List of fishes of Florida
This article lists wide variety or diversity of fish in the rivers, lakes, and oceans of the state of Florida in the United States.[1][2][3]
Common name | Scientific name | Image | Native | Non- native |
Fresh water |
Salt water |
Notes |
African jewelfish | Hemichromis bimaculatus | ||||||
African pompano | Alectis ciliaris | Also known as the pennant-fish and threadfin trevally.[4] | |||||
Alabama shad | Alosa alabamae | ||||||
Albacore | Thunnus alalunga | ||||||
Alewife | Alosa pseudoharengus | ||||||
Alligator gar | Atractosteus spatula | Largest exclusively freshwater fish found in North America, measuring 8 to 10 feet. | |||||
Almaco jack | Seriola rivoliana | ||||||
Amazon sailfin catfish | Pterygoplichthys pardalis | ||||||
Amberjack | Seriola | ||||||
American butterfish | Peprilus triacanthus | ||||||
American conger | Conger oceanicus | ||||||
American eel | Anguilla rostrata | Lives in fresh water and estuaries, migrating to spawn in the Sargasso Sea. | |||||
American gizzard shad | Dorosoma cepedianum | ||||||
American harvestfish | Peprilus paru | ||||||
American paddlefish | Polyodon spathula | [5] | |||||
American pickerel | Esox americanus | Also known as Redfin pickerel, brook pickerel, and Grass pickerel | |||||
American shad | Alosa sapidissima | ||||||
Amur carp | Cyprinus rubrofuscus | ||||||
Anchovy | Anchoviella | ||||||
Arabian angelfish | Pomacanthus asfur | ||||||
Asian carp | |||||||
Asian swamp eel | Monopterus albus | They are invasive in the Florida Everglades.[6] | |||||
Atlantic angel shark | Squatina dumeril | ||||||
Atlantic bigeye | Priacanthus arenatus | ||||||
Atlantic bluefin tuna | Thunnus thynnus | ||||||
Atlantic bonito | Sarda sarda | ||||||
Atlantic bumper | Chloroscombrus chrysurus | ||||||
Atlantic croaker | Micropogonias undulatus | ||||||
Atlantic flyingfish | Cheilopogon melanurus | ||||||
Atlantic goliath grouper | Epinephelus itajara | ||||||
Atlantic hagfish | Myxine glutinosa | [7][8] | |||||
Atlantic herring | Clupea harengus | ||||||
Atlantic menhaden | Brevoortia tyrannus | ||||||
Atlantic moonfish | Selene setapinnis | ||||||
Atlantic needlefish | Strongylura marina | ||||||
Atlantic sailfish | Istiophorus albicans | ||||||
Atlantic sharpnose shark | Rhizoprionodon terraenovae | ||||||
Atlantic silverside | Menidia menidia | ||||||
Atlantic sixgill shark | Hexanchus vitulus | ||||||
Atlantic spadefish | Chaetodipterus faber | ||||||
Atlantic spanish mackerel | Scomberomorus maculatus | ||||||
Atlantic stingray | Hypanus sabinus | Common in the freshwater St. Johns River[9] | |||||
Atlantic sturgeon | Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus | ||||||
Atlantic tarpon | Megalops atlanticus | ||||||
Atlantic thread herring | Opisthonema oglinum | ||||||
Atlantic torpedo | Tetronarce nobiliana | ||||||
Atlantic tripletail | Lobotes surinamensis | ||||||
Balloonfish | Diodon holocanthus | ||||||
Ballyhoo | Hemiramphus brasiliensis | ||||||
Band cusk-eel | Ophidion holbrookii | ||||||
Banded butterflyfish | Chaetodon striatus | ||||||
Banded cichlid | Heros severus | ||||||
Banded leporinus | Leporinus fasciatus | ||||||
Banded sunfish | Enneacanthus obesus | ||||||
Bandtail puffer | Sphoeroides spengleri | ||||||
Bandtail searobin | Prionotus ophryas | ||||||
Bank butterflyfish | Prognathodes aya | ||||||
Bar jack | Caranx ruber | ||||||
Red barbfish | Scorpaena brasiliensis | ||||||
Barfin blenny | Malacoctenus versicolor | ||||||
Barred hamlet | Hypoplectrus puella | ||||||
Barred sorubim | Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum | ||||||
Basking shark | Cetorhinus maximus | The second largest living fish after the whale shark. | |||||
Batfish | Platax orbicularis | Non-native, invasive species. | |||||
Bay anchovy | Anchoa mitchilli | ||||||
Bearded brotula | Brotula barbata | ||||||
Beaugregory | Stegastes leucostictus | ||||||
Belted sandfish | Serranus subligarius | ||||||
Bermuda blue angelfish | Holacanthus bermudensis | ||||||
Bermuda chub | Kyphosus sectatrix | ||||||
Bicolor damselfish | Stegastes partitus | ||||||
Bicolored false moray | Chlopsis bicolor | ||||||
Bicolour parrotfish | Cetoscarus bicolor | ||||||
Bigeye sand tiger | Odontaspis noronhai | ||||||
Bigeye scad | Selar crumenophthalmus | ||||||
Bigeye thresher | Alopias superciliosus | ||||||
Bigeye tuna | Thunnus obesus | ||||||
Bighead carp | Hypophthalmichthys nobilis | ||||||
Bigmouth sleeper | Gobiomorus dormitor | ||||||
