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User:Jéské Couriano/ArbEnfCount/ArchiveGroups/50s

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This is the current revision of this page, as edited by Jéské Couriano (talk | contribs) at 17:09, 7 November 2024 (navbox). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this version.

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Blk TBan Warn NEA Decl Acpt PLS Misc NV PE STL WD NOR
Block Topic-ban Warning Non-enforcement Declined appeal Accepted appeal Page-level sanction Misc. Moot/not a violation Procedural error Inconclusive Withdrawn Other decline reason
Archive no. Sanctions total Thread Arb case Date of last post Sanctions applied Summary Notes
51 1 block
4 topic-bans
1 non-enforcement action
1 declined appeal
2 page-level sanctions
3 moot/not violations
1 inconclusive
1 not counted - not an enforcement request
Brews ohare SL Nov. 17, 2009 Brews ohare: Existing topic-ban expanded to obscenely draconian lengths which restricts him to only editing the Arbitration, one noticeboard, his own talk page, and this specific enforcement thread (indef) TBan Exact text: "Brews ohare is restricted indefinitely from editing any page except for his own talk page, WP:AE responding to this thread, or the relevant arbitration discussion, OR to open a single thread on the administrator's message board of his choice contesting this decision. This is in lieu of a block for repeated violations of topic ban, misuse of Wikipedia as a battleground, and also authorized under the general probation provision of the relevant Arbitration case. This will be revisited upon the closure of the relevant clarification thread."[emp. in orig.]
Barcelona.women PIA Nov. 17, 2009 Barcelona.women: 0RR on UN Watch (indef), 1RR/week per page in PIA area (indef) TBan x2 N/A
Human Rights Believer MAC Nov. 19, 2009 Human Rights Believer: Ban from MAC area (indef) TBan N/A
Jack Merridew JM Nov. 22, 2009 -nil- NV As there was a motion on this case being deliberated when this thread was filed, it was closed as moot.
appeal against the restriction by Future Perfect EE Nov. 22, 2009 Loosmark: 1RR restriction remains in place. Decl N/A
Lapsed Pacifist LP2 Nov. 24, 2009 Lapsed Pacifist: Block (72h) Blk N/A
Xenos2008 MAC Nov. 21, 2009 -nil- NV N/A
Brews ohare and Speed of Light case SL Nov. 24, 2009 Brews ohare: Draconian ban replaced with the following: Ban from projectspace except for Arbitration-related threads involving or seeking to sanction them and from physics topic area (2w) -- This thread is not an enforcement request, but a notification that a sanction levied via AE was modified. See "Brews ohare" above for the sanction in question.
Hudavendigar AA2 Nov. 29, 2009 Niles and Sutherland Report: 1RR on everyone editing it, writ large PLS N/A
Sander Säde EE Nov. 27, 2009 -nil- STL N/A
Pedrito PIA2 Nov. 27, 2009 -nil- NV N/A
Hetoum I AA2 Nov. 27, 2009 (Various Hetoum I sockpuppets): Block (indef, non-enforcement) NEA Filer was told there was no point in continuing to request enforcement for Hetoum I sockpuppets, as AE would get a slower responce than contacting an admin directly.
Xashaiar AA2 Nov. 27, 2009 Ateshgah of Baku: Full-protection (indef) PLS N/A
Radeksz EE Dec. 04, 2009 -nil- NV N/A
52 1 block
1 declined appeal
1 successful appeal
7 moot/not violations
1 inconclusive
(1 unlisted thread not counted as a duplicate)
nableezy PIA Dec. 06, 2009 -nil- NV Admins declined to act based on the sanctioning admin's interpretation of the ban.
Request concerning QuackGuru PS Dec. 08, 2009 -nil- STL N/A
Alastair Haines AH[note 1] Dec. 09, 2009 -nil- NV Thread was refactored in archive as part of the Alastair Haines 2[note 2] case's closing motion; see this diff for history.
Brews ohare restriction review SL Dec. 10, 2009 Brews ohare: Restrictions as modified remain in place. Decl N/A
Lapsed Pacifist LP2 Dec. 11, 2009 Lapsed Pacifist: Block, 48h Blk N/A
Termer EE Dec. 15, 2009 -nil- NV Dismissed as a content dispute.
