on Social Capital (ENCAS) 2006 Q66601590 0
National Public Opinion Reference Survey, 2021 Q114858283 0
National Public Transport Access Nodes Q6956353 1
National Religion and Spirituality Survey 2020 Q103238206 0
National Religious Attitudes Survey of Catholics, 1997 Q66714444 0
National Study of Youth and Religion, Wave 1 (2003) Q67204836 0
National Study of Youth and Religion, Wave 2 (2005) Q67204838 0
National Study of Youth and Religion, Wave 3 (2007-2008) Q67204842 0
National Study of Youth and Religion, Wave 4 (2013) Q107002995 0
National Survey of Congregational Crime and Security 2015 Q103238074 0
National Survey of Family Growth - (2006-2010) Female Respondent File Q66691588 0
National Survey of Family Growth - (2006-2010) Male Respondent File Q66691591 0
National Survey of Family Growth - (2006-2010) Pregnancy File Q66691594 0
National Survey of Family Growth - (2011-2013) Female Respondent File Q66691580 0
National Survey of Family Growth - (2011-2013) Male Respondent File Q66691583 0
National Survey of Family Growth - (2011-2013) Pregnancy File Q66691585 0
National Survey of Family Growth - (2013-2015) Female Respondent File Q103238216 0
National Survey of Family Growth - (2013-2015) Male Respondent File Q103238223 0
National Survey of Family Growth - (2013-2015) Pregnancy File Q103238230 0
National Survey of Family Growth - Wave 5 (1995) Pregnancy File Q66691597 0
National Survey of Family Growth - Wave 5 (1995) Respondent File Q66691600 0
National Survey of Family Growth - Wave 6 (2002) Female Respondent File Q66691568 0
National Survey of Family Growth - Wave 6 (2002) Male Respondent File Q66691572 0
National Survey of Family Growth - Wave 6 (2002) Pregnancy File Q66691576 0
National Survey of High School Biology Teachers Q66623165 0
National Survey of Religious Identification, 1990 Q66821374 0
National Survey of the Religious Life Futures Project, 1990 Q67398288 0
National Survey on Discrimination in Mexico, Elderly Population Q67398208 0
National Survey on Discrimination in Mexico, Religious Minorities Q67398234 0
National-scale, remotely sensed lake trophic state (LTS-US) 1984-2020 Q122853019 0
Nationella emissionsdatabasen Q111456081 0
Native range estimates for red-listed vascular plants Q113300037 0
Natural history specimens collected and/or identified and deposited. Q108037987 0
Naturkunde Q115283358 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 1988 Q66714430 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 1989 Q107002986 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 1990 Q107002987 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 1991 Q107002988 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 1992 Q107003194 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 1993 Q107003196 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 1994 Q66714435 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 1995 Q66714438 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 1997 Q103238150 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 1998 Q103238159 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 2000 Q103238127 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 2001 Q66714394 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 2003 Q66714397 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 2004 Q66714399 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 2005 Q66714401 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 2007 Q66714404 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 2008 Q66714410 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 2010 Q66714412 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 2011 Q66714415 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 2012 Q66714418 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 2013 Q66714421 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 2014 Q66714422 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 2015 Q66714426 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 2016 Q103238135 0
Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, 2017 Q103238141 0
Nepal Energy Gardens Qualitative Dataset and Quantitative Survey Dataset Q104887804 0
Network Analysis of Open-Source Software Python Packages on GitHub Q112129645 0
Neu beleuchtet. Brot und Spiele im Alten Rom Q115283360 0
New Evangelical Movement Congregations, Anaheim, California, 1992 Q66481076 0
New Evangelical Movement Congregations, Downey, California, 1993 Q66481107 0
New Evangelical Movement Congregations, Hermosa Beach, California, 1992 Q66623160 0
New Evangelical Movement Congregations, Kaneohe, Hawaii, 1992 Q66623158 0
New Evangelical Movement Congregations, Pastors Survey, 1992 Q67204887 0
New Family Structures Survey (NFSS) Q66821342 0
New Parish Ministers Survey of Lay and Religious, 1992 Q66821367 0
New Parish Ministers Survey of Parishes, 1992 Q66821368 0
New Parish Ministers Survey of Parishioners, 1992 Q66821369 0
New Parish Ministers Survey of Pastors, 1992 Q66821370 0
New York Religion 1855-1865 Q67204844 0
New Zealand Gazetteer Q52087697 0
New Zealand Heritage List Q76845780 0
News Interest Index / Religion Overflow, July 2005 Q66821362 0
News Interest Index, March 2004 Q66691544 0
News Interest Index, October 2003 Q66691559 0
Nidwalden Fountain Guide Q76808959 0
Nigeria (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56173925 0
Nitrate, ammonium, and DON mass time series output for East River stream, vadose zone and groundwater subwatersheds from HAN-SoMo model Q111547960 0
COVID-19 boosted open access Q108655292 0
Nomenclature des voies, libellés officiels et en Occitan - Toulouse Q57519203 0
Nomenclature of Galicia Q12393979 0
Nomenclature officielle des voies de Paris Q120500535 0
Nomenklatur for drakt (Norsk Institutt for Bunad og Folkedrakt) Q110897482 0
Noordin Top Terrorist Network Data Q67398436 0
NorNE Q111841059 0
Normalized Datasets of Harnack’s Reconstruction of Marcion’s Gospel Q117794078 0
Norman Sicily Project Q108352338 0
Norske havbruksaktører (Museene i Sør-Trøndelag AS (MIST)) Q121598373 0
Norske hermetikkfabrikker (Norsk hermetikkmuseum) Q113513844 0
Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey, 1998 - Religious Observance Module Q66821365 0
Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey, 2004 Q66821363 0
Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey, 2008 Q66821364 0
Liturgical Observation Q66714480 0
Paid Professional Staff Sample Q66714488 0
Parishioners Sample Q66714483 0
Volunteer Leaders Sample Q66714489 0
the Pastors Sample Q66714485 0
OA Diamond Journals Study. Journals Inventory Q108444476 0
ONS Code History Database Q29048027 0
ONS lookup file of LAs for non-parished areas in England, 2019 Q105908483 0
ONS shapefiles for parishes and unparished areas 2020 version 2 Q105887241 0
ORCID Registry Q123508757 0
OS Open UPRN Q108791659 0
OSADL Open Source License Checklists Q110670654 0
OSCAR Q117350564 0
Objekte aus der Geschichte der Computertechnik Q115283373 0
Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty Q115043072 0
Occupational hearing loss (OHL) worker surveillance data: prevalence of hearing loss in the United States by industry Q24853127 0
Occupational hearing loss (OHL) worker surveillance data: trends in worker hearing loss by industry sector Q90077121 0
Squirrel Stones in Ireland Q116235655 0
Online Supplements of Dissertation Thesis "Process Visibility Fit and Impact: Examination of Process Monitoring Success" Q119854907 0
Onstage Q66361136 0
Ontario public library statistics Q52147771 0
OpeNER Q38993435 0
Open Data Thesaurus Q44056466 0
Open dataset of scholars on Twitter Q113610629 0
OpenData.HRO: Adressenliste Q106160850 0
OpenData.HRO: Baudenkmale und Denkmalbereiche Q106120842 0
OpenData.HRO: Straßen Q105989750 0
OpenData.Potsdam: Street dedications Potsdam Q108197785 0
OpenLux Q105415298 3
Optimization of Aspergillus versicolor culture and aerosolization in a murine model of inhalational fungal exposure (dataset) Q124072360 0
Orange & San Diego Catholic Priest Survey: Religion and Politics Q67204857 0
Ordnance Survey Code-Point Open Linked Data Q65769830 0
Ordnance Survey Linked Data Q99527578 0
Organisationer i Nedre Norrland (Hälsinglands Museum) Q87151676 0
Organisationer med anknytning till Värmlands museum Q121979933 0
Organizations VIAF Q121359781 0
Original data for article Kotimaiset tieteelliset julkaisusarjat ja avoimuus (Finnish scientific journals and their openness) Q108822226 0
The Study of Orthodox Christian Clergy Serving as Chaplains in U.S. Colleges and Universities Q67204847 0
Otevřená data pro volby do Poslanecké sněmovny Parlamentu ČR 2021 konané dne 8.10. - 9.10.2021 Q108462164 0
Otome Klein Hutheesing Q110619223 0
Ovine annulus fibrosus interlamellar material model calibration data set Q100412985 0
Sexual Predator Identification Q112064116 0
PBG01 Plant species composition in the Patch Burning-grazing Experiment at Konza Prairie Q113784033 0
Refining estimates of global peatland distribution based on a meta-analysis Q112128027 0
PIM authority Q54878968 0
POPLmark challenge Q7120017 1
PRRI 2010 American Values Survey Q114858279 0
PRRI 2010 American Values Survey, Post-Election Q114858261 0
PRRI 2011 American Values Survey Q114858248 0
PRRI 2014 American Values Survey Q107003186 0
PRRI 2015 American Values Survey Q107003188 0
PRRI 2016 American Values Survey Q107002955 0
PRRI 2017 American Values Survey Q107002956 0
PRRI 2017 Kids' Wellbeing Survey Q107003205 0
PRRI 2018 American Values Survey Q107002959 0
PRRI 2018 American Values Survey -- Supplemental Q107002960 0
PRRI 2018 California Workers Survey Q114858285 0
PRRI 2019 American Values Survey Q114858269 0
PRRI 2019 American Values Survey -- Supplemental Q114858252 0
PRRI April 2019 Survey Q114858234 0
PRRI August 2016 LGBT Survey Q114858265 0
PRRI August 2017 Survey Q114858277 0
PRRI December 2016 Survey Q114858258 0
PRRI February 2017 Survey Q114858233 0
PRRI January 2017 Sports Survey Q114858230 0
PRRI July 2018 LGBT Survey Q114858287 0
PRRI June 2018 Survey Q107003203 0
PRRI March 2018 Abortion and Contraception Survey Q114858249 0
PRRI Millennials, Sexuality and Reproductive Health Survey Q114858260 0
PRRI Religion & Politics Tracking Poll, August 2011 Q67325460 0
PRRI Religion & Politics Tracking Poll, August 2013 Q67325522 0
PRRI Religion & Politics Tracking Poll, December 2013 Q67325528 0
PRRI Religion & Politics Tracking Poll, February 2012 Q67325531 0
PRRI Religion & Politics Tracking Poll, January 2013 Q67325508 0
PRRI Religion & Politics Tracking Poll, July 2012 Q67325520 0
PRRI Religion & Politics Tracking Poll, June 2012 Q67325517 0
PRRI Religion & Politics Tracking Poll, March 2013 Q67325510 0
PRRI Religion & Politics Tracking Poll, May 2013 Q67325514 0
PRRI Religion & Politics Tracking Poll, November 2013 Q67325525 0
PRRI Religion & Politics Tracking Survey, January 2012 Q67398281 0
PRRI and RNS August 2016 Religion Survey Q107003202 0
PRRI-RNS Religion News Survey, April 2013 Q67325450 0
PRRI-RNS Religion News Survey, August 2012 Q67398286 0
PRRI-RNS Religion News Survey, December 2011 Q67325462 0
PRRI-RNS Religion News Survey, February 2013 Q67325448 0
PRRI-RNS Religion News Survey, June 2013 Q67325453 0
PRRI/AAR Religion, Values and Climate Change Survey, November 2014 Q107003204 0
PRRI/Brookings 2016 Immigration Survey Q114858262 0
PRRI/MTV 2017 National Youth Survey Q114858245 0
PRRI/RNS Religion & Politics Tracking Poll, October 2011 Q67325481 0
PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, April 2011 Q67325457 0
PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, August 2010 Q67325484 0
PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, December 2010 Q67325486 0
PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, February 2011 Q67325490 0
PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, January 2011 Q67325494 0
PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, July 2011 Q67325469 0
PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, June 2011 Q67325465 0
PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, March 2011 Q67325472 0
PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, March 2012 Q67398283 0
PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, May 2011 Q67325474 0
PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, May 2012 Q67398284 0
PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, November 2010 Q67325497 0
PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, November 2011 Q67325478 0
PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, October 2010 Q67325500 0
PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, September 2010 Q67325506 0
PRRI/RNS Religion News Survey, September 2011 Q67325503 0
PRRI/The Atlantic 2018 Civic Engagement Survey Q114858243 0
PRRI/The Atlantic 2018 Pluralism Survey Q114858232 0
PVC02 Plant species composition on selected watersheds at Konza Prairie Q113783926 0
Pakistan (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56100484 0
Pan-Africanism Data Project Q114769949 0
Panama Papers Q23702848 78
PandaSet Q108652383 0
Pandora Papers Q108782773 45
Paradise Papers Q42722842 42
Pastors' Survey Q67204892 0
Recently Ordained Priests' Survey Q66821341 0
Party Conference Speeches in Germany and France 1969-2013 Q119855223 0
Arab Countries Dataset Q67325539 0
Europe and Israel Dataset Q67325543 0
Lebanon Dataset Q67325546 0
Non-Arab Muslim Majority Countries Dataset Q67325549 0
Pastor Survey 2015 Q67204897 0
PatronScan Q112620052 1
Pausal Forms Q117262438 0
Pausal Forms (Vol 3) Q117262440 0
Pemilu Asia 2004 DPR data Q109719077 0
Pemilu Asia 2009 DPR data Q109681713 0
Penn World Table Q7163352 3
Pennsylvania State Park Hiking Trails Q114289538 0
People active in the building of ships and boats Q20669482 0
People from LSH (Livrustkammaren, Skokloster, Hallwylska) Q62090320 0
People’s Speech Dataset Q116044135 0
Perception and Acceptance of Religious Diversity among the European Population Q67204937 0
Performing arts (Oslo Museum) Q81502231 0
Persisting Cryptococcus yeast species Vishniacozyma victoriae and Cryptococcus neoformans elicit unique airway inflammation in mice following repeated exposure (dataset) Q119012771 0
Personer - folkemusikk og folkedans (Innlandsarkiva) Q115328600 0
Personer - kultur, musikk, teater og dans (Ringve Musikkmuseum) Q120964784 0
Personer Falu Gruva Q90779877 0
Personer Industrihistorie (Norsk Teknisk Museum) Q110915664 0
Personer Jærmuseet (Jærmuseet) Q121010928 0
Personer Museene i Sør-Trøndelag (Museene i Sør-Trøndelag AS (MIST)) Q120979486 0
Personer Norsk Maritimt Museum (Norsk Maritimt Museum) Q120979104 0
Personer Vestfoldmuseene (Vestfoldmuseene) Q121010813 0
Personer i Nedre Norrland (Hälsinglands Museum) Q59827313 0
Personer i motstandsarbeid under andre verdenskrig (Norsk Industriarbeidermuseum) Q113990414 0
Personer knytt til nynorsk skriftkultur (Nynorsk kultursentrum) Q120964975 0
Personer med anknytning till Statens maritima och transporthistoriska museer Q121157497 0
Personer med anknytning till Världskulturmuseerna Q59827273 0
Personer med anknytning till Värmlands museum Q120473859 0
Personer med anknytning till maritim verksamhet på Åland (Ålands sjöfartsmuseum) Q121133617 0
Personer med anknytning till Örebro läns museum Q120474066 0
Personer med kulturhistorisk tilknytning til Agder Q121339148 0
Personer med tilknytning til Norsk Folkemuseums samlinger Q121246327 0
Personregister i SAMLA (Universitetet i Bergen) Q120964910 0
Persons VIAF etc Q76675227 0
Peru (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56123494 0
Pew 2011 National Survey of Mormons Q66714386 0
Pew 2019 Survey of Religion Among U.S. Teens and Their Parents Q114858289 0
Pew Survey of U.S. Jews 2013 - Household Component Q66691382 0
Pew Survey of U.S. Jews 2013 - Respondent Component Q66691385 0
A Survey of Catholic Deacons Q66485860 0
A Survey of Catholic Deacons' Wives Q66485862 0
A Survey of Catholic Deacons' Supervisors Q66485864 0
Philanthropy Panel Study, 2001 Q67212803 0
Philanthropy Panel Study, 2003 Q67212804 0
Philanthropy Panel Study, 2005 Q67212806 0
Phonograph recordings from the National Library of Sweden Q99293346 1
Physicians from Vienna Q102035875 0
Physiographic divisions of the conterminous U. S. Q59745031 0
How Conspiracy Theorists Construct Oppositional Videos on YouTube Q119324126 0
Pizza Ontology Q54825163 0
Pl@ntNet automatically identified occurrences Q109526622 0
Pl@ntNet observations Q109526571 0
Places database Q95138967 0
Plakate und Anschläge der Stadt Hannover 1945-1950 Q115283376 0
Pläne und Fotos Kraftwerk Hirschfelde Q113815036 0
Polarforskere og oppdagelsesreisende Q70732214 0
Polarised Raman Spectroscopy data of dimer liquid crystals Q104887838 0
Political Polarization and Typology Survey, 2014 Q67212808 0
Politics of Character Survey, 2000 Q67212809 0
Polity data series Q290494 6
Portraits of American Life Study, 1st Wave, 2006 Q67204863 0
Portraits of American Life Study, 2nd Wave, 2012 Q67204868 0
Portraits of American Life Study, Merged Dataset, 2006-2012 Q67204871 0
Portraits, Stammbuchblätter und Archivalien zur Universitätsgeschichte Q115283366 0
Portugal (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56160088 0
Portugal (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56163275 0
Porzellan-Sammlung Q115283364 0
Post-Election American Values Survey, 2012 Q66481155 0
Prasert Chaipikusit Q110632150 0
Pre-Election American Values Survey, 2012 Q66481156 0
Pre-Evaluation Results of Project KMS Artifact Q119854438 0
Anxiety and Depression in Shared Decision Making Q119969599 0
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Annual Congregational Statistical Report, 2000 Q67213383 0
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Annual Congregational Statistical Report, 2001 Q67213390 0
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Annual Congregational Statistical Report, 2002 Q67213396 0
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Annual Congregational Statistical Report, 2003 Q67213401 0
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Annual Congregational Statistical Report, 2004 Q67213404 0
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Annual Congregational Statistical Report, 2005 Q67213412 0
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Annual Congregational Statistical Report, 2006 Q67213420 0
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Annual Congregational Statistical Report, 2007 Q67213423 0
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Annual Congregational Statistical Report, 2008 Q67213431 0
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Annual Congregational Statistical Report, 2009 Q67213436 0
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Annual Congregational Statistical Report, 2010 Q67213438 0
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Annual Congregational Statistical Report, 2011 Q67213446 0
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Annual Congregational Statistical Report, 2012 Q67213453 0
Presbyterian Congregations, 1973-1988 Q67325434 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey - 1994-1996, Merged Q67213207 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, 1991-1993, Merged Q67213186 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, 1997-1999 - Demographic Information, Clergy Q67213229 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, 1997-1999 - Demographic Information, Members and Elders Q67213231 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, 2000-2002 - Demographic Information, Clergy Q67212811 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, 2000-2002 - Demographic Information, Members and Elders Q67212813 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, 2003-2005 - Background Survey, Clergy Q67212896 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, 2003-2005 - Background Survey, Members and Elders Q67212898 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, 2006-2008 - Background Survey, Clergy Q67212984 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, 2006-2008 - Background Survey, Members and Elders Q67212987 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, 2009-2011 - Background Variables, Clergy Q67213071 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, 2009-2011 - Background Variables, Members and Elders Q67213073 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, 2012-2014 - Background Variables, Clergy Q67213152 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, 2012-2014 - Background Variables, Members and Elders Q67213153 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, 2015-2017 - Background Survey, All Q67213167 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, 2015-2017 - Background Survey, Clergy Q67213168 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, 2015-2017 - Background Survey, Members and Elders Q67213171 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, April 1991 - The Nature of the Church and Its Practice of Governance Q67213190 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 1992 - Christian Education and Nurture Q67213194 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 1993 - Criminal Justice Issues Q67213196 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 1994 - Charitable Giving and Estate Planning Q67213218 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 1995 - Social Issues in Investing Q67213220 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 1996 - Evangelism Q67213222 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 1997 - Social Justice and Welfare, Clergy Q67213244 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 1997 - Social Justice and Welfare, Elders Q67213245 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 1997 - Social Justice and Welfare, Members Q67213246 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 1998 - World Mission, Clergy Q67213301 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 1998 - World Mission, Elders Q67213306 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 1998 - World Mission, Members Q67213308 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 1999 - Public Role of Presbyterians, Clergy Q67213329 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 1999 - Public Role of Presbyterians, Elders Q67213337 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 1999 - Public Role of Presbyterians, Members Q67213339 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2000 - Ministry to Families and Same-Sex Issues in the PC(USA), Clergy Q67212820 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2000 - Ministry to Families and Same-Sex Issues in the PC(USA), Elders Q67212823 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2000 - Ministry to Families and Same-Sex Issues in the PC(USA), Members Q67212826 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2001 - Presbyterian Women and Other Topics, Clergy Q67212856 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2001 - Presbyterian Women and Other Topics, Elders Q67212858 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2001 - Presbyterian Women and Other Topics, Members Q67212860 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2002 - Church Camps and Retreats, Clergy Q67212862 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2002 - Church Camps and Retreats, Elders Q67212867 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2002 - Church Camps and Retreats, Members Q67212871 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2003 - Presbyterians Today, All Q67212914 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2003 - Presbyterians Today, Clergy Q67212917 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2003 - Presbyterians Today, Elders Q67212919 