Bignose shark | Carcharhinus altimus | ||||||
Black acara | Cichlasoma bimaculatum | ||||||
Black arowana | Osteoglossum ferreirai | ||||||
Black carp | Mylopharyngodon piceus | ||||||
Black crappie | Pomoxis nigromaculatus | ||||||
Black drum | Pogonias cromis | ||||||
Black durgon | Melichthys niger | ||||||
Black grouper | Mycteroperca bonaci | ||||||
Black jack | Caranx lugubris | ||||||
Black margate | Anisotremus surinamensis | ||||||
Black marlin | Istiompax indica | Very rare | |||||
Black seabass | Centropristis striata | ||||||
Black sharkminnow | Labeo chrysophekadion | (Hammocks Lake, Miami)[10] | |||||
Blackbanded sunfish | Enneacanthus chaetodon | ||||||
Blackbar soldierfish | Myripristis jacobus | ||||||
Blackbelly skate | Breviraja nigriventralis | ||||||
Blackcap basslet | Gramma melacara | ||||||
Blackcheek tonguefish | Symphurus plagiusa | ||||||
Blackchin tilapia | Sarotherodon melanotheron | ||||||
Black-ear wrasse | Halichoeres poeyi | ||||||
Blackedge moray eel | Gymnothorax nigromarginatus | ||||||
Blackfin cardinalfish | Astrapogon puncticulatus | ||||||
Blackfin snapper | Lutjanus buccanella | ||||||
Blackfin tuna | Thunnus atlanticus | ||||||
Blacknose shark | Carcharhinus acronotus | ||||||
Blacktail moray eel | Gymnothorax kolpos | ||||||
Blacktail redhorse | Moxostoma poecilurum | ||||||
Blacktip shark | Carcharhinus limbatus | ||||||
Blood parrot cichlid | Amphilophus citrinellus × Vieja melanurus | ||||||
Blood-red jewel cichlid | Hemichromis lifalili | ||||||
Blue catfish | Ictalurus furcatus | ||||||
Blue chromis | Chromis cyanea | ||||||
Blue hamlet | Hypoplectrus gemma | ||||||
Blue marlin | Makaira nigricans | ||||||
Blue parrotfish | Scarus coeruleus | ||||||
Blue runner | Caranx crysos | ||||||
Blue shark | Prionace glauca | ||||||
Blue striped grunt | Haemulon sciurus | ||||||
Blue surgeonfish | Paracanthurus hepatus | ||||||
Blue tang | Acanthurus coeruleus | ||||||
Blue tilapia | Oreochromis aureus | ||||||
Bluefin killifish | Lucania goodei | ||||||
Blueback herring | Alosa aestivalis | ||||||
Bluefish | Pomatomus saltatrix | ||||||
Bluegill | Lepomis macrochirus | ||||||
Bluehead wrasse | Thalassoma bifasciatum | ||||||
Bluelip parrotfish | Cryptotomus roseus | ||||||
Bluespotted cornetfish | Fistularia commersonii | ||||||
Bluespotted ribbontail ray | Taeniura lymma | ||||||
Blue-spotted sunfish | Enneacanthus gloriosus | ||||||
Bluntnose sixgill shark | Hexanchus griseus | ||||||
Bluntnose stingray | Hypanus say | ||||||
Boga | Haemulon vittatum | ||||||
Bonefish | Albula vulpes | ||||||
Bonnethead | Sphyrna tiburo | ||||||
Bowfin | Amia calva | ||||||
Bridled burrfish | Chilomycterus antennatus | ||||||
Broadgill catshark | Apristurus riveri | ||||||
Broad-striped anchovy | Anchoa hepsetus | ||||||
Brook silverside | Labidesthes sicculus | ||||||
Brown Bullhead | Ameiurus nebulosus | ||||||
Brown chromis | Chromis multilineata | ||||||
Brown garden eel | Heteroconger longissimus | ||||||
Brown hoplo | Hoplosternum littorale | ||||||
Brown trout | Salmo trutta | ||||||
Bucktooth parrotfish | Sparisoma radians | ||||||
Buffalo trunkfish | Lactophrys trigonus | ||||||
Bull pipefish | Syngnathus springeri | ||||||
Bull shark | Carcharhinus leucas | ||||||
Bullet mackerel | Auxis rochei | ||||||
Bullnose ray | Myliobatis freminvillei | ||||||
Bullseye snakehead | Channa marulius | ||||||
Butter hamlet | Hypoplectrus unicolor | ||||||
Butterfish | Poronotus triacanthus | ||||||
Caesar grunt | Haemulon carbonarium | ||||||
Cardinal soldierfish | Plectrypops retrospinis | ||||||
Caribbean chestnut moray | Enchelycore carychroa | ||||||
Caribbean cocoa damselfish | Stegastes xanthurus | ||||||
Caribbean longsnout butterflyfish | Prognathodes aculeatus | ||||||
Caribbean ocellated moray | Gymnothorax ocellatus | ||||||
Caribbean reef shark | Carcharhinus perezii | ||||||
Caribbean roughshark | Oxynotus caribbaeus | ||||||
Caribbean sharpnose-puffer | Canthigaster rostrata | ||||||
Cero mackerel | Scomberomorus regalis | ||||||
Chain dogfish | Scyliorhinus retifer | ||||||
Chain moray | Echidna catenata | ||||||
Chain pickerel | Esox niger | ||||||
Chain pipefish | Syngnathus louisianae | ||||||
Chalk bass | Serranus tortugarum | ||||||
Channel catfish | Ictalurus punctatus | ||||||
Checkered puffer | Sphoeroides testudineus | ||||||
Cherubfish | Centropyge argi | ||||||
Chocolate surgeonfish | Acanthurus pyroferus | [11] | |||||