Detotational semantics CH Dec. 14, 2009 -nil- STL A user commenting on the thread suggested that SPI was a better venue for CH-related enforcement.
Request to modify topic ban (User:Thomas Basboll) 9-11 Dec. 19, 2009 Thomas Basboll: Ban provisionally suspended for 1mo Acpt N/A
Nableezy PIA Dec. 15 -nil- NV N/A
Tenmei TANG Dec. 10, 2009 -nil- NV Subject was blocked independent of the thread for breaching their restrictions.
Abd CF2 Dec. 31, 2009 -nil- NV N/A
Brews ohare SL Dec. 30, 2009 -nil- NV N/A
53 2 topic-bans
1 successful appeal
2 moot/not violations
2 procedural errors
1 withdrawn
1 not acted on for other reasons
(1 unlisted thread not counted as not an enforcement request)
Request concerning Nickhh, Nishidani, and Nableezy PIA2 Jan. 01, 2010 Nableezy: Ban duration reset to 2010/03/01 TBan Nickhh and Nishidani's actions were considered to be unenforceable both because of their age and the editors already being indefinitely topic-banned.
Nableezy PIA Jan. 01, 2010 -nil- NV N/A
Nefer Tweety ASM Jan. 02. 2010 -nil- PE Request is malformed, and filer (who were themselves under sanction from the case) was requesting enforcement of principles, not remedies.
ChildofMidnight OA Jan. 03, 2010 -nil- NOR Two involved parties requested enforcement not be done as the actions done were in the context of an WP:ARCA thread where they had been mentioned.
Request to modify topic ban (User:Thomas Basboll) 9-11 Jan. 04, 2010 -nil- PE Thomas was told to appeal at ARCA as the ban in question was a direct Arbitration remedy, not an Enforcement one.
Offliner EE Jan. 04, 2010 Offliner: 1RR/week per page and justification requirement in EE area (6mo) TBan (N.B.: A justification requirement is a sanction that mandates that any revert made by the sanctioned editor be followed up within the hour by a post on the article's talk page explaining why they made the revert, providing sources if necessary.)
Appeal by Offliner EE Jan. 11, 2010 -nil- WD N/A
Appeal by Nableezy PIA Jan. 06, 2010 Nableezy: Ban lifted Acpt N/A
Abd CF2 Jan. 19, 2010 -nil- NV N/A
54 2 blocks
5 topic-bans
1 warning
1 successful appeal
1 miscellaneous
2 moot/not violations
1 not acted on for other reasons
Appeal by Russavia EE Jan. 18, 2010 Russavia: Topic-ban modified to exclude articles related to diplomacy and/or aviation. Acpt N/A
Simonm223 FLG Jan. 18, 2010 Simonm223: 1RR/week per page in FLG area (6mo) TBan The sanction was conditional on a discretionary sanctions authorisation passing (which it ultimately did) and explicitly did not allow for the usual exceptions in re vandalism or unsourced BLP claims.
Asdfg12345 FLG Jan. 16, 2010 Asdfg12345: Ban from FLG area (6mo) TBan N/A
HappyInGeneral FLG Jan. 16, 2010 HappyInGeneral: Ban from FLG area (6mo) TBan N/A
Radeksz EE Jan. 22, 2010 -nil- NV Informal warning given. Two third-parties were informally warned to not use unrelated enforcement threads to take potshots at one another.
517design AA2 Jan. 25, 2010 517design: Formally warned of AA2 sanctions Warn N/A
Neftchi AA2 Jan. 23, 2010 Neftchi: Block (72h), existing 1RR modified to also include justification requirement
Meowy: Enforcement ban with regards to AA(2) threads not otherwise involving them (indef)
Blk, TBan, Misc N/A
Ashill55 TRB Jan. 25, 2010 -nil- NOR Admins were reticent to sanction a new user whose edits appeared to be innocent mistakes.
Sulmues MAC Jan. 26, 2010 Sulmues: Block (1w), civility restriction reset to 2010/04/26. Blk, TBan Filer was also encouraged to disengage from Sulmues, but not explicitly sanctioned.