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2003 - Presbyterians Today, Members Q67212921 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2004 - Energy Issues, All Q67212947 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2004 - Energy Issues, Clergy Q67212948 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2004 - Energy Issues, Members and Elders Q67212950 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2005 - Hymnals, All Q67212965 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2005 - Hymnals, Clergy Q67212967 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2005 - Hymnals, Elders Q67212969 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2005 - Hymnals, Members Q67212971 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2006 - The Bible, All Q67212989 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2006 - The Bible, Clergy Q67212990 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2006 - The Bible, Elders Q67212993 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2006 - The Bible, Members Q67212997 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2007 - The Mission Work Plan of the General Assembly Council, All Q67213030 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2007 - The Mission Work Plan of the General Assembly Council, Clergy Q67213032 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2007 - The Mission Work Plan of the General Assembly Council, Elders Q67213034 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2007 - The Mission Work Plan of the General Assembly Council, Members Q67213036 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2009 - Confessions and Other Topics, All Q67213075 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2009 - Confessions and Other Topics, Clergy Q67213076 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2009 - Confessions and Other Topics, Members and Elders Q67213078 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2010 - Compassion, Peace and Justice, All Q67213111 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2010 - Compassion, Peace and Justice, Clergy Q67213114 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2010 - Compassion, Peace and Justice, Elders Q67213116 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2010 - Compassion, Peace and Justice, Members Q67213119 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2011 - Immigrant Ministries and Immigration Issues, All Q67213141 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2011 - Immigrant Ministries and Immigration Issues, Clergy Q67213142 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2011 - Immigrant Ministries and Immigration Issues, Members and Elders Q67213143 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2016 - Theological Reflection, All Q107003009 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2016 - Theological Reflection, Clergy Q107003010 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, August 2016 - Theological Reflection, Members Q107003011 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, Clergy Background Survey, Fall 1990 Q67213204 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, Fall 2003 - Reparations, All Q67212923 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, Fall 2003 - Reparations, Clergy Q67212925 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, Fall 2003 - Reparations, Members and Elders Q67212927 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 1993 - Presbyterian Colleges and Universities Q67213188 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 1994 - Spirituality Q67213209 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 1995 - The Bible Q67213211 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 1996 - Current Issues in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Q67213212 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 1997 - Spirituality and Health, Clergy Q67213235 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 1997 - Spirituality and Health, Elders Q67213236 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 1997 - Spirituality and Health, Members Q67213237 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 1998 - Books, Reading, and Study Resources, Clergy Q67213248 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 1998 - Books, Reading, and Study Resources, Elders Q67213250 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 1998 - Books, Reading, and Study Resources, Members Q67213252 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 1999 - Language and God, Clergy Q67213316 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 1999 - Language and God, Elders Q67213320 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 1999 - Language and God, Members Q67213323 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2000 - Gambling and the Christian Faith, Clergy Q67212815 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2000 - Gambling and the Christian Faith, Elders Q67212816 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2000 - Gambling and the Christian Faith, Members Q67212817 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2001 - Presbyterians in the 21st Century, Clergy Q67212849 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2001 - Presbyterians in the 21st Century, Elders Q67212851 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2001 - Presbyterians in the 21st Century, Members Q67212854 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2002 - Children's Issues, Clergy Q67212874 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2002 - Children's Issues, Elders Q67212876 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2002 - Children's Issues, Members Q67212878 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2003 - Hunger Issues, All Q67212907 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2003 - Hunger Issues, Clergy Q67212910 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2003 - Hunger Issues, Members and Elders Q67212912 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2004 - Presbyterian Colleges and Universities, All Q67212952 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2004 - Presbyterian Colleges and Universities, Clergy Q67212954 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2004 - Presbyterian Colleges and Universities, Elders Q67212956 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2004 - Presbyterian Colleges and Universities, Members Q67212958 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2005 - Pastoral Leadership, Personal Outreach, and the Directory for Worship, Clergy Q67212972 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2005 - Pastoral Leadership, Personal Outreach, and the Directory for Worship, Members and Elders Q67212974 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2006 - Mental Illness, All Q67213008 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2006 - Mental Illness, Clergy Q67213010 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2006 - Mental Illness, Elders Q67213013 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2006 - Mental Illness, Members Q67213019 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2008 - Volunteering and Other Topics, All Q67213066 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2008 - Volunteering and Other Topics, Clergy Q67213068 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2008 - Volunteering and Other Topics, Members and Elders Q67213070 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2009 - The Sacraments, All Q67213094 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2009 - The Sacraments, Clergy Q67213096 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2009 - The Sacraments, Elders Q67213099 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2009 - The Sacraments, Members Q67213100 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2010 - Hunger, Peacemaking, and Sabbath-keeping, All Q67213128 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2010 - Hunger, Peacemaking, and Sabbath-keeping, Clergy Q67213130 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2010 - Hunger, Peacemaking, and Sabbath-keeping, Members and Elders Q67213132 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2011 - Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), All Q67213144 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2011 - Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), Clergy Q67213145 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2011 - Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), Members Q67213146 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2012 - Current Issues in Church and Society, All Q67213156 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2012 - Current Issues in Church and Society, Clergy Q67213158 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2012 - Current Issues in Church and Society, Members and Elders Q67213160 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2014 - 1001 New Worshiping Communities, All Q103238257 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2014 - 1001 New Worshiping Communities, Clergy Q103238266 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2014 - 1001 New Worshiping Communities, Members and Elders Q103238282 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2017 - Race and Ethnicity, All Q107003013 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2017 - Race and Ethnicity, Clergy Q107003014 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, February 2017 - Race and Ethnicity, Members and Elders Q107003015 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, January 1991 - Spirituality Q67213187 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, January 2007 - Spirituality and Health, All Q67213039 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, January 2007 - Spirituality and Health, Clergy Q67213041 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, January 2007 - Spirituality and Health, Elders Q67213042 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, January 2007 - Spirituality and Health, Members Q67213045 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, July 2015 - Awareness and Understanding of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, All Q67213178 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, July 2015 - Awareness and Understanding of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, Clergy Q67213179 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, July 2015 - Awareness and Understanding of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, Members and Elders Q67213181 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, June 2016 - Environmental Stewardship, All Q107003003 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, June 2016 - Environmental Stewardship, Clergy Q107003005 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, June 2016 - Environmental Stewardship, Members Q107003006 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, March 2015 - Presbyterian Historical Society, All Q67213174 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, March 2015 - Presbyterian Historical Society, Clergy Q67213175 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, March 2015 - Presbyterian Historical Society, Members Q67213177 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 1992 - Peacemaking Q67213191 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 1993 - Societal and Human Development Q67213193 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 1994 - Communications Issues Q67213214 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 1995 - Churchwide Special Offerings Q67213215 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 1996 - HIV/AIDS Issues Q67213216 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 