Choctaw bass | Micropterus sp. cf. punctulatus | ||||||
Clearnose skate | Rostroraja eglanteria | ||||||
Clown featherback | Chitala ornata | ||||||
Clown goby | Gobiodon | ||||||
Clown wrasse | Halichoeres maculipinna | ||||||
Clown wrasse | Coris aygula | ||||||
Coastal shiner | Notropis petersoni | ||||||
Cobia | Rachycentron canadum | ||||||
Collared eel | Kaupichthys nuchalis | ||||||
Colon goby | Coryphopterus dicrus | ||||||
Combtooth blenny | Hypleurochilus pseudoaequipinnis | ||||||
Common carp | Cyprinus carpio | ||||||
Common clownfish | Amphiprion ocellaris | ||||||
Common dolphinfish | Coryphaena hippurus | ||||||
Common false moray | Kaupichthys hyoproroides | ||||||
Common lionfish | Pterois miles | ||||||
Common rudd | Scardinius erythrophthalmus | ||||||
Common sand diver | Synodus intermedius | ||||||
Common snook | Centropomus undecimalis | ||||||
Common thresher | Alopias vulpinus | ||||||
Conchfish | Astrapogon stellatus | ||||||
Coney | Cephalopholis fulva | ||||||
Convict cichlid | Archocentrus nigrofasciatus | ||||||
Copper shark | Carcharhinus brachyurus | Also known as Bronze whaler shark | |||||
Cottonwick grunt | Haemulon melanurum | ||||||
Cownose ray | Rhinoptera bonasus | ||||||
Creole wrasse | Clepticus parra | ||||||
Atlantic Creole-fish | Paranthias furcifer | ||||||
Crested goby | Lophogobius cyprinoides | [12] | |||||
Crevalle Jack | Caranx hippos | ||||||
Croaking gourami | Trichopsis vittata | ||||||
Cuban gar | Atractosteus tristoechus | ||||||
Cuban dogfish | Squalus cubensis | ||||||
Cubbyu | Pareques acuminatus | ||||||
Cubera snapper | Lutjanus cyanopterus | ||||||
Darter goby | Ctenogobius boleosoma | ||||||
Dash goby | Ctenogobius saepepallens | ||||||
Deepwater dab | Poecilopsetta beanii | ||||||
Diamond blenny | Malacoctenus boehlkei | ||||||
Diamond killifish | Fundulus xenicus | ||||||
Doctorfish | Garra rufa | Escaped from beauty spas | |||||
Doctorfish tang | Acanthurus chirurgus | ||||||
Dog snapper | Lutjanus jocu | ||||||
Dollar sunfish | Lepomis marginatus | ||||||
Downy blenny | Gobioclinus kalisherae | ||||||
Drab sole | Achirus achirus | ||||||
Dusky cardinalfish | Phaeoptyx pigmentaria | ||||||
Dusky damselfish | Stegastes adustus | ||||||
Dusky pipefish | Syngnathus floridae | ||||||
Dusky shark | Carcharhinus obscurus | ||||||
Dusky smooth-hound | Mustelus canis | ||||||
Dusky squirrelfish | Sargocentron vexillarium | ||||||
Dwarf frogfish | Antennarius pauciradiatus | ||||||
Dwarf goatfish | Upeneus parvus | ||||||
Dwarf herring | Jenkinsia lamprotaenia | ||||||
Dwarf rainbowfish | Melanotaenia praecox | ||||||
Dwarf seahorse | Hippocampus zosterae | ||||||
Eastern mosquitofish | Gambusia holbrooki | ||||||
Eastern mudminnow | Umbra pygmaea | ||||||
Electric eel | Electrophorus electricus | ||||||
Emperor angelfish | Pomacanthus imperator | ||||||
Eastern happy | Astatotilapia calliptera | ||||||
Eptatretus minor | Eptatretus minor | ||||||
Eurasian carp | Cyprinus carpio | ||||||
Everglades pygmy sunfish | Elassoma evergladei | ||||||
Eyed flounder | Bothus ocellatus | ||||||
False pilchard | Harengula clupeola | ||||||
Fat sleeper | Dormitator maculatus | ||||||
Finetooth shark | Carcharhinus isodon | ||||||
Firemouth cichlid | Thorichthys meeki | ||||||
Flagfish | Jordanella floridae | ||||||
Flamefish | Apogon maculatus | ||||||
Flat needlefish | Ablennes hians | ||||||
Flathead catfish | Pylodictis olivaris | ||||||
Flier | Centrarchus macropterus | ||||||
Florida bass | Micropterus floridanus | ||||||
Florida blenny | Chasmodes saburrae | ||||||
Florida gar | Lepisosteus platyrhincus | ||||||
Florida pompano | Trachinotus carolinus | ||||||
Flowerhorn cichlid | |||||||
Flying gurnard | Dactylopterus volitans | ||||||
Foureye butterflyfish | Chaetodon capistratus | ||||||
Freckled cardinalfish | Phaeoptyx conklini | ||||||
Freckled soapfish | Rypticus bistrispinus | ||||||
French angelfish | Pomacanthus paru | ||||||
French grunt | Haemulon flavolineatum | ||||||
Freshwater goby | Ctenogobius shufeldti | ||||||
Frilled shark | Chlamydoselachus anguineus | ||||||
Frillfin goby | Bathygobius soporator | ||||||
Fringed filefish | Monacanthus ciliatus | ||||||
Gafftopsail catfish | Bagre marinus | ||||||
Gag grouper | Mycteroperca microlepis | ||||||
Galapagos shark | Carcharhinus galapagensis | ||||||
Giant cichlid | Boulengerochromis microlepis | ||||||
Giant devil ray | Mobula mobular | ||||||
Giant freshwater stingray | Urogymnus polylepis | ||||||