Jaakobou PIA Jan. 29, 2010 -nil- NV N/A
55 4 blocks
2 topic-bans
3 warnings
2 successful appeals
2 moot/not violations
2 procedural errors
Michaeljefferson SCI Jan. 29, 2010 Michaeljefferson: Block (1w) Blk N/A
Verbal HP Feb. 03, 2010 Verbal: Formally warned of HP sanctions
Ludwigs2 (filer): Formally warned of HP sanctions
BullRangifer: Formally warned of HP sanctions
Warn x3 N/A
Tothwolf TOTH Jan. 31, 2010 -nil- PE Complaint was about off-wiki behaviour, which is out-of-scope at Enforcement.
Kengiuno SCI Feb. 02, 2010 Kengiuno: Ban from SCI area (6mo) TBan N/A
THF WTB Feb. 07, 2010 THF: Block (48h)
Verbal: Block (48h)
Blk x2 The block would be objected to by both the sanctioned users and a few third-parties as unnecessary/punitive; see "Appeal by THF" and "Appeal by Verbal" below.
Nefer Tweety ASM Feb. 09, 2010 -nil- PE Filer was seeking enforcement of a principle, not a remedy.
Supreme Deliciousness ASM Feb. 13, 2010 -nil- NV Edits at issue weren't covered by the remedies in the case.
Appeal by Verbal WTB Feb. 08, 2010 Verbal: Block lifted Acpt N/A
Appeal by THF WTB Feb. 08, 2010 THF: Block lifted Acpt N/A
Mooretwin TRB Feb. 14, 2010 Mooretwin: Block (1w), 1RR/week per page in TRB area (3mo) Blk, TBan This diff contains some additional information related to the thread.
Per Honor et Gloria (previously known as PHG) FMA Feb. 16, 2010 -nil- NV Remedy being invoked had lapsed before the thread was filed.
56 4 blocks
2 topic-bans
1 warning
1 non-enforcement action
2 moot/not violations
1 inconclusive
1 withdrawn
1 not acted on for other reasons
Monshuai MAC Feb. 18, 2010 Monshuai: Ban from Bulgaria topic area (indef) TBan N/A
Tothwolf TOTH Feb. 18, 2010 -nil- WD Filer withdrew after third-parties commented it looked like they were attempting to bait Tothwolf.
Supreme Deliciousness ASM Feb. 20, 2010 -nil- NV Thread deemed to be frivolous
Brews ohare SL Feb. 22, 2010 Brews ohare: Block (1w) Blk N/A
David Tombe SL Feb. 22, 2010 -nil- NV N/A
Arab Cowboy ASM Feb. 25, 2010 Arab Cowboy: Block (72h) Blk N/A
NickCT and Soledad22 PIA Mar. 04, 2010 Soledad22: Siteban (indef, non-enforcement)
NickCT: Formally warned of PIA sanctions
Warn, NEA See this AN/I diff for more information.
Abd CF2 Mar. 01, 2010 -nil- NOR Subject acknowledged their mistake and agreed to abide by their sanctions as clarified, forestalling sanctions.
Interfase AA2 Mar. 01, 2010 Interfase: 1RR/week per page in AA2 area (3mo) TBan N/A
Tothwolf[2] TOTH Mar. 01, 2010 Tothwolf: Block (72h) Blk Subject talked themselves into a block.
Gilabrand PIA Mar. 08, 2010 Gilabrand: Block (48h) Blk While not sanctioned for the edits being reported (as there was a debate as to whether or not they were prohibited by the ban), they were blocked for a different edit which was unambiguously covered under their topic ban.
Wispanow SCI Mar. 30, 2010 -nil- STL N/A
57 2 blocks
2 warnings
3 moot/not violations
(1 unlisted thread not counted as not an enforcement request)
Gilabrand 2 PIA Mar. 11, 2010 Gilabrand: Block (1w) Blk N/A
Meowy AA2 Mar. 14, 2010 Meowy: Block (1yr) Blk N/A
PCPP FLG Mar. 15, 2010 PCPP: Formally warned of FLG sanctions Warn N/A
Dilip rajeev FLG Mar. 12, 2010 -nil- NV Thread was closed as superseded by a moderated discussion on Talk:Falun Gong that was opened during the thread.
Cs32en 9-11 Mar. 16, 2010 -nil- NV Dismissed as a content dispute.
Sulmues AA2 Mar. 19, 2010 Sulmues: Formally warned of AA2 sanctions Warn N/A
Abd CF2 Mar. 23, 2010 -nil- NV Edits at issue were stale.
