Magical creature
Magical creature, magical beast, or magical animal may refer to:
Folklore, mythology, and religion
- Legendary creature, a folkloric or mythological creature
- Anthropomorphic animal, a non-human animal attributed with human traits
- Cryptid, an animal that cryptozoologists believe may exist somewhere in the wild, but whose present existence is disputed or unsubstantiated by science
- Monster, a type of creature found in fiction, folklore, mythology, and religion
- Mythological hybrid, a creature composed of parts from different animals
- Human–animal hybrid, an organism that incorporates elements from both humans and non-human animals
- Talking animal, a non-human animal that can produce sounds or gestures resembling those of a human language
- Therianthrope, a human who shapeshifts into a non-human animal
- Animals in mythology and religion
- Animal deity, a deity in the form of a non-human animal
- Animal spirit, the spirit of a non-human animal
- Familiar, a supernatural entity, interdimensional being, or spiritual guardian that protects or assists witches and cunning folk in their practice of magic, divination, and spiritual insight
- Power animal, a neoshamanic tutelary spirit
- Totem, a spirit being, sacred object, or symbol that serves as an emblem of a group of people
- Vahana, a mount of a Hindu deity
- Zoomorph, an entity in the form of a non-human animal
- Book of Imaginary Beings, a 1957 book by Jorge Luis Borges and Margarita Guerrero
- A Book of Magical Beasts, a 1970 book by Ruth Manning-Sanders
- Magical creatures in The Chronicles of Narnia
- Magical creatures in Harry Potter
- Talking animals in fiction