Giant oarfish | Regalecus glesne | ||||||
Giant sunfish | Mola alexandrini | Very rare | |||||
Glasseye snapper | Heteropriacanthus cruentatus | ||||||
Glassy sweeper | Pempheris schomburgkii | ||||||
Golden shiner | Notemigonus crysoleucas | ||||||
Golden topminnow | Fundulus chrysotus | ||||||
Golden tilefish | Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps | ||||||
Goldentail moray | Gymnothorax miliaris | ||||||
Goldfish | Carassius auratus | ||||||
Goldline blenny | Malacoctenus aurolineatus | ||||||
Goldspotted eel | Myrichthys ocellatus | ||||||
Goldspotted Killifish | Floridichthys carpio | ||||||
Goliath grouper | Epinephelus itajara | Also known as Jewfish | |||||
Goliath tigerfish | Hydrocynus goliath | ||||||
Grass carp | Ctenopharyngodon idella | ||||||
Grass porgy | Calamus arctifrons | ||||||
Gray angelfish | Pomacanthus arcuatus | ||||||
Gray flounder | Etropus rimosus | ||||||
Gray snapper | Lutjanus griseus | ||||||
Graysby | Cephalopholis cruentata | ||||||
Great barracuda | Sphyraena barracuda | ||||||
Great hammerhead | Sphyrna mokarran | ||||||
Great northern tilefish | Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps | ||||||
Great white shark | Carcharodon carcharias | Rare in some cases in Florida. | |||||
Greater amberjack | Seriola dumerili | ||||||
Greater soapfish | Rypticus saponaceus | ||||||
Green moray | Gymnothorax funebris | ||||||
Green razorfish | Xyrichtys splendens | ||||||
Green sunfish | Lepomis cyanellus | ||||||
Green swordtail | Xiphophorus hellerii | ||||||
Greenblotch parrotfish | Sparisoma atomarium | ||||||
Greenland shark | Somniosus microcephalus | ||||||
Gray conger | Conger esculentus | ||||||
Gray triggerfish | Balistes capriscus | ||||||
Gulf Coast pygmy sunfish | Elassoma gilberti | ||||||
Gulf flounder | Paralichthys albigutta | ||||||
Gulf killifish | Fundulus grandis | ||||||
Gulf kingfish | Menticirrhus littoralis | ||||||
Gulf menhaden | Brevoortia patronus | ||||||
Gulf of Mexico fringed sole | Gymnachirus texae | ||||||
Gulf pipefish | Syngnathus scovelli | ||||||
Gulf Stream flounder | Citharichthys arctifrons | ||||||
Gulf sturgeon | Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi | ||||||
Gulf surgeonfish | Acanthurus randalli | ||||||
Gulf toadfish | Opsanus beta | ||||||
Gulper shark | Centrophorus granulosus | ||||||
Guppy | Poecilia reticulata | ||||||
Hairy blenny | Labrisomus nuchipinnis | ||||||
Hamlet | Hypoplectrus | ||||||
Hardhead catfish | Arius felis | ||||||
Harlequin bass | Serranus tigrinus | ||||||
Headlight fish | Diaphus effulgens | ||||||
High-hat | Pareques acuminatus | ||||||
Highfin carpsucker | Carpiodes velifer | ||||||
Hickory shad | Alosa mediocris | ||||||
Hogchoker | Trinectes maculatus | ||||||
Hogfish | Lachnolaimus maximus | ||||||
Honeycomb cowfish | Acanthostracion polygonius | ||||||
Honeycomb moray | Muraena melanotis | ||||||
Horned searobin | Bellator militaris | ||||||
Horned whiff | Citharichthys cornutus | ||||||
Horse-eye jack | Caranx latus | ||||||
Houndfish | Tylosurus crocodilus | ||||||
Hovering goby | Valenciennea | ||||||
Humpback grouper | Cromileptes altivelis | ||||||
Hybrid striped bass | Morone chrysops × Morone saxatilis | Also known as Sunshine bass, Cherokee bass or Palmetto bass | |||||
Indigo Hamlet | Hypoplectrus indigo | ||||||
Inshore lizardfish | Synodus foetens | ||||||
Jack Dempsey | Rocio octafasciata | ||||||
Jack-knifefish | Equetus lanceolatus | ||||||
Jaguar guapote | Parachromis managuensis | ||||||
Jewel fish | Hemichromis letourneuxi | ||||||
Jolthead porgy | Calamus bajonado | ||||||
Keel-jawed needlefish | Tylosurus acus | ||||||
Keeltail needlefish | Platybelone argalus | ||||||
Key brotula | Ogilbia cayorum | ||||||
King mackerel | Scomberomorus cavalla | ||||||
Kitefin shark | Dalatias licha | ||||||
Knobbed porgy | Calamus nodosus | ||||||
Koi | Cyprinus rubrofuscus var. "koi" | ||||||
Kōhaku | Cyprinus rubrofuscus var. Kōhaku | ||||||
Ladyfish | Elops saurus | Also known as Tenpounder | |||||
Lagoon triggerfish | Rhinecanthus aculeatus | Invasive[13] | |||||
Lake chubsucker | Erimyzon sucetta | ||||||
Lancer dragonet | Paradiplogrammus bairdi | ||||||
Lane snapper | Lutjanus synagris | ||||||
Lantern bass | Serranus baldwini | ||||||
Largehead hairtail | Trichiurus lepturus | ||||||
Largemouth Bass | Micropterus salmoides | ||||||
Largetooth sawfish | Pristis pristis | ||||||
Least killifish | Heterandria formosa | ||||||