1997 - Nature and the Environment, Clergy Q67213239 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 1997 - Nature and the Environment, Elders Q67213241 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 1997 - Nature and the Environment, Members Q67213242 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 1998 - Communications Across the Church, Clergy Q67213286 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 1998 - Communications Across the Church, Elders Q67213256 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 1998 - Communications Across the Church, Members Q67213261 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 1998 - Communications Across the Church, Specialized Clergy Q67213254 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 1999 - Sabbath-Keeping, Clergy Q67213343 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 1999 - Sabbath-Keeping, Elders Q67213347 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 1999 - Sabbath-Keeping, Members Q67213351 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2000 - Public Worship, Clergy Q67212828 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2000 - Public Worship, Elders Q67212830 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2000 - Public Worship, Members Q67212832 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2001 - The U.S. Congregational Life Survey (Presbyterian Panel Version), Clergy Q67212845 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2001 - The U.S. Congregational Life Survey (Presbyterian Panel Version), Elders Q67212846 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2001 - The U.S. Congregational Life Survey (Presbyterian Panel Version), Members Q67212847 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2002 - Peacemaking, International Conflict and Related Issues, Clergy Q67212887 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2002 - Peacemaking, International Conflict and Related Issues, Elders Q67212890 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2002 - Peacemaking, International Conflict and Related Issues, Members Q67212893 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2003 - Stewardship, Finances, and Allocation of Resources, All Q67212929 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2003 - Stewardship, Finances, and Allocation of Resources, Clergy Q67212931 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2003 - Stewardship, Finances, and Allocation of Resources, Elders Q67212932 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2003 - Stewardship, Finances, and Allocation of Resources, Members Q67212934 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2004 - Disabilities Issues, All Q67212940 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2004 - Disabilities Issues, Clergy Q67212942 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2004 - Disabilities Issues, Elders Q67212944 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2004 - Disabilities Issues, Members Q67212945 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2005 - Funding Christ's Mission Through the PC(USA), Clergy Q67212959 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2005 - Funding Christ's Mission Through the PC(USA), Elders Q67212962 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2005 - Funding Christ's Mission Through the PC(USA), Members Q67212963 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2006 - Issues in the PC(USA), All Q67212999 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2006 - Issues in the PC(USA), Clergy Q67213002 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2006 - Issues in the PC(USA), Elders Q67213003 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2006 - Issues in the PC(USA), Members Q67213006 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2007 - Churchwide Special Offerings, All Q67213022 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2007 - Churchwide Special Offerings, Clergy Q67213024 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2007 - Churchwide Special Offerings, Elders Q67213026 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2007 - Churchwide Special Offerings, Members Q67213028 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2008 - Charitable Giving and Financial Planning, All Q67213054 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2008 - Charitable Giving and Financial Planning, Clergy Q67213056 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2008 - Charitable Giving and Financial Planning, Members and Elders Q67213058 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2009 - The Environment, All Q67213087 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2009 - The Environment, Clergy Q67213089 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2009 - The Environment, Elders Q67213091 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2009 - The Environment, Members Q67213092 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2010 - Health, All Q67213121 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2010 - Health, Clergy Q67213123 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2010 - Health, Elders Q67213125 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2010 - Health, Members Q67213127 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2011 - Churchwide Special Offerings, All Q67213133 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2011 - Churchwide Special Offerings, Clergy Q67213136 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2011 - Churchwide Special Offerings, Members Q67213138 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2012 - Spiritual Growth Experiences and Church Retreats, All Q67213162 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2012 - Spiritual Growth Experiences and Church Retreats, Clergy Q67213164 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2012 - Spiritual Growth Experiences and Church Retreats, Members and Elders Q67213166 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2015 - Gender and Leadership in the PC(USA), All Q107002998 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2015 - Gender and Leadership in the PC(USA), Clergy Q107003000 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2015 - Gender and Leadership in the PC(USA), Members Q107003002 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2016 - 1001 New Worshiping Communities, All Q67213182 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2016 - 1001 New Worshiping Communities, Clergy Q67213183 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, May 2016 - 1001 New Worshiping Communities, Members Q67213184 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, Member and Elder Background Survey, Fall 1990 Q67213206 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 1991- Health Issues Q67213198 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 1992 - Relations with Other Religious Groups Q67213200 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 1993 - Disabilities Issues Q67213202 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 1994 - Volunteer Issues Q67213224 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 1995 - Peacemaking Q67213225 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 1996 - Theological Education Q67213227 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 1997 - Older Adult Ministries, Clergy Q67213232 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 1997 - Older Adult Ministries, Elders Q67213233 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 1997 - Older Adult Ministries, Members Q67213234 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 1998 - Science, Technology, and Faith, Clergy Q67213288 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 1998 - Science, Technology, and Faith, Elders Q67213294 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 1998 - Science, Technology, and Faith, Members Q67213299 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 1999 - Interpersonal Violence, Clergy Q67213353 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 1999 - Interpersonal Violence, Elders Q67213367 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 1999 - Interpersonal Violence, Members Q67213372 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2000 - Racism and Racial Justice, Clergy Q67212834 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2000 - Racism and Racial Justice, Elders Q67212836 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2000 - Racism and Racial Justice, Members Q67212838 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2001 - September 11 and Other Topics, Clergy Q67212839 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2001 - September 11 and Other Topics, Elders Q67212841 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2001 - September 11 and Other Topics, Members Q67212843 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2002 - End-of-Life Issues, Clergy Q67212880 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2002 - End-of-Life Issues, Elders Q67212882 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2002 - End-of-Life Issues, Members Q67212884 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2003 - Churchwide Special Offerings, All Q67212900 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2003 - Churchwide Special Offerings, Clergy Q67212902 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2003 - Churchwide Special Offerings, Members/Elders Q67212904 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2004 - Current Issues in Church and Society, All Q67212935 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2004 - Current Issues in Church and Society, Clergy Q67212936 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2004 - Current Issues in Church and Society, Elders Q67212938 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2004 - Current Issues in Church and Society, Members Q67212939 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2005 - The Social Creed, All Q67212976 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2005 - The Social Creed, Clergy Q67212978 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2005 - The Social Creed, Elders Q67212980 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2005 - The Social Creed, Members Q67212982 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2007 - Women in the Church, All Q67213047 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2007 - Women in the Church, Clergy Q67213049 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2007 - Women in the Church, Elders Q67213050 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2007 - Women in the Church, Members Q67213052 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2008 - Spirituality and Health, All Q67213060 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2008 - Spirituality and Health, Clergy Q67213061 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2008 - Spirituality and Health, Members and Elders Q67213064 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2009 - Education and Other Topics, All Q67213080 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2009 - Education and Other Topics, Clergy Q67213081 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2009 - Education and Other Topics, Members and Elders Q67213084 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2010 - Congregational Leadership, All Q67213102 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2010 - Congregational Leadership, Clergy Q67213104 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2010 - Congregational Leadership, Elders Q67213106 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2010 - Congregational Leadership, Members Q67213109 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2011 - The Bible, Clergy Q67213149 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2011 - The Bible, Members and Elders Q67213151 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2017 - Congregational Vitality, All Q114858246 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2017 - Congregational Vitality, Clergy Q114858280 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, November 2017 - Congregational Vitality, Members Q114858231 0
