Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
Documentation for this user script can be added at User:Redaking/ArticleTranslator. |
// <nowiki> DO NOT COPY IT FOR TRANSLATION, READ THE DOCUMENTATION [[:en:User talk:Ebraminio/ArticleTranslator.js]]
/*global jQuery, mediaWiki*/
(function ($, mw) {
'use strict';
// prevent double execution of the tool
if (window.isArticletranslatorInitialized && location.hash === '#tofawikiframe') { return; }
window.isArticletranslatorInitialized = true;
var action = mw.config.get('wgAction');
if (action === 'history') {
var conf = {
homeWiki: 'arz',
fromLang: mw.config.get('wgPageContentLanguage'),
translatorBarFormat: '$1translate$2 links from $3 to $4 $5',
templateTranslatorText: 'Template translation',
removeLinksAliasesText: 'Remove Links Aliases',
enableTemplateTranslation: true,
removeLinksAliases: true,
name: 'Name',
interwikiCount: 'Language links count',
linkedTo: 'Linked to',
listOfUnavailablePagesOn: 'List of not present pages on',
definedTemplates: ['Flag icon', 'flagicon', 'Flag', 'Portal', 'About', 'ADB', 'Alsoknown', 'Alternateuses', 'Cat main',
'Cat main article', 'Category disambiguation', 'Category main', 'Catmain', 'Consider disambiguation', 'Contrast',
'Dabprefixes', 'Detail', 'Details', 'Disambiguation needed', 'Distinguish', 'Distinguish2', 'For', 'For other uses',
'For2', 'In title', 'Introductory article', 'Look from', 'Main', 'Main cat', 'Main category', 'Maincat', 'More', 'Moredetails',
'Navbox hatnote *Templates', 'Other', 'Other hurricanes', 'Other meanings', 'Other people', 'Other people2', 'Other people3',
'Other people5', 'Other places', 'Other places3', 'Other ships', 'Other use', 'Other uses', 'Other uses of', 'Other uses1',
'Other uses2', 'Other uses-section', 'Othermeanings', 'Otheruse', 'OtherUses', 'Otheruses1', 'Otheruses3', 'OtherusesSubtopic',
'Othervalues', 'Outline', 'Previously', 'Redirect', 'Redirect10', 'Redirect2', 'Redirect3', 'Redirect4', 'Redirect6', 'Redirect-distinguish2',
'Redirect-synonym', 'See introduction', 'See Wiktionary', 'Seesubarticle', 'Selfref', 'Srlink', 'Surname links', 'Technical reasons',
'Template ambiguous', 'Template shortcut', 'This user talk', 'Three other uses', 'Two other uses', 'WikiProject Disambiguation'],
blacklistedTemplatePattern: /Template:(cite|citation|infobox) [a-z]+/i,
$.extend(conf, window.articleTranslatorConf);
// getting the last translator preference from the cookie
if ($.cookie && $.cookie('homeWiki') !== null) { conf.homeWiki = $.cookie('homeWiki'); }
if ($.cookie && $.cookie('fromLang') !== null) { conf.fromLang = $.cookie('fromLang'); }
function translate(links, showMissings) {
// unique titles
links = Object.keys(links.reduce(function (object, item) {
object[item] = true;
return object;
}, {}));
var request = {
from: conf.fromLang,
to: conf.homeWiki,
missings: !!showMissings,
p: links.join('|')
return $.post('', request).then(null, function () {
return $.post('', request);
function hasNotPersianCharacter(x) {
return !/[كﮑﮐﮏﮎﻜﻛﻚﻙىﻯيہەھﻰ-ﻴً-ِْٰء-ٕپچژگکكڪﻙﻚیﻱﻲٔ۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹۰]/.test(x);
function editboxTranslator() {
var translationTextArea;
if (conf.fromLang === mw.config.get('wgPageContentLanguage')) {
translationTextArea = $('#wpTextbox1').clone().attr({
'id': 'wpTextbox2'
'background-color': '#CCCEFF'
} else {
translationTextArea = $('#wpTextbox1');
var raw = translationTextArea.val();
if (raw.match(/\{\{(Navbox|Sidebar|Campaignbox)/)) {
raw = raw.replace(/(\|\s*name\s*=\s*)([^\n\|\}]*)/, '$1' + mw.config.get('wgTitle'));
$.Deferred().resolve().then(function () {
var links = (raw.match(/\[\[.*?[|\]]/g) || []).map(function (x) { return x.split(/\[\[:?/)[1].split(/[|\]]/)[0]; });
if (links.length === 0) {
if (conf.homeWiki === 'arz') {
links = links.filter(hasNotPersianCharacter);
return translate(links).then(function (result) {
Object.keys(result).forEach(function (from) {
raw = raw.replace(
new RegExp('(\\[\\[:?)' + mw.RegExp.escape(from) + '((?:\\|[^\\]]*)?)(\\]\\])', 'g'),
'$1' + result[from] + (conf.removeLinksAliases ? '' : '$2') + '$3'
}).then(function () {