Least puffer | Sphoeroides parvus | ||||||
Leatherjack | Oligoplites saurus | ||||||
Lebranche mullet | Mugil liza | ||||||
Lemon shark | Negaprion brevirostris | ||||||
Leopard goby | Tigrigobius saucrum | ||||||
Lesser devil ray | Mobula hypostoma | ||||||
Lesser electric ray | Narcine bancroftii | ||||||
Lichen moray eel | Gymnothorax hubbsi | ||||||
Lined seahorse | Hippocampus erectus | ||||||
Lined sole | Achirus lineatus | ||||||
Little tunny | Euthynnus alletteratus | ||||||
Longbill spearfish | Tetrapturus pfluegeri | ||||||
Longear sunfish | Lepomis megalotis | ||||||
Longfin damselfish | Stegastes diencaeus | ||||||
Longfin mako shark | Isurus paucus | ||||||
Longjaw squirrelfish | Neoniphon marianus | ||||||
Longlure frogfish | Antennarius multiocellatus | ||||||
Longnose gar | Lepisosteus osseus | ||||||
Longsnout butterflyfish | Forcipiger flavissimus | ||||||
Long-spine porcupinefish | Diodon holocanthus | ||||||
Longspine squirrelfish | Holocentrus rufus | ||||||
Lookdown | Selene vomer | ||||||
Lyre goby | Evorthodus lyricus | ||||||
Mahi-mahi | Coryphaena hippurus | Also known as Dolphinfish or Dorado | |||||
Mahogany snapper | Lutjanus mahogoni | ||||||
Man-of-war fish | Nomeus gronovii | ||||||
Manta ray | Manta birostris | ||||||
Manytooth conger | Conger triporiceps | ||||||
Marbled grouper | Dermatolepis inermis | ||||||
Marbled moray | Uropterygius macularius | ||||||
Marbled puffer | Sphoeroides dorsalis | ||||||
Margate | Haemulon album | ||||||
Margined snake eel | Ophichthus cruentifer | ||||||
Masked puffer | Arothron diadematus | ||||||
Mayan cichlid | Mayaheros urophthalmus | ||||||
Megamouth shark | Megachasma pelagios | ||||||
Mekong giant catfish | Pangasianodon gigas | ||||||
Metallic lanternfish | Myctophum affine | ||||||
Midas cichlid | Amphilophus citrinellus | ||||||
Midnight parrotfish | Scarus coelestinus | ||||||
Mirrorwing flyingfish | Hirundichthys speculiger | ||||||
Misty grouper | Hyporthodus mystacinus | ||||||
Molly miller | Scartella cristata | ||||||
Mottled conger moray | Enchelycore nigricans | ||||||
Mottled jawfish | Opistognathus maxillosus | ||||||
Mozambique Tilapia | Oreochromis mossambicus | ||||||
Mud sunfish | Acantharchus pomotis | ||||||
Mummichog | Fundulus heteroclitus | ||||||
Mushroom scorpionfish | Scorpaena inermis | ||||||
Mutton hamlet | Alphestes afer | ||||||
Mutton snapper | Lutjanus analis | ||||||
Naked sole | Gymnachirus nudus | ||||||
Narrowfin smooth-hound | Mustelus norrisi | ||||||
Nassau grouper | Epinephelus striatus | ||||||
Neon goby | Elacatinus evelynae | ||||||
Neon goby | Elacatinus oceanops | ||||||
Neon tetra | Paracheirodon innesi | ||||||
Night sergeant | Abudefduf taurus | ||||||
Night shark | Carcharhinus signatus | ||||||
Nile perch | Lates niloticus | ||||||
Nile tilapia | Oreochromis niloticus | ||||||
Northern puffer | Sphoeroides maculatus | ||||||
Northern red snapper | Lutjanus campechanus | ||||||
Northern snakehead | Channa argus | ||||||
Nurse shark | Ginglymostoma cirratum | ||||||
Ocean sunfish | Mola mola | ||||||
Ocean surgeon | Acanthurus bahianus | ||||||
Ocean triggerfish | Canthidermis maculata | ||||||
Oceanic two-wing flyingfish | Exocoetus obtusirostris | ||||||
Oceanic whitetip shark | Carcharhinus longimanus | ||||||
Ocellated flounder | Ancylopsetta ommata | ||||||
Ocellated frogfish | Fowlerichthys ocellatus | ||||||
Ocellated moray | Gymnothorax saxicola | ||||||
Okaloosa darter | Etheostoma okaloosae | ||||||
Okefenokee pygmy sunfish | Elassoma okefenokee | ||||||
Ophidion josephi | Ophidion josephi | ||||||
Orangebelly goby | Varicus marilynae | ||||||
Orange-spine surgeonfish | Naso lituratus | ||||||
Orangespotted filefish | Cantherhines pullus | ||||||
Orangespotted goby | Nes longus | ||||||
Orangespotted sunfish | Lepomis humilis | ||||||
Orinoco peacock bass | Cichla orinocensis | ||||||
Orinoco sailfin catfish | Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus | ||||||
Oscar | Astronotus ocellatus | ||||||
Oyster toadfish | Opsanus tau | ||||||
Painted electric ray | Diplobatis pictus | ||||||
Palometa | Trachinotus goodei | ||||||
Parrotfish | Scaridae | ||||||
Butterfly Peacock bass | Cichla ocellaris | ||||||
peacock eel | Macrognathus siamensis | ||||||
Peacock grouper | Cephalopholis argus | ||||||
Pearl cichlid | Geophagus brasiliensis | ||||||
Permit | Trachinotus falcatus | ||||||
Pigfish (Redmouth grunt) | Orthopristis chrysoptera | ||||||