Presbyterian Panel Survey, September 1991 - The Environment Q67213197 0
Prevalence of pneumoconiosis and its relationship to dust exposure in a cohort of U.S. bituminous coal miners and ex-miners Q26248492 0
Privatfilme Hirsch Q113815023 0
Privatfotografien eines Kaufmanns aus Hongkong 1890 bis 1907 Q115283386 0
Pro-Government Militias Database (PGMD) Q119855202 0
Product Datasets from the MWPD2020 Challenge at the ISWC2020 Conference (Task 1) Q119969836 0
Profiles of Ministry I, 1989 Q67212810 0
Project Canada 1975 Q67204900 0
Project Canada 1975-80 Panel Study Q67204903 0
Project Canada 1975-85 Panel Study Q67204906 0
Project Canada 1975-90 Panel Study Q67204909 0
Project Canada 1975-95 Panel Study Q67204912 0
Project Canada 1980 Q67204915 0
Project Canada 1980-85 Panel Study Q67204917 0
Project Canada 1980-90 Panel Study Q67204920 0
Project Canada 1980-95 Panel Study Q67204922 0
Project Canada 1985 Q67204925 0
Project Canada 1985-90 Panel Study Q67204927 0
Project Canada 1985-95 Panel Study Q67204930 0
Project Canada 1990 Q67204931 0
Project Canada 1990-95 Panel Study Q67204932 0
Project Canada 1995 Q67204935 0
Project Canada 2000 Q103238238 0
Project Canada 2005 Q103238248 0
Project Teen Canada 1984 Q103238297 0
Project Teen Canada 1992 Q103238313 0
Project Teen Canada 2000 Q103238329 0
Project Teen Canada 2008 Q103238345 0
Projectile fluid penetration and flammability of respirators and other head/facial personal protective equipment (FPFPPE) Q89716393 0
Prominent deceased by alphabet Q124034133 0
Prop3D Q108040542 0
Proprioceptive contribution to oculomotor control in humans (dataset) Q114889056 0
Protected Areas (National Parks) Q29583405 0
Protected Areas (Nature Reserves) Q29580583 0
Protected areas, natural monuments Q86904537 0
Protocol for sampling and preparing samples of benthic macroinvertebrates v1 (protocols.io.bfqyjmxw) Q107459225 0
PubChemLite tier0 and tier1 Q75998504 0
Public Domain Map Q116859531 0
Main Libraries, Branches, and Bookmobiles Q60644054 0
Public Library Outlet Data File, FY 2017 Q69494266 0
Public art in Nijmegen Q105138564 0
basic dataset Q42727524 0
Public-Domain-Videos im TIB AV-Portal Q115283381 0
Publications of the Society for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings Q113860103 0
Pulmonary toxicity and gene expression changes in response to whole-body inhalation exposure to multi-walled carbon nanotubes in rats (dataset) Q115074708 0
Pulpit and Pew National Survey of Pastoral Leaders, 2001 Q73160546 0
QA Answer Sentence Selection Dataset Q39637002 0
Question Verification For Religion and Public Life Survey, 2001 Q73158055 0
Qui és qui de les Lletres Catalanes Q53575341 0
Ecological forecasts reveal limitations of common model selection methods: predicting changes in beaver colony densities Q109592996 0
RDA aspect ratio designation Q104442175 0
RDA bibliographic format Q104450385 0
RDA broadcast standard Q104450395 0
RDA carrier extent unit Q104450421 0
RDA carrier type Q104450435 0
RDA cartographic data type Q104450805 0
RDA colour content Q104450815 0
RDA configuration of playback channels Q104473599 0
RDA content type Q104473852 0
RDA extension plan Q104474138 0
RDA file type Q104474802 0
RDA font size Q104475148 0
RDA form of musical notation Q104478240 0
RDA form of notated movement Q104478402 0
RDA form of tactile notation Q104478558 0
RDA format of notated music Q104478756 0
RDA frequency Q104479848 0
RDA generation Q104481010 0
RDA groove pitch of an analog cylinder Q104501964 0
RDA groove width of an analog disc Q104519121 0
RDA illustrative content Q104519137 0
RDA interactivity mode Q104524125 0
RDA layout Q104524163 0
RDA material Q104524212 0
RDA media type Q104524229 0
RDA mode of issuance Q104524274 0
RDA polarity Q104524397 0
RDA presentation format Q104527635 0
RDA production method Q104527663 0
RDA recording medium Q104527742 0
RDA recording methods Q104530965 0
RDA recording source Q104530976 0
RDA reduction ratio designation Q104530986 0
RDA regional encoding Q104531003 0
RDA scale designation Q104531018 0
RDA sound content Q104531045 0
RDA special playback characteristic Q104531058 0
RDA status of identification Q104531669 0
RDA terms Q94519639 0
RDA track configuration Q104531694 0
RDA type of binding Q104531719 0
RDA type of recording Q104532134 0
RDA unit of time Q104532158 0
RDA user tasks Q104532166 0
RDA video format Q104532187 0
RDA/ONIX framework value vocabularies Q104533647 0
ROF character Q104533618 0
ROF character for RDA Q104554527 0
ROF extension mode Q104538260 0
ROF extension requirement Q104538318 0
ROF extension termination Q104538346 0
ROF form/genre for RDA Q104554656 0
ROF housing format Q104538422 0
ROF image dimensionality Q104538442 0
ROF image movement Q104538477 0
ROF interaction Q104538492 0
ROF intermediation tool Q104538499 0
ROF intermediation tool for RDA Q104554701 0
ROF revision mode Q104538513 0
ROF revision requirement Q104538518 0
ROF revision termination Q104538524 0
ROF sensory mode Q104538530 0
ROF storage medium format Q104538540 0
ROF storage medium format for RDA Q104554763 0
RSA Heritage Index Q104521925 0
Race, Class, and Culture Survey 2012 Q67325580 0
Radikale Muster auf der Kaffeetafel – Spritzdekor-Keramik aus Colditz Q113815010 0
Randolph Glacier Inventory—A dataset of global glacier outlines, version 6.0 Q77368305 0
Raritäten aus der Sammlung der Historischen Kommunikation der Robert Bosch GmbH Q113860080 0
Raw data and heat maps of ARAP deposition modeling Q108653787 0
Automatic Facial Coding versus Psychophysiological Indicators of Emotional Valence and Arousal Q119855308 0
A Study of Faculty Perceptions On the Readiness of Seminarians Q67325599 0
Red Geodésica Nacional de Estaciones de Referencia GNSS Q115625287 0
Reduction of exposure to simulated respiratory aerosols using ventilation, physical distancing, and universal masking (dataset) Q112235420 0
Reformed Church in America Denominational Membership Data, 1818-2000 Q67325578 0
Register of Commerce and Companies Q2138605 2
Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation Against Ukraine Q123016948 1
Register of Local Entities Q29511750 0
Register of political parties and movements Q64595181 0
Register of spatial units of the State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia Q119585703 0
Registration of local entities in Galicia (data set) Q109419892 0
Registre des actifs agricoles Q123565508 0
Registre national des entreprises Q121464529 0
Relationships in America Survey (2014) Q107002973 0
Religion among Academic Scientists Q67325554 0
Religion and America's Role in the World Q67398264 0
Religion and Civic Engagement in Kenya and Nigeria (2011) - Kenya Q107003193 0
Religion and Civic Engagement in Kenya and Nigeria (2011) - Nigeria Q107002992 0
Religion and Deviance at Four American Universities Q67398204 0
Religion and Diversity Survey, 2002-2003 Q66485879 0
Religion and Politics Survey Merged Data Set, 1994-1995 Q66714392 0
Religion and Politics Survey, 1996 Q66481144 0
Religion and Politics Survey, 2000 Q67398241 0
Religion and Politics Survey, January 2016 Q67398239 0
Religion and Politics Survey, November 2011 Q67398235 0
Religion and Politics Survey, September 2014 Q67398237 0
Religion and Public Life Survey, 2001 Q67398242 0
Religion and Public Life Survey, 2002 Q67398263 0
Religion and Public Life Survey, 2003 Q67398244 0
Religion and Public Life Survey, 2004 Q67398245 0
Religion and Public Life Survey, 2005 Q67398248 0
Religion and Public Life Survey, 2006 Q67398251 0
Religion and Public Life Survey, 2007 Q67398253 0
Religion and Public Life Survey, 2008 Q67398256 0
Religion and Public Life Survey, 2009 Q67398259 0
Religion and Public Life Survey, 2010 Q67398260 0
Religion and Public Life Survey, 2012 Q67398261 0
Religion and Rule of Law Q103238189 0
Religion and State - Minorities Q67325576 0
Religion and State Constitutions, 1990-2002 Q66485841 0
Religion and State Project Constitutions Dataset, 1990-2008 Q67325573 0
Religion in Italy Q67398222 0
Religion in Latin America, 2014 Q67398226 0
Religion, Values and Immigration Reform Survey, 2013 Q67325536 0
Religion Q66623172 0
Religion Q66623175 0
Religion Q66623173 0
Religious Attitude, Self-Consciousness, Self-Monitoring Scales -Paper and Pencil Version, 1986 Q67213378 0
Religious Attitude, Self-Consciousness, Self-Monitoring Scales -Respondents' Same-Sex Friends, 1986 Q66601670 0
Religious Attitude, Self-Consciousness, Self-Monitoring Scales, 1986 Q67398320 0
Religious Attitude, Self-Consciousness, Self-Monitoring Scales, 1987 Q67325602 0
Religious Attitude, Self-Consciousness, Self-Monitoring Scales, 1988 Q67325604 0
Religious Behaviors Questionnaire, 1986 Q67325607 0
Religious Behaviors Questionnaire, 1987 Q67325611 0
Religious Behaviors Questionnaire, 1988 Q67325614 0
Chief Executives' Religions Q107003208 0
Chief Executives' Religions Q103238360 0
Demographics v. 2.0 Q67325595 0
Demographics v. 2.0 Q67325597 0
Religious Congregations and Membership Study, 2000 (Counties File) Q67325581 0
Religious Congregations and Membership Study, 2000 (State File) Q67325590 0
Religious Coping in Iran Q67398217 0
Religious Ecology of 378 American Cities, 1906-1936 Q66481094 0
American Perspectives on the First Amendment Q107003030 0
American Perspectives on the First Amendment Q107003031 0
American Perspectives on the First Amendment Q114858237 0
Religious Freedom in the Courts, 1981-1997 Q67398210 0
Religious Fundamentalism Scale, 1986 Q67398212 0
Religious Fundamentalism Scale, 1987 Q67398213 0
Religious Fundamentalism Scale, 1988 Q67398215 0
Religious Human Rights NGOs Q67398218 0
Religious Identity and Influence Survey, 1996 Q67398269 0
Religious Life Inventory, 1986 Q67398273 0
Religious Life Inventory, 1987 Q67398274 0
Religious Life Inventory, 1988 Q67398276 0
Repertoire of Schauspielhaus Zurich, 1938-1968 Q39907533 0
a Qualitative Case Study Q41366374 0
Request for property values Q63285923 1
Research and teaching corpus of spoken German Q60660429 0
Resident population by administrative territory at the beginning of the year Q116790256 0
Resident population by city / town at the beginning of the year Q112626509 0
Resignations of the Jewish Community in Vienna between 1915 and 1945 Q98399130 0
role of macrophage polarization Q99985084 0
Respirator performance against nanoparticles under simulated workplace activities dataset Q77796933 0
Restoring native species populations in England Q116828547 0
Results from Card Sorting - Survey Q119854513 0
Reuters-21578 Q112662578 0
Revealing the structural and chemical properties of copper-based nanoparticles released from copper treated wood (dataset) Q112235404 0
Reverb Instance and Relation gold standard Q119854481 0
Reverse flip open access journals Q73897277 0
Ritual Abuse Survivors in the United States, 1994 Q67398271 0
Rockyou password dataset Q38082502 0
Romana Repertoria Online Q15842965 1
Rural Ministry Project, Clergy, 1990 Q67398278 0
Rural Ministry Project, Lay Leaders, 1990 Q67398279 0
Russia (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56160923 0
Référentiel Sandre Q56317090 1
Répertoire des centres de ressources Q56318713 1
Répertoire national des métiers Q61515255 1
TSCASURF | TSCA Surfactants Q115139184 0
BISPHENOLS | Bisphenols Q65619794 0
OECDPFAS | List of PFAS from the OECD Q80191957 0
UBAPMT | Prioritised PMT/vPvM substances in the REACH registration database Q115588535 0
SGI-USA Membership Survey, 1997 Q67398395 0
SHARE Q50330318 0
SHM Statens historiska museer (dataset) Q64821328 0
