Batman is an unknown vigilante who primarily operates in Gotham City. His first reported instance of crime-fighting was in 2002, where he solved the Apex Chemical Corporation murder case, and brought the mastermind of the operation, Alfred Stryker to the police soon after. Following this, Batman begun the 2002-Present War On Gotham Crime in which he and his allies reportedly swore to end the high crime rates of Gotham City.
Batman works alongside several other vigilantes, pre-dominantly Robin, Batgirl, and reportedly, Nightwing. Conspiracy theories have stated that Nightwing held the mantle of "Robin" at some point in time, although this is unconfirmed by Batman or Nightwing himself.
It is unknown if Batman is a metahuman. Eyewitnesses state that he utilises technology, such as a gliding cape and grapnel gun, to traverse across the Gotham rooftops. Batman is also said to have extensive connections with Gotham's police force, which may explain his ability to fund gadgetry such as the Batmobile. The installation of the Bat signal floodlight on the Gotham City Police Department Headquarters aims to instil fear in the criminal populace, as an omen of Batman's potential arrival. Batman is also a founding member of the Justice Society of America.
Batman is considered to be the most elusive superhero on the planet, considering how little the general populace knows about him and his methods in crime-fighting, compared to others such as Superman.