Pignosed arrowtooth eel | Dysomma brevirostre | ||||||
Pike topminnow | Belonesox belizanus | ||||||
Pilot fish | Naucrates ductor | ||||||
Pinfish | Lagodon rhomboides | ||||||
Pirambeba | Serrasalmus humeralis | ||||||
Pirapitinga | Piaractus brachypomus | ||||||
Pirarucu | Arapaima gigas | ||||||
Plate fish | Bothus lunatus | ||||||
Polygon moray | Gymnothorax polygonius | ||||||
Pompano dolphinfish | Coryphaena equiselis | ||||||
Pond loach | Misgurnus anguillicaudatus | ||||||
Porkfish | Anisotremus virginicus | ||||||
Portuguese dogfish | Centroscymnus coelolepis | ||||||
Princess parrotfish | Scarus taeniopterus | ||||||
Prussian carp | Carassius gibelio | ||||||
Pseudotropheus demasoni | Pseudotropheus demasoni | ||||||
Puddingwife wrasse | Halichoeres radiatus | ||||||
Pumpkinseed | Lepomis gibbosus | ||||||
Pugnose minnow | Opsopoeodus emiliae peninsularis | ||||||
Purplemouth moray eel | Gymnothorax vicinus | ||||||
Pygmy sunfish | Elassomatinae | ||||||
Queen angelfish | Holacanthus ciliaris | ||||||
Queen parrotfish | Scarus vetula | ||||||
Queen snapper | Etelis oculatus | ||||||
Queen triggerfish | Balistes vetula | ||||||
Quillback | Carpiodes cyprinus | ||||||
Rainbow parrotfish | Scarus guacamaia | ||||||
Rainbow runner | Elagatis bipinnulata | ||||||
Rainbow smelt | Osmerus mordax | ||||||
Rainbow trout | Oncorhynchus mykiss | ||||||
Rainwater killifish | Lucania parva | ||||||
Red-bellied pacu | Piaractus brachypomus | ||||||
Red-bellied piranha | Pygocentrus nattereri | ||||||
Red devil cichlid | Amphilophus labiatus | ||||||
Red drum | Sciaenops ocellatus | Also known as Channel bass | |||||
Red grouper | Epinephelus morio | ||||||
Red hind | Epinephelus guttatus | ||||||
Red lionfish | Pterois volitans | ||||||
Red porgy | Pagrus pagrus | ||||||
Red shiner | Cyprinella lutrensis | ||||||
Red snapper | Lutjanus campechanus | ||||||
Red-striped eartheater | Geophagus surinamensis | ||||||
Redband parrotfish | Sparisoma aurofrenatum | ||||||
Redbelly tilapia | Coptodon zillii | ||||||
Redbreast sunfish | Lepomis auritus | ||||||
Redbreast tilapia | Coptodon rendalli | ||||||
Redear sunfish | Lepomis microlophus | ||||||
Redface eel | Monopenchelys acuta | ||||||
Redfin needlefish | Strongylura notata notata | ||||||
Redlip blenny | Ophioblennius atlanticus | ||||||
Redspotted sunfish | Lepomis miniatus | ||||||
Redtail catfish | Phractocephalus hemioliopterus | ||||||
Redtail parrotfish | Sparisoma chrysopterum | ||||||
Reef butterflyfish | Chaetodon sedentarius | ||||||
Reef scorpionfish | Scorpaenodes caribbaeus | ||||||
Reef squirrelfish | Sargocentron coruscum | ||||||
Reef stonefish | Synanceia verrucosa | ||||||
Reticulate moray | Muraena retifera | ||||||
Rio Grande Cichlid | Herichthys cyanoguttatum | ||||||
Rock bass | Ambloplites rupestris | ||||||
Rock beauty | Holacanthus tricolor | ||||||
Rosy barb | Pethia conchonius | ||||||
Rosy blenny | Malacoctenus macropus | ||||||
Rosy razorfish | Xyrichtys martinicensis | ||||||
Roughtail stingray | Bathytoshia centroura | ||||||
Round sardinella | Sardinella aurita | ||||||
Round scad | Decapterus punctatus | ||||||
Roundel skate | Rostroraja texana | ||||||
Royal gramma | Gramma loreto | ||||||
Saddled blenny | Malacoctenus triangulatus | ||||||
Saddled moray eel | Gymnothorax conspersus | ||||||
Sailfin flyingfish | Parexocoetus brachypterus | ||||||
Sailfin molly | Poecilia latipinna | ||||||
Sailor's choice grunt | Haemulon parra | ||||||
Salvin's cichlid | Trichromis salvini | ||||||
Sandbar shark | Carcharhinus plumbeus | ||||||
Sand drum | Umbrina coroides | ||||||
Sand perch | Parapercis hexophtalma | ||||||
Sand seatrout | Cynoscion arenarius | ||||||
Sand tiger shark | Carcharias taurus | ||||||
Sand tilefish | Malacanthus plumieri | ||||||
Sand whiff | Citharichthys arenaceus | ||||||
Sargassum triggerfish | Xanthichthys ringens | ||||||
Saucereye porgy | Calamus calamus | ||||||
Scaled sardine | Harengula jaguana | ||||||
Scalloped hammerhead | Sphyrna lewini | ||||||
Scamp grouper | Mycteroperca phenax | ||||||
Schoolmaster snapper | Lutjanus apodus | ||||||
Scrawled cowfish | Acanthostracion quadricornis | ||||||
Sea lamprey | Petromyzon marinus | ||||||
Seminole killifish | Fundulus seminolis | ||||||
Sergeant major | Abudefduf saxatilis | ||||||
Serra Spanish mackerel | Scomberomorus brasiliensis | ||||||
Sharktooth moray eel | Gymnothorax maderensis | ||||||
Sharpnose sevengill shark | Heptranchias perlo | ||||||
