Village located at the extremity of the Rhuys penninsula ("presqu'île de Rhuys") in the Morbihan department in south Brittany, France.
Said to be the french village with with the longest coastal area in France (see map below). Arzon marks the East entrance to the Morbihan Gulf.
Very popular summer resort. In winter fall and spring, only 2 "gendarmes" (rural French military police) work in Arzon. In the summer, an extra two bus loads of gendarmes come to Arzon to cope with the influx of tourists.
Latitude 47° 32' 55" North
Longitude 02° 53' 25" West
Altitude 0 m (mini) – 36 m (maximum)
Surface Area 8,93 km2
Population 2 056 people (1999)
Twinned town
Lahinch, Ireland
External Links
Arzon Town Hall
Arzon Tourist Office
Yacht Club Crouesty Arzon