var templateLinksRegexp = new RegExp('(\\{\\{\\s*(?:Template:)?(?:' + conf.definedTemplates.join('|') + ')\\|)([^\n|]+?)((?:\\|[^\n\}]*?)?\\}\\})', 'ig');
var links = (raw.match(templateLinksRegexp) || []).map(function (x) { return x.split('|')[1].split('}')[0]; });
if (links.length === 0) {
return translate(links).then(function (result) {
raw = raw.replace(templateLinksRegexp, function ($0, $1, $2, $3) {
return $1 + (result[$2] || $2) + $3;
}).then(function () {
if (!conf.enableTemplateTranslation) { return; }
var templatesRegexp = /((?:[^{]|^)\{\{\s*(?:Template:|))([^\n|{]+?)([|}\n])/ig;
var links = (raw.match(templatesRegexp) || [])
.map(function (x) { return 'Template:' + x.split(/\{\{/)[1].split(/[|}\n]/)[0]; })
.filter(function (x) { return !conf.blacklistedTemplatePattern.test(x); });
if (links.length === 0) {
if (conf.homeWiki === 'arz') {
links = links.filter(hasNotPersianCharacter);
return translate(links).then(function (result) {
raw = raw.replace(templatesRegexp, function ($0, $1, $2, $3) {
return result['Template:' + $2] ? ($1 + result['Template:' + $2].replace(/[^:]*:/, '') + $3) : $0;
}).then(function () {
// Persian specific cleanings, disabled:؟diff=18668571
//if (conf.homeWiki === 'fa')
// raw = raw.replace(/\]\]s/g, ']]').replace(/, /g, '، ');
function linkFromWikiLang(page, lang) {
if (lang === 'imdb')
return '' + page + '/';
if (lang === 'wikidata')
return '' + mw.util.getUrl(page);
return 'https://' + lang + '' + mw.util.getUrl(page);
var wgUserLanguage = mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage');
function showTables(result) {
var missings = result['#missings'];
// Red nodes inserted after the missing pages
Object.keys(missings).map(function (page) {
if (!missings[page].langlinks) return;
$('#bodyContent a[href$="' + mw.util.getUrl(page) + '"]').after(
$('<span>', {
'class': 'linkstranslator-added-content'
}).append('(', $('<bdi>', {
style: 'color: red',
'class': 'translatorNeededLink'
}).text(missings[page].langlinks), ')')
// Missings table
var links = Object.keys(missings).map(function (page) {
return [page, missings[page].langlinks, missings[page].links];
}).filter(function (x) { return x[1]; });
links = links.sort(function (x, y) { return y[1] - x[1]; });
var start = document.dir === 'ltr' ? 'left' : 'right';
$('#translatorBar').after($('<div>', {
style: 'line-height: 1.25; font-size: 50%;',
id: 'linkstranslator-missings-wrapper'
conf.listOfUnavailablePagesOn + ' ' + conf.homeWiki + '.wiki: ',
$('<div>', {
style: 'height: 10em; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; width: 100em;'
$('<div>', { style: 'float: ' + start }).append(
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).append( (x) {
return $('<tr>').append(
$('<td>').append($('<a>', {
href: linkFromWikiLang(x[0], conf.fromLang),
text: x[0]
$('<div>', { style: 'width: 2em; float: ' + start }).append('<br>'),
$('<div>', { style: 'float: ' + start }).append(
$('<table>', { 'class': 'wikitable sortable' }).append(
).append(Object.keys(result).map(function (x) {
if (x.indexOf('#') === 0) return '';
return $('<tr>').append(
$('<td>', { dir: 'auto' }).append($('<a>', {
href: linkFromWikiLang(x, conf.fromLang),
text: x
$('<td>', { dir: 'auto' }).append($('<a>', {
href: linkFromWikiLang(result[x], conf.homeWiki),
text: result[x]
function viewTranslator(showMissings) {
$('.linkstranslator-added-content, #linkstranslator-missings-wrapper').remove();
$('#translator-button, #translator-plus').css('color', 'lightgray');
var titles = {};
$('#bodyContent a').get().forEach(function (x) {
var href = x.getAttribute('href');
if (!href || href.indexOf('/wiki/') === -1) return;
var title = decodeURI(href.replace(/.*?\/wiki\//, ''))
.replace(/_/g, ' ').replace(/#.*$/g, '');
if (title) {
titles[title] = true;
titles = Object.keys(titles);
translate(titles, showMissings).then(function (result) {
$('.linkstranslator-added-content, #linkstranslator-missings-wrapper').remove();
$('#translator-button, #translator-plus').css('color', '#808b96');
Object.keys(result).forEach(function (from) {
if (from.indexOf('#') === 0) return;
var to = result[from];
$('#bodyContent a[href$="' + mw.util.getUrl(from) + '"]').after(
$('<span>', {
'class': 'linkstranslator-added-content'