Sheepshead | Archosargus probatocephalus | ||||||
Sheepshead minnow | Cyprinodon variegatus variegatus | ||||||
Sheepshead porgy | Calamus penna | ||||||
Shoal bass | Micropterus cataractae | ||||||
Short beard codling | Laemonema barbatulum | ||||||
Shortfin mako shark | Isurus oxyrinchus | ||||||
Shortnose gar | Lepisosteus platostomus | ||||||
Shortnose sturgeon | Acipenser brevirostrum | ||||||
Shorttail snake eel | Callechelys guineensis | ||||||
Shy hamlet | Hypoplectrus guttavarius | ||||||
Siamese fighting fish | Betta splendens | ||||||
Silk snapper | Lutjanus vivanus | ||||||
Silky shark | Carcharhinus falciformis | ||||||
Silver arowana | Osteoglossum bicirrhosum | ||||||
Silver carp | Hypophthalmichthys molitrix | ||||||
Silver mullet | Mugil curema | ||||||
Skipjack shad | Alosa chrysochloris | ||||||
Skipjack tuna | Katsuwonus pelamis | ||||||
Slender seahorse | Hippocampus reidi | ||||||
Slippery dick | Halichoeres bivittatus | ||||||
Small-scaled pacu | Piaractus mesopotamicus | ||||||
Smalltail shark | Carcharhinus porosus | ||||||
Smalltooth sawfish | Pristis pectinata | ||||||
Smooth butterfly ray | Gymnura micrura | ||||||
Smooth dogfish | Mustelus canis | ||||||
Smooth hammerhead | Sphyrna zygaena | ||||||
Smooth puffer | Lagocephalus laevigatus | ||||||
Smooth trunkfish | Lactophrys triqueter | ||||||
Snook | Centropomus undecimalis | ||||||
Snowy grouper | Hyporthodus niveatus | ||||||
Southern eagle ray | Myliobatis goodei | ||||||
Southern kingfish | Menticirrhus americanus | ||||||
Southern ladyfish | Elops smithi | ||||||
Southern platyfish | Xiphophorus maculatus | ||||||
Southern puffer | Sphoeroides nephelus | ||||||
Southern stingray | Hypanus americanus | ||||||
Spanish hogfish | Bodianus rufus | ||||||
Speckled hind | Epinephelus (or Hyporthodus) drummondhayi | Also known as Calico grouper, Kitty Mitchell, or Strawberry grouper | |||||
Speckled peacock bass | Cichla temensis | ||||||
Speckled seatrout | Cynoscion nebulosus | ||||||
Spinner shark | Carcharhinus brevipinna | ||||||
Spiny box puffer | Chilomycterus antillarum | ||||||
Splendid toadfish | Sanopus splendidus | ||||||
Spot | Leiostomus xanthurus | ||||||
Spotcheek blenny | Brockius nigricinctus | ||||||
Spotfin hogfish | Bodianus pulchellus | ||||||
Spottail pinfish | Diplodus holbrookii | ||||||
Spotted bass | Micropterus punctulatus | ||||||
Spotted drum | Equetus punctatus | ||||||
Spotted eagle ray | Aetobatus narinari | ||||||
Spotted gar | Lepisopsteus oculatus | ||||||
Spotted goatfish | Pseudupeneus maculatus | ||||||
Spotted moray | Gymnothorax moringa | ||||||
California scorpionfish | Scorpaena guttata | ||||||
Spotted scorpionfish | Scorpaena plumieri | ||||||
Spotted Severum | Heros notatus | ||||||
Spotted sucker | Minytrema melanops | ||||||
Spotted sunfish | Lepomis punctatus | ||||||
Spotted tilapia | Pelmatolapia mariae | ||||||
Spotted trunkfish | Lactophrys bicaudalis | ||||||
Stoplight parrotfish | Sparisoma viride | ||||||
Striped bass | Morone saxatilis | ||||||
Striped burrfish | Chilomycterus antillarum | ||||||
Striped mullet | Mugil cephalus | ||||||
Striped parrotfish | Scarus iseri | ||||||
Stonefish | Ogcocephalus corniger | ||||||
Suckermouth catfish | Hypostomus plecostomus | ||||||
Summer flounder | Paralichthys dentatus | ||||||
Suwannee bass | Micropterus notius | ||||||
Swamp darter | Etheostoma fusiforme | ||||||
Swordfish | Xiphias gladius | ||||||
Tadpole madtom | Noturus gyrinus | ||||||
Taillight shiner | Notropis maculatus | ||||||
Tambaqui | Colossoma macropomum | ||||||
Tessellated blenny | Hypsoblennius invemar | ||||||
Texas cichlid | Herichthys cyanoguttatus | ||||||
Threadfin shad | Dorosoma petenense | ||||||
Threadnose bass | Choranthias tenuis | ||||||
Three-lined basslet | Lipogramma trilineata | ||||||
Three spot cichlid | Amphilophus trimaculatum | ||||||
Tiger grouper | Mycteroperca tigris | ||||||
Tiger shark | Galeocerdo cuvier | ||||||
Tiger sorubim | Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum | ||||||
Tobaccofish | Serranus tabacarius | ||||||
Tomtate grunt | Haemulon aurolineatum | ||||||
Trimac cichlid | Amphilophus trimaculatum or Cichlasoma trimaculatum | ||||||
Tropical gar | Atractosteus tropicus | ||||||
Tropical two-wing flyingfish | Exocoetus volitans | ||||||
Tucanare peacock bass | Cichla monoculus | ||||||
Twospot cardinalfish | Apogon pseudomaculatus | ||||||
Variatus platy | Xiphophorus variatus | ||||||