58 1 topic-ban
2 warnings
1 non-enforcement action
1 moot/not a violation
2 inconclusive
Tasbian SCI Mar. 24, 2010 Tasbian: Block (55h, non-enforcement), formally warned of SCI sanctions Warn, NEA N/A
Biophys EE Mar. 26, 2010 -nil- STL R-B case started as a direct result of this thread.
Pieter Kuiper SCI Mar. 26, 2010 Pieter Kuiper: Formally warned of SCI sanctions Warn N/A
Pieter Kuiper[2] SCI Mar. 29, 2010 Pieter Kuiper: Ban from SCI area (2w) TBan Subject was also informally warned to leave Cirt alone, as responding users and admins believed his main goal was hounding them.
ChrisO PIA Mar. 27, 2010 -nil- STL N/A
Brews ohare SL Mar. 30, 2010 -nil- NV Edits at issue were made in an Arbitration-related discussion where he had been brought up.
59 1 topic-ban
5 warnings
1 non-enforcement action
2 moot/not violations
1 procedural error
2 inconclusive
Wikifan12345 PIA Mar. 31, 2010 -nil- NV Dismissed as a content dispute.
Quzeyli AA2 Apr. 02, 2010 Quzeyli: Block (24h, non-enforcement), formally warned of AA2 sanctions Warn, NEA N/A
Nableezy PIA Apr. 02, 2010 -nil- NV Thread deemed to be frivolous
Supreme Deliciousness, Vexorg, NickCT PIA Apr. 03, 2010 Supreme Deliciousness: Warned not to pick fights
Vexorg: Warned not to pick fights
NickCT: Warned not to pick fights
Warn x3 N/A
Gatoclass PIA Apr. 03, 2010 Mbz1 (filer): Ban from PIA area with no exceptions allowed(3mo)
Brewcrewer: Warning against casting aspersions with unfounded accusations
TBan, Warn Request deemed to be frivolous as far as Gatoclass' behaviour was concerned.
Sulmues MAC Apr. 04, 2010 -nil- STL N/A
Countries of the United Kingdom TRB Apr. 08, 2010 -nil- PE Edits at issue weren't about TRB's topic area.
Arbitration enforcement appeal by RolandR PIA Apr. 08, 2010 RolandR: Ban from using a polemic image remains in place due to stalled discussion. STL N/A
60 1 block
5 topic-bans
1 warning
3 declined appeals
1 moot/not a violation
1 withdrawn
Shuki PIA Apr. 10, 2010 Shuki: 1RR per page in PIA area (3mo) TBan N/A
TheDarkLordSeth AA2 Apr. 10, 2010 TheDarkLordSeth: Ban from Armenian Genocide topic area (indef) TBan N/A
Interaction ban between Vexorg and Mbz1 PIA Apr. 10, 2010 -nil- WD Appeal filed by a user proxying for Mbz1, and withdrawn by that user when it was explained third-party appeals were not considered.
Arbitration enforcement action appeal by TheDarkLordSeth AA2 Apr. 12, 2010 TheDarkLordSeth: Ban from Armenian Genocide topic remains in place. Decl N/A
Arbitration enforcement action appeal by Mbz1 PIA Apr. 12, 2010 Mbz1: Exceptionless ban from PIA area remains in place. Decl N/A
Drork PIA Apr. 13, 2010 Drork: Ban from PIA area (indef) TBan N/A
Gilabrand PIA Apr. 13, 2010 Gilabrand: Block (1mo), existing ban reset to 6mo from end of block Blk, Tban N/A
Amoruso PIA Apr. 16, 2010 Amoruso: Exceptionless ban from PIA area remains in place. Decl See here for details of the ban.
Nableezy PIA Apr. 16, 2010 Nableezy: Ban from articles in PIA area with no exceptions allowed (2mo)
Shuki (filer): Warning not to file frivolous enforcement requests
TBan, Warn Filer's arguments and evidence were considered to be "largely frivolous" minus three specific bullet points (of 15).
Shuki[2] PIA Apr. 15, 2010 -nil- NV Filer attempted to revert off the thread once it became clear responding admins deemed it to be frivolous.


  1. ^ RfArb/Alastair Haines is courtesy-blanked.
  2. ^ Case is courtesy blanked as per its own remedies