SHM, places Q92960393 0
SInAS database of alien species occurrences Q112339024 0
SONIA Q16997722 3
Supporting Data Q110811830 0
SRTM Water Body Data Q7392862 1
STC COVID-19 Dataset Q104586764 1
printers Q113119572 0
Chemical-Protein Interactions Q111905199 0
Salt Lake City and San Francisco Surveys of Mormons, 1967-1969 (Salt Lake City Sample) Q67398397 0
Salt Lake City and San Francisco Surveys of Mormons, 1967-1969 (San Francisco Sample) Q67398326 0
Samlare och museifolk Q60374688 0
Sammlung "Altkarten" Q115283346 0
Sammlung Frauenstift Gandersheim Q115283372 0
Sammlung Museum Schloss Herzberg Q115283365 0
Satirische Darstellung einer gescheiterten Stadtflucht in 32 Bildern mit Text Q113815026 0
Scale Translation to German - Survey Q119854512 0
Schatzkammer der Damaste Q113815009 0
Schema Inference for Property Graphs Q113301476 0
Non-restituted looted works 1943-1998 Q109927900 0
Schnipsel zwischen Klappentext und Cover aus der Hommage an René Schweizer. Die Kunst des Komischen Q113860081 0
Scholarly article citations in Wikipedia Q21684024 0
Schrott or not? – "Geschmacksverirrungen" aus der Zeit um 1900 Q113860087 0
SciDocs Q115438050 0
Scientific Instrument Makers in the Netherlands Q61756743 0
Scottish Church Census, 2002 Q67398317 0
Second Vatican Council Votes Q73158054 0
Seilskipsregister Q70729233 0
Seki-Williams Government and Ministers Data Q119855203 0
A National Study of Seminarians in Theology Q67398321 0
Sentence Complexity Dataset Q119855242 0
Sentences Involving Compositional Knowledge dataset Q115631906 0
Sexual Satisfaction and Function Survey Q114858290 0
Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate Q1257545 5
Sherdog Q2663560 16
Shibusawa Eiichi Denki Shiryo Q116775085 1
Shipyards Q20669386 0
Short Term Vegetation Response Study at Watershed Restoration Structures in Southeastern Arizona, 2015 - 2019 Q109948912 0
Sieben Protagonisten aus dem römischen Aalen Q113860088 0
Siegelsammlung Paul Arnold Grun Q115283367 0
Signatures of Majorana fermions in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowire devices Q55225399 0
Sinar BIG Q105760289 0
Singapore (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56098736 0
Singapore (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56098721 0
Situated Views of Rio de Janeiro dataset Q64995339 0
Situations With Adversarial Generations Q107030105 0
Six-Cities Study of Trustees Q73040982 0
Skansen's buildings Q60195388 0
Skansens buidlings environments Q56580316 0
Skansens byggnader (Skansen) Q113687165 0
Small Groups Survey, 1991 (Groups Sample) Q67398399 0
Small Groups Survey, 1991 (Individuals Not in Groups Sample) Q67398401 0
Smithsonian Grassland Ecology Q114201798 0
SoMeSci - Software Mentions in Science Q111095569 0
Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey, 2000 Q73160663 0
Social Capital Community Survey, 2006 Q73160667 0
Soil microarthropods, ground-dwelling arthropods and soil properties in mown and grazed grasslands in the Veluwe region Q109593769 0
Sonne und Wind Q115283387 0
Source apportionment and quantification of liquid and headspace leaks from closed system transfer devices via selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) (dataset) Q108918102 0
South Korea (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56097852 0
Southern Focus Poll, Combined Sample, Spring 1998 Q67398327 0
Southern Focus Poll, Combined Sample, Spring 1999 Q67398388 0
Southern Focus Poll, Non-South Survey, 1999 Q67398356 0
Southern Focus Poll, Non-South Survey, Fall 1992 Q67398336 0
Southern Focus Poll, Non-South Survey, Fall 1993 Q67398338 0
Southern Focus Poll, Non-South Survey, Fall 1994 Q67398342 0
Southern Focus Poll, Non-South Survey, Fall 1995 Q67398346 0
Southern Focus Poll, Non-South Survey, Fall 1996 Q67398352 0
Southern Focus Poll, Non-South Survey, Fall 1999 Q67398331 0
Southern Focus Poll, Non-South Survey, Spring 1993 Q67398341 0
Southern Focus Poll, Non-South Survey, Spring 1994 Q67398345 0
Southern Focus Poll, Non-South Survey, Spring 1995 Q67398349 0
Southern Focus Poll, Non-South Survey, Spring 1996 Q67398353 0
Southern Focus Poll, Non-South Survey, Spring 1997 Q67398333 0
Southern Focus Poll, Non-South Survey, Spring 1998 Q67398335 0
Southern Focus Poll, Non-South Survey, Spring 2000 Q67398365 0
Southern Focus Poll, Oversample Survey, Fall 1995 Q67398357 0
Southern Focus Poll, Oversample Survey, Spring 1995 Q67398359 0
Southern Focus Poll, Oversample Survey, Spring 1996 Q67398361 0
Southern Focus Poll, Oversample Survey, Spring 1997 Q67398362 0
Southern Focus Poll, South Survey, Fall 1992 Q67398368 0
Southern Focus Poll, South Survey, Fall 1993 Q67398371 0
Southern Focus Poll, South Survey, Fall 1994 Q67398375 0
Southern Focus Poll, South Survey, Fall 1995 Q67398379 0
Southern Focus Poll, South Survey, Fall 1996 Q67398330 0
Southern Focus Poll, South Survey, Fall 1999 Q67398390 0
Southern Focus Poll, South Survey, Spring 1992 Q67398370 0
Southern Focus Poll, South Survey, Spring 1993 Q67398373 0
Southern Focus Poll, South Survey, Spring 1994 Q67398376 0
Southern Focus Poll, South Survey, Spring 1995 Q67398380 0
Southern Focus Poll, South Survey, Spring 1996 Q67398382 0
Southern Focus Poll, South Survey, Spring 1997 Q67398385 0
Southern Focus Poll, South Survey, Spring 1998 Q67398386 0
Southern Focus Poll, South Survey, Spring 1999 Q67398391 0
Southern Focus Poll, South Survey, Spring 2000 Q67398366 0
Southern Focus Poll, South Survey, Spring 2001 Q67398394 0
Souvenir aus Rom. Das "Rehberg-Album" Q115283361 0
Von Mieter*innen Q113860093 0
Spain (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56160070 0
Spanish Biographical Dictionary Q41705771 8
Spatial Analysis of Contemporary Religious Diversity in Ukraine (SACRED -- Ukraine), 1991-2015 Q103238020 0
Spatial Analysis of Contemporary Religious Diversity in Ukraine (SACRED -- Ukraine), 1991-2018 Q103238029 0
Spatial segregation among colonies without knowing the whereabouts of your neighbours Q109022408 0
Sphere Q113481488 0
Spielhaus Schloss Evenburg Q115283374 0
Spin relaxation through Kondo scattering in Cu/Py lateral spin valves Q104731551 0
A 10-Country Survey of Pentecostals Q66691619 0
Survey of Pentecostals in Brazil Q66691612 0
Survey of Pentecostals in Chile Q66691617 0
Survey of Pentecostals in Chosen Regions of India Q66691636 0
Survey of Pentecostals in Guatemala Q66691622 0
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Survey of Pentecostals in South Africa Q66691639 0
Survey of Pentecostals in South Korea Q66691641 0
Survey of Pentecostals in the Philippines Q66691632 0
Survey of Pentecostals in the United States Q66691645 0
Spiritual Life Study of Chinese Residents Q67398421 0
Spiritual Well-Being in the United States and Sweden, 1979 Q67398429 0
Survey of Staff and Residents From Long-Term Care Facilities Q67398291 0
Springfield, Massachusetts Catholic Education Survey, No. 1902 Q66623148 0
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Stanford Question Answering Dataset Q32923098 1
Stanford Sentiment Treebank Q36816539 0
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Star Hotel Data Based on Star Classification in 2019 Q110903190 0
Starschema COVID-19 Data Set Q107106667 0
State General Account Q54228663 1
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State of the First Amendment Survey, 1997 Q67398417 0
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State of the First Amendment Survey, 2000 Q67398405 0
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State of the First Amendment Survey, 2002 Q67398409 0
State of the First Amendment Survey, 2003 Q67398410 0
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State of the First Amendment Survey, 2005 Q67398414 0
State of the First Amendment Survey, 2006 Q67398415 0
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Statistics of Churches in the United States, State File, 1890 Q66480996 0
Statistik över antal röstberättigade 1 mars 2022 Q112762864 0
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Streetnames Canton Basel-Stadt Q111770447 0
Streets in Gouda Q113119560 0
Social Stress and Social Anxiety in Decision-Making Under Uncertainty Q119968794 0
Studierendendaten der Universität Tübingen 1829-1906 Q113860102 0
Study of Mysticism in Chinese Buddhist Monks and Nuns Q66481106 0
Sub-Saharan Africa Religion Survey, 2010 Q67398427 0
Subjectivity dataset Q36971559 0
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Subset of the 2010 General Social Survey for the 'Religion and the Lifestyle of Young Adults' Learning Module Q66619067 0
Suisse secrets Q110971835 7
Sumit Pitiphat Q110632162 0
SuperGLUE Q112066118 0
Supplemental Material for 'Evolution in the genus Rhinella : a total evidence phylogenetic analysis of neotropical true toads (Anura: Bufonidae). (Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History Q110444163 0
Genetic colour variation visible for predators and conspecifics is concealed from humans in a polymorphic moth Q117035025 0
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Process Digitization in Retail Banking – An Empirical Examination of Process Virtualization Theory Q119854482 0
Understanding Digitization across Processes and their Phases – An Extension of Process Virtualization Theory Q119854484 0
Visibility of Business Processes - An Information Processing Perspective in the Financial Services Industry Q119854479 0
Suriya Samutthakup Q110632173 0
Surnames present in the PESEL register, including the surnames of deceased persons Q121667683 0
Survey Data & Analysis - Pilot Study Q119854506 0
Survey Data & Analysis - Utilities Study Q119854508 0
Survey Data - Combined Data From Pilot and Utilities Study Q119854509 0
Survey Data Set - Design Cycle Three Q119854487 0
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Survey of African-American Priests and Seminarians, 1992 Q66481065 0
Survey of Aging and Longevity, 2013 Q66481066 0
Survey of Alumni/ae of Presbyterian Theological Schools, 1990 Q66481079 0
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Survey of American Catholic Priests, 1993 Q67325441 0
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Survey of American Catholic Priests, 2020 (OCD Subsample) Q114858304 0
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Survey of Congregations in Metropolitan Chicago, 1994 Q73157965 0
Survey of Faith-Based Nonprofit Organizations, 2011 Q107002994 0
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Survey of GLAM open access policy and practice, version of August 3, 2021 Q107866137 0
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Survey of Presbyterian Students in Non-Presbyterian Theological Schools, 1990 Q67398403 0
Survey of Religion and Community Life in Indianapolis, 1999 Q66714378 0
Survey of Religious, Social Service and Community Organizations in Metropolitan Chicago, 1996 Q73157967 0
Survey of Students in Presbyterian Theological Schools, 1990 Q67398423 0
Survey of Texas Adults, 2004 Q67398450 0
Survey of U.S. Catholics and Family Life, 2015 Q66481110 0
Survey of U.S. Seminary Faculty on Sexuality and Marriage, 2015 Q73158041 0
Survey on mobile phone purchases, February 2013 Q109120727 0
Survey-Based Experiment Data Q119854338 0
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Sveriges sogner Q60038307 0
Swissvotes Q105604990 0
Switzerland (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56148527 0
Switzerland (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56148525 0
Symbole des Weiblichen – Die Sammlung Heinz Kirchhoff Q115283343 0
Synthesis of Timings Observed in iNcrease Experiments database Q74021767 0
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System For Catholic Research, Information and Planning (1950), 1990 Q67398308 0