Vermilion snapper | Rhomboplites aurorubens | ||||||
Violet goby | Gobioides broussonnetii | ||||||
Wahoo | Acanthocybium solandri | ||||||
Walking catfish | Clarias batrachus | ||||||
Walleye | Sander vitreus | [14] | |||||
Wami tilapia | Oreochromis urolepis hornorum | ||||||
Warmouth | Lepomis gulosus | ||||||
Warsaw grouper | Hyporthodus nigritus | ||||||
Weakfish | Cynoscion regalis | ||||||
Wels catfish | Silurus glanis | ||||||
West Atlantic trumpetfish | Aulostomus maculatus | ||||||
Western Atlantic finless eel | Apterichtus kendalli | ||||||
Whale shark | Rhincodon typus | ||||||
White bass | Morone chrysops | ||||||
White catfish | Ictalurus catus | ||||||
White crappie | Pomoxis annularis | ||||||
White grunt | Haemulon plumierii | ||||||
White marlin | Kajikia albida | ||||||
White perch | Morone americana | ||||||
White sturgeon | Acipenser transmontanus | ||||||
Whitespot moray | Muraena pavonina | ||||||
Whitespotted surgeonfish | Acanthurus guttatus | ||||||
Windowpane flounder | Scophthalmus aquosus | ||||||
Wolf cichlid | Parachromis dovii | ||||||
Yellow bullhead | Ameiurus natalis | ||||||
Yellow garden eel | Heteroconger luteolus | ||||||
Yellow goatfish | Mulloidichthys martinicus | ||||||
Yellow jack | Carangoides bartholomaei | ||||||
Yellow perch | Perca flavescens | ||||||
Yellow stingray | Urobatis jamaicensis | ||||||
Yellow tang | Zebrasoma flavescens | ||||||
Yellowedge grouper | Hyporthodus flavolimbatus | ||||||
Yellowfin goby | Acanthogobius flavimanus | ||||||
Yellowfin grouper | Mycteroperca venenosa | ||||||
Yellowfin mojarra | Gerres cinereus | ||||||
Yellowfin tuna | Thunnus albacares | ||||||
Yellowhead wrasse | Halichoeres garnoti | ||||||
Yellowmouth grouper | Mycteroperca interstitialis | ||||||
Yellowtail damselfish | Microspathodon chrysurus | ||||||
Yellowtail parrotfish | Sparisoma rubripinne | ||||||
Yellowtail reef fish | Chromis enchrysura | ||||||
Yellowtail snapper | Ocyurus chrysurus | ||||||
Zabaleta anchovy | Anchovia clupeoides | ||||||
Zebra tilapia | Heterotilapia buttikoferi |
See also
- Asian carp in North America
- List of amphibians of Florida
- List of birds of Florida
- List of birds of Biscayne National Park
- List of birds of Everglades National Park
- List of birds of Dry Tortugas National Park
- List of mammals of Florida
- List of reptiles of Florida
- List of snakes of Florida
- List of invasive marine fish in Florida
- List of invasive species in Florida
- List of invasive species in the Everglades
- List of invasive plant species in Florida
- Invasive species in the United States
- List of invasive species in North America
- List of invasive species in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States
- Environmental issues in the United States
- Invasive species
- 100 of the World's Worst Invasive Alien Species
- Burmese pythons in Florida
- Fauna of Florida
- ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2018-07-24. Retrieved 2018-07-23.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) - ^
- ^
- ^ "Alectis ciliaris - Pennantfish - Discover Life". Retrieved 2017-05-03.
- ^ "Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) - Species Profile". USGS. Retrieved 16 March 2024.
- ^ "Invasive Freshwater Fishes".
- ^ Mincarone, M.M. (2011). "Myxine glutinosa". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2011: e.T196057A8988080. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2011-1.RLTS.T196057A8988080.en. Retrieved 1 October 2023.
- ^ Keith, Charles (December 2006). "Atlantic hagfish" (PDF). Retrieved 1 October 2023.
- ^ "Phantoms of the Deep". The National Wildlife Federation.
- ^ "Large Black Labeo Shark in Miami Lake". 3 January 2016.
- ^ "Chocolate surgeonfish (Acanthurus pyroferus) - Species Profile".
- ^ Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.). "Lophogobius cyprinoides". FishBase.
- ^ "An aggressive aquarium fish gets plucked from the ocean — and is heading to a new home". Miami Herald.
- ^ "Walleye (Sander vitreus) - Species Profile". USGS. Retrieved 16 March 2024.
- Freshwater fish of the Southeastern United States
- Fish of the Atlantic Ocean
- Fish of the Caribbean
- Fish of the Gulf of Mexico
- Fish of the Western Atlantic
- Lists of fishes of the United States
- Fish of the Eastern United States
- Fauna of the Southeastern United States
- Fish of the United States
- Fish of North America
- Lists of fish of North America
- Lists of fauna of Florida