}).append('(', $('<a>', {
href: '#',
'class': 'linkstranslator-link-copytext',
style: 'font-size: 140%; font-weight: normal; line-height: 0;',
title: 'Copy to clipboard',
text: '⎘'
}), ' ', $('<bdi>').append(
$('<a>', {
lang: conf.homeWiki,
href: linkFromWikiLang(to, conf.homeWiki),
text: to
), ')')
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position: 'fixed', top: 0, right: '-2em', width: '2em', height: '2em',
padding: 0, border: 'none', outline: 'none', boxShadow: 'none',
background: 'transparent'
$('.linkstranslator-link-copytext').click(function (event) {
var el =;
var text = el.nextElementSibling.firstChild.innerText;
if (location.hash === '#tofawikiframe')
text = '[[' + text + ']]';
var success = false;
try { success = document.execCommand('copy'); } catch (e) { }
if (!success) return;
$(el).animate({ fontSize: '200%' }, 20)
.animate({ fontSize: '140%' }, 200);
if (showMissings) showTables(result);
if (result['#debug']) console.log('Server debug:', result['#debug']);
function saveLanguageConfigs() {
if ($('#translator-from').text().trim() === '') {
$('#translator-from').text(conf.fromLang || 'arz');
conf.fromLang = $('#translator-from').text();
$.cookie('fromLang', conf.fromLang);
if ($('#translator-to').text().trim() === '') {
$('#translator-to').text(conf.homeWiki || 'en');
conf.homeWiki = $('#translator-to').text();
$.cookie('homeWiki', conf.homeWiki);
$(function () {
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h1 = $('<span>').prependTo($('#mw-content-text'));
h1.append($('<span>', {
style: 'font-size: 40%; margin: 0 2em; display: inline-block',
id: 'translatorBar',
'class': 'noprint'
$('<span contenteditable>'),
.replace('$1', '<sub>' + (action === 'view' ? '<a id="translator-equ" href="#">=</a> <a id="translator-equ-play" href="#">▶️</a> <a id="translator-equ-frovo" target="_blank" href="' + encodeURI(mw.config.get('wgTitle')) + '">f</a> ' : '') + '<span id="translator-equ-links"></span></sub><a id="translator-button" href="#">')
.replace('$2', '</a>' + (action === 'view' ? '<sup><a id="translator-plus" href="#">+</a></sup>' : ''))
.replace('$3', '<span id="translator-from" spellcheck="false" style="display: inline-block" contenteditable>' + conf.fromLang + '</span>')
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' ',
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$('<label>', { 'for': 'enableTemplateTranslation', text: conf.templateTranslatorText }),
' ',
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$('<label>', { 'for': 'removeLinksAliases', text: conf.removeLinksAliasesText })
$('#translator-button, #translator-plus').click(function (event) {
if (action === 'edit' || action === 'submit') {
} else {
viewTranslator( === 'translator-plus');
// run translator if is in tofawiki context
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$('#translator-equ').click(function (event) {
var title = mw.config.get('wgTitle');
$('<a>', { target: '_blank', href: '' + conf.fromLang + '&tl=' + conf.homeWiki + '&q=' + title, text: 'Translator' }),
' / ',
$('<a>', { target: '_blank', href: '"' + encodeURI(title) + '"&lr=lang_' + conf.homeWiki, text: 'Specific Language Search' }),
' / ',
$('<a>', { target: '_blank', href: '', text: 'Bing Translator' })
$('#translator-equ-play').click(function (e) {
new Audio('' + encodeURI(mw.config.get('wgTitle'))).play();
// hide play button on non-English wiki
mw.config.get('wgContentLanguage') !== 'en' && $('#translator-equ-play, #translator-equ-frovo').hide();
$('#translator-switch').click(function (event) {
var t = conf.homeWiki;
conf.homeWiki = conf.fromLang;
$.cookie('homeWiki', conf.fromLang);
conf.fromLang = t;
$.cookie('fromLang', t);
// disable enter on them
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if (e.which !== 13) return;
}).click(function () {
document.execCommand('selectAll', false, null);
$('#enableTemplateTranslation').attr('checked', conf.enableTemplateTranslation).click(function () {
conf.enableTemplateTranslation = this.checked;
$('#removeLinksAliases').attr('checked', conf.removeLinksAliases).click(function () {
conf.removeLinksAliases = this.checked;
}(jQuery, mediaWiki));