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Systemic toxicity induced by topical application of perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA), perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA), and perfluoropentanoic acid (PFPeA) in a murine model (dataset) Q119012680 0
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Système national d’information inter-régimes de l’Assurance maladie Q21549903 1
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Tables from Growth and Change of the World's Chemical Literature as Reflected in Chemical Abstracts Q114134766 0
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Taiwan (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56102521 0
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Taiwan Social Change Survey, 1999 Q73040992 0
Taiwan Social Change Survey, 2004 Q73040983 0
Taiwan Social Change Survey, 2009 Q73040986 0
Tanzania (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56185790 0
Tapology Q108685421 1
Terminologi på skatteområdet Q116858948 0
Tesla Deaths Q119228292 0
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The 2000 American Rabbi Study Q67325557 0
The AI revolution in science Q123517396 0
The Adult DCD/Dyspraxia Checklist - German Q119974702 0
The Australian Survey of Social Attitudes, 2019 Q114858239 0
The Comparative Study of Religious Experience in Taiwan Q67398432 0
The Confirmation Project Combined Questionnaire Q107002963 0
The Cooperative Clergy Study Project Q66485845 0
The Cooperative Clergy Study Project of 2009 Q66485843 0
The Cooperative Clergy Study Project of 2017 Q103238097 0
The Danish Sentiment Lexicon Q123909217 0
The Design and Evaluation of Interfaces for Navigating Gigapixel Images in Digital Pathology Q104887806 0
The Economist Historical Advertisements Q119972539 0
The Economist Historical Advertisements - Faces Dataset Q119972546 0
The Economist Historical Advertisements - Industry Subset "Banking" Q119972542 0
The Economist Historical Advertisements - Objects Dataset Q119972550 0
The Ethno-Linguistic Situation in the Parishes of U.S. Orthodox Christian Churches Q66601603 0
The Evangelical Voter in the United States, 1983 Q103238106 0
The Fifth Catalogue of Nearby Stars Q115052096 0
The Fossil Fish Collection at the Jura-Museum Eichstätt Q112670013 0
The Framing of the "Ukraine crisis" in German political talk shows 2013- 2014 (data set) Q110791984 0
The General Index Q108864972 1
The Gravestone Index Q66481119 0
The HYG Database Q63564994 0
The Henry Institute National Survey of Religion and Public Life, 2008 Q66821375 0
The Image of the Journalist in Popular Culture Q124099967 0
The Maya Image Archive Q115283368 0
The Millennial Trends Survey (MTS 2019) Q114858286 0
The Online Session Annual Statistical Report for the Presbyterian Church (USA) (2007) Q67213458 0
The Online Session Annual Statistical Report for the Presbyterian Church (USA) (2008) Q67213467 0
The Online Session Annual Statistical Report for the Presbyterian Church (USA) (2009) Q67213472 0
A National Study of Parishioners and the Realities of the Orthodox Parish Life in the USA Q67204854 0
The Religion and State Project, Main Dataset and Societal Module, Round 3 Q67325567 0
The Religion and State Project, Minorities Module, Round 2 Q114858275 0
The Religion and State Project, Minorities Module, Round 3 Q67325570 0
The Religion and State Project, Round 1 Q67325559 0
The Religion and State Project, Round 2 Q67325561 0
The Religion and State Project, Round 3 Q67325564 0
The Right to Die II, November 2005 Q67398289 0
The World Ciliate Catalog Q121096588 0
The YP Corpus Q119844794 0
The beta-adrenergic receptor blocker and anti-inflammatory drug propranolol mitigates brain cytokine expression in a long-term model of Gulf War Illness (dataset) Q112235906 0
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Thesaurus of Cultural History Q113119558 0
Thesaurus of Geographic Names LOD Dataset Q25344041 0
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Thomson Reuters Open Perm ID Q69297407 0
Ticketing Processes - Design Cycle Three Q119854490 0
Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences, TESS101 Lee, Cultural Affinities, Regime Type, and Foreign Policy Opinion Formation Q67398437 0
Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences, TESS16 Glazier, Providential Religious Beliefs and U.S. Foreign Policy Q67398438 0
Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences, TESS2028 Johns, Civilian Casualties and Support for War Q67398440 0
Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences, TESS2042 Creighton, Perceptions of Islam, Migration, and Citizenship in the United States Q67398441 0
Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences, TESS2047 Thornton, Understanding the Role of Religious Appeals in Political Communication Q67398443 0
Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences, TESS2095 Piazza, Terrorism Suspect Religious Identity and Support for Controversial Practices Q67398445 0
Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences, TESS2104 Singer, The Effect of Question Wording on Preferences for Genetic Testing and Abortion Q67398446 0
Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences, TESS73 Djupe, The Political Impact of Message Attributes from Religious Elites Q67398449 0
Total Inward Leakage (TIL) for respiratory protective devices Q77796915 0
A National Survey of Catholic Religious Education Q66481064 0
A National Survey of Catholic Religious Education Q66481068 0
A National Survey of Catholic Religious Education Q66481099 0
A National Survey of Catholic Religious Education Q66691405 0
A National Survey of Catholic Religious Education Q66691407 0
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A National Survey of Catholic Religious Education Q67325444 0
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Toxicity-200 Q118630395 0
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TradingEconomics.com Q118555902 2
Trends in Political Values and Core Attitudes, 1987-2009 Q73158044 0
Troja – (Ge)schichten in Ton, Steinen & Scherben Q113860090 0
Trophic and non-trophic effects of fish and macroinvertebrates on carbon emissions Q109733845 0
Tulsa Oklahoma Area Science and Technology Survey, 1981 Q73040994 0
Tulsa, Oklahoma Area Survey, 1985 Q73040996 0
Tulsa, Oklahoma Area Survey, 1986 Q73040999 0
Turismo de Portugal Q99960827 0
Turkey (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56100879 0
Turkey (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56100861 0
TweetNERD Q114825474 0
Typology of Dutch Catholic Parishes, 2003 Q66601555 0
U.S. Annual Advertising Spending Since 1919 Q120765533 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Church of the Nazarene Attenders Q73157990 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Church of the Nazarene Leaders Q73157992 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Church of the Nazarene Profile Q73157993 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Fast-Growing Presbyterian Attenders Q73157998 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Fast-Growing Presbyterian Leaders Q73158003 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Fast-Growing Presbyterian Profile Q73158005 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Lutheran Attenders Q73157977 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Lutheran Leaders Q73157979 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Lutheran Profile Q73157981 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Presbyterian Attenders Q73157997 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Presbyterian Leaders Q73158007 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Presbyterian Profile Q73158011 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Racial Ethnic Presbyterian Attenders Q73158019 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Racial Ethnic Presbyterian Leaders Q73158021 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Racial Ethnic Presbyterian Profile Q73158025 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Random Attenders Q73158013 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Random Attenders Backfile Q73157971 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Random Profile Q73158016 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Seventh-Day Adventist Attenders Q73158027 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Seventh-Day Adventist Leaders Q73158029 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Seventh-Day Adventist Profile Q73158031 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Southern Baptist Attenders Q73157969 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Southern Baptist Leaders Q73157973 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, Southern Baptist Profile Q73157976 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, United Church of Christ Attenders Q73158034 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, United Church of Christ Leaders Q73158037 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, United Church of Christ Profile Q73158038 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, United Methodist Attenders Q73157982 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, United Methodist Leaders Q73157983 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, 2001, United Methodist Profile Q73157987 0
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U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, Church of God (Cleveland, TN) Congregational Profile Survey Q73160596 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, Church of God (Cleveland, TN) Leader Survey Q73160593 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, Church of the Nazarene Attender Survey Q73160635 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, Church of the Nazarene Congregational Profile Survey Q73160638 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, Church of the Nazarene Leader Survey Q73160636 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Attender Survey Q73160597 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Congregational Profile Survey Q73160603 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Leader Survey Q73160602 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Attender Survey Q66691605 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Congregational Profile Survey Q66691611 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Leader Survey Q66691608 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, Random Sample Associate Leader Survey Q73160549 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, Random Sample Attender Survey Q73160555 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, Random Sample Congregational Profile Survey Q73160564 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, Random Sample Leader Survey Q73160559 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, Seventh-Day Adventist Church Congregational Profile Survey Q73160648 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, Seventh-Day Adventist Church Leader Survey Q73160646 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, Seventh-Day Adventist Church Oversample Attender Survey Q73160641 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, United Church of Christ (UCC) Attender Survey Q73160569 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, United Church of Christ (UCC) Congregational Profile Survey Q73160574 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, United Church of Christ (UCC) Leader Survey Q73160573 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, United Methodist Church Attender Survey Q73160619 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, United Methodist Church Congregational Profile Survey Q73160624 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2008/2009, United Methodist Church Leader Survey Q73160623 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2011, Fast Growing Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Congregational Profile Survey Q73160617 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2011, Fast Growing Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Leader Survey Q73160614 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2011, Fast Growing Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Oversample Attender Survey Q73160612 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2011, Fast Growing and New Southern Baptist Convention Attender Survey Q73160607 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2011, Fast Growing and New Southern Baptist Convention Leader Survey Q73160608 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2011, Fast-Growing Southern Baptist Convention Congregational Profile Survey Q73160609 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2011, New Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Congregational Profile Survey Q73160631 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2011, New Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Oversample Attender Survey Q73160629 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2011, New Southern Baptist Convention Congregational Profile Survey Q73160625 0
U.S. Congregational Life Survey, Wave 2, 2011, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Associate or Assistant Leader Survey Q66691602 0
U.S. Religion Census: Religious Congregations and Membership Study, 2010 Q67325582 0
U.S. Religion Census: Religious Congregations and Membership Study, 2010 Q67325588 0
U.S. Religion Census: Religious Congregations and Membership Study, 2010 Q67325592 0
U.S. Religious Knowledge Study, 2010 Q67398225 0
U.S. Religious Landscape Study, 2014 Q67398230 0
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U.S. Religious Landscape Survey - Continental Dataset Q67398228 0
UAH satellite temperature dataset Q16982425 1
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UIS Number of out-of-school children dataset Q63033235 0
UIS fertility rate dataset Q63434950 0
UIS life expectancy dataset Q63494730 0
UK House of Commons Election Results at Constituency Level Q115691306 0
UK co-operative sector Q60717439 0
UN Comtrade Commodity Classifications Q55593948 0
US Public Library System Data File, FY 2015 Q70435766 0
US Public Library System Data File, FY 2016 Q70340299 0
US Public Library System Data File, FY 2017 Q69460865 0
US Public Library System Data File, FY 2018 Q104405782 0
US Public Library System Data File, FY 2020 Q113913407 0
USA (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56124299 0
USA (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56124201 0
USincarcerations Q104519979 0
USnewspapers Q110275749 0
Ukraine (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56160833 0
Understanding the Impact of Social and Ambidextrous Knowing-in-practice on the Effective Use of Enterprise Systems Q119854477 0
Uniformen nach dem Freiberger Fuß 1768 Q113815025 0
United Kingdom (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56148492 0
United Kingdom (Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies) Q56148487 0
United States Census of Religious Bodies, County File, 1906 Q66480997 0
United States Census of Religious Bodies, County File, 1916 Q66481000 0
United States Census of Religious Bodies, County File, 1926 Q66481002 0
United States Census of Religious Bodies, County File, 1936 Q66481005 0
United States Census of Religious Bodies, Expanded State File, 1906 Q66480999 0
United States Census of Religious Bodies, State File, 1906 Q66480998 0
United States Census of Religious Bodies, State File, 1916 Q66481001 0
United States Census of Religious Bodies, State File, 1926 Q66481004 0
United States Census of Religious Bodies, State File, 1936 Q66481007 0
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Urban settlements by population and population density, 2021 Q117808240 0
VW Käfer-Variationen Q115283380 0
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Verkiezingsuitslag Waterschappen 2019 Q115089654 0
Verkiezingsuitslagen Gemeenteraad 2014 Q114906563 0
Verkiezingsuitslagen Gemeenteraad 2022 Q114905077 0
Verknüpfung zur Gemeinsamen Normdatei Q113860078 0
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Vermögensanmeldungen Wien Q115913110 0
Verpackungen Q115283379 0
Verzeichnis grundlegender grammatischer Fachausdrücke Q108740876 0
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Veto player theory and reform making in Western Europe Q119855221 0
Victims of intentional homicide Q112159505 0
Video-based 3D pose estimation for residential roofing (dataset) Q115074882 0
Multimodale Forschungsdaten Q113815022 0
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Virtual International Authority File Q54919 75
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Reisen durch Raum und Zeit Q113860076 0
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Water Framework Directive - 2016 Reporting - Finland Q29380097 0
Water Framework Directive - 2016 Reporting - Sweden Q29563137 0
Watercraft types Q20103697 0
Watershed Boundary Dataset Q110269582 0
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Wayfinding and Acquisition of Spatial Knowledge with Navigation Assistance - Results Q119855289 0
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Web Data Commons - Product Data Corpus Q119855130 0
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Web Data Commons - RDFa, Microdata, and Microformat October 2016 Data Set Q119855116 0
Web Data Commons - Web Table Corpus 2012 / English-language Relational Subset Q119855128 0
Web Data Commons - Web Table Corpus 2012 / Relational Data Q119855127 0
Web Data Commons - Web Table Corpus 2015 Q119855125 0
Web Data Commons - Web Table Corpus 2015 / English-language Relational Subset Q119855124 0
Web Data Commons - Web Table Corpus 2015 / Relational Data Q119855123 0
Web Data Commons - WebIsA Database Q119855129 0
Web Data Commons Training and Test Sets for Large-Scale Product Matching - Version 2.0 Q119969834 0
WebNLG 2017 Dataset Q104840522 0
WebNLG 2020 Dataset Q104840494 0
Webmuster und Textilmaschinen Q113815034 0
Webstatistics - University Library Mannheim 2015 Q119854503 0
What Students Answer When Discussing About Citation Practices Q106903390 0
What Was the U.S. GDP Then? Q56881105 0
What's the risk? Fearful individuals generally overestimate negative outcomes and they dread outcomes of specific events Q119855280 0
When and Why Being Ostracized Affects Veracity Judgments Q119855292 0
Who-Does-What (WDW) Q119854514 0
Whogov Dataset Q112202385 0
WikiProject Clinical Trials snapshot February 2022 Q111145762 0
WikiProject Clinical Trials snapshot of 2021 query results Q110219996 0
WikiSQL Q52261936 0
WikiTableQuestions Q87196911 0
Wikidata item quality labels Q110628081 0
Williamsburg Charter Survey On Religion and Public Life, 1987 Q73158063 0
Wind Integration National Dataset Toolkit Q120320769 0
Winthrop University Student Religion Survey, 1996 Q67325601 0
Wir sind Daten – Das ZKM als lebender Organismus Q113860106 0
Wissenschaftliche Terminologie Q108740873 0
Wojood Corpus Q121300770 0
Women of the Cloth, 1983 Q73158066 0
WordNet–Wikipedia–Wiktionary alignment Q108100089 0
World Countries Homicide Rate, 1800-2010 Q112159493 0
World Gender Name Dictionary Q108573326 0
World Guide to Covered Bridges Q8035792 2
World Inequality Database Q47496166 5
World Loanword Database Q104243588 0
Global Religion Dataset Q73158068 0
National Religion Dataset Q73158069 0
Regional Religion Dataset Q73158072 0
World Values Survey, 2005 Q73158075 0
World Values Survey, 2010 Q73158077 0
World Values Survey, Aggregate Data Q73158078 0
World's Muslims Data Set, 2012 Q73158060 0
Worldwide Atrocities Dataset Q18395447 1
Worldwide evidence of a unimodal relationship between productivity and plant species richness Q113669018 0
Wörterbuch der Affixe Q106600303 0
Wörterbuch der Konnektoren Q106600300 0
Wörterbuch der Präpositionen Q106600296 0
Wörterbuch zur Verbvalenz Q106600293 0
Xinjiang Police Files Q112131629 3
//sha256/96bfde1efa599e0e8e61de18b14d61dd308737f684950e4079c04e9bc0f33958 hash://md5/4940f68c84cffa4412f7ffb98bb255bd Q114596091 0
YCBA LOD Q34478116 0
YSA - General Finnish Thesaurus Q5409964 1
Yahoo! Finance Q4053432 13
Yield Constraint Score (YCS) for the effect of five crop stresses on global production of four staple food crops Q111103410 0
YouTube-8M Q50507054 0
A National Study Q66601557 0
A National Study Q66601559 0
A National Study Q66601562 0
Youth Q66481153 0
Ysbyty Aneurin Bevan surface contact and hand hygiene audit Q104887801 0
YÖK Academic Database Q58033232 0
ZESHEL Q123259351 0
Zimbabwe (Directory of Open Access Repositories) Q56186959 0
Zuse-Rechner Q113815011 0
[[[DATA] Automatic Facial Coding Predicts Emotional Response, Advertisement, and Branding Effects of Video Commercials (Q119974797)|]] Q119974797 0
[[:[DATA] What I like! The joint impact of attitude, perceived quality, and experience on brand loyalty: Semi-parametric additive mixed modeling (Q119974800)|]] Q119974800 0
[[[Monument Stocktaking Project] (Q1931104)|]] Q1931104 1
artist list of the National Museum of Sweden Q22681075 0
base Mémoire Q2886423 1
basic data about the members of the Bundestag Q51850225 0
biorhythm Q837132 30
cc-dbp Q54832184 0
clinical data Q67565549 0
Global-scale temperature patterns and climate forcing over the past six centuries Q29012956 0
daftar-sekolah-indonesia dataset 2019 Q110383594 0
dataset Library TU Delft Q65589124 0
dataset of postal codes in France Q66049091 0
demonumenta Q123643907 0
departementserien Q123501464 0
dimensions.guide Q61827843 0
distribution of historical monuments in the city of Zurich, Switzerland, June 2017 (kmz) Q30243243 0
distribution of historical monuments in the city of Zurich, Switzerland, June 2017 (zip) Q30243079 0
ditjenpas dataset Q109790532 0
divorces of the Jewish Community of Vienna 1870–1942 Q101029217 0
ethanol chemical data Q5403011 1
fountainsWVZ Q53629101 0
hembygdsförbund och -föreningar Q60644424 0
herIDEA Podcast des Forschungsprojekts IDEA – Inklusives Digitales Erinnerungsarchiv Q113860082 0
historical monuments in the city of Zurich, Switzerland Q30237745 0
iCite Database Snapshot (Initial) Q70968176 0
incomeInequality Q105622666 0
information schema Q6031185 2
list of Higher Education Institutions of Brazil Q56599716 0
list of cinema establishments with their address Q28337720 0
lobid-organisations Q31045666 0
lobid-resources Q31048074 0
lucernewater Q76822625 0
news Q38926 124
nuclearWeaponStates Q88894684 0
open990.org Q108884002 0
New Directions in Property Graph Querying Q113301985 0
patents.data.gov.uk Q111905007 0
pddikti.kemdikbud dataset Q109899819 0
pdevlemon Q99563260 0
people listed in the Ísmús database Q63565750 0
people midas cc dataset Q111520210 0
pilkada2020 website Q112895259 0
planet.osm Q114785336 0
polkadot 2017 dataset Q109860647 0
prefix.cc Q99529481 0
primock57 Q121133230 0
proposition Q123501430 0
répertoire géographique des communes Q20894925 0
scholarly articles in Wikidata Q108560274 0
socio-professional categories in France Q3406860 1
specially protected nature territories Q51568314 0
structures de soin de l'AP-HP (hors GH) Q30149390 0
table of Flemish vaccination centres Q108408839 0
terrorism Q114631237 0
test d'évaluation de la force des ordinateurs d'échecs Q3519041 0
vulnerapedia Q111584314 0
Ämbetsmän i Postverket Q121157324 0
Århundraden (KulturIT AS) Q121410878 0
Årtionden (KulturIT AS) Q121411542 0
β-defensin-1 regulates influenza virus infection in human bronchial epithelial cells through the STAT3 signaling pathway (dataset) Q119012979 0
איפה דפי? Q116826602 1
מאו"ר Q12408735 1
Russian scientist organizes protest of Ukraine war Q111020107 0
„Uniformierte Zivilisten“ - Die Ziviluniformen des Herzogtums Braunschweig Q115283337 0

∑ 2573 items.

End of auto-generated list.