Nazi Lowriders
Founded | Late 1960s |
Named after | Acquired From Cripp Wars |
Founding location | Southern California, United States |
Years active | 1960s – Present-Day |
Territory | Primarily Southern California |
Ethnicity | White American |
Membership (est.) | 1,000 |
Nazi Lowriders are a criminal syndicate and a Lowrider Car Club that is based in Southern California and are active in Southern California. Nazi Lowriders are also known collectively as The NLR and are also collectively known as The Ride of Nazi Lowriders.
Nazi Lowriders were formed in Kern County, Southern California and in Los Angeles County, Southern California in the late 1960s as a gang of members who owned Chevy Lowrider vehicles with origins in the Southern California Lowrider Car Culture. The name of the gang was originally a play on words as the gang fought enemy Hispanic Lowrider gangs and overcame rival Hispanic Lowrider gangs in Southern California. Non-Hispanic White street gangs did not actually exist in Southern California during the arrival of Non-Hispanic Whites from the 1920s to the 1960s. Nazi Lowriders formed their own Prison Gang in Southern California in the late 1970s and they later formed a small alliance with a few Aryan Brotherhood members of Southern California. The Nazi Lowrider Car Club and the Nazi Lowrider Prison Gang are the same thing and these entities were not founded by John Stinson or by the Aryan Brotherhood. The Nazi Lowriders were formed as a Hispanic Car Club of Southern California in the late 1960s.
Origins In The Southern California Hispanic Lowrider Car Culture
The phrase Nazi Lowrider is a phrase that was coined by the founder of this Car Club as members went to war with Cripps which is a word that is usually shortened to Crips and is a gang that is primarily based in Southern California as well as their counterpart gangs that are known as the Bloods all throughout the 1970s and the 1980s and later the Cripp owned Car Club collectively known as the Druids Car Club all throughout the 1990s. Many of the original Cripps were part Hispanic and or mixed with Hispanic and African heritage whereas the members of the Nazi Lowriders were more racially pure, hence the phrase: Nazi Lowrider. The Cripps later formed more alliances with the Latin-American community. The word Latino and Latina refer to people with Latin-American heritage. Latin-American countries are all of the countries that are south of the country of México. While Mexicans can be considered Hispanic because they speak a dialect of the language of Spanish not all Mexican Citizens or Mexican Nationals have origins from the country of México and many Mexicans have both American Indigenous and Spanish ( From Spain ) heritage.
Unique Contributions To The Lowrider Car Culture of Southern California
Nazi Lowriders contributed significant advancements to the Lowrider Car Culture of Southern California most notably the extended hydraulic suspension engineering schemes and Nazi Lowrider lowriders that were seen between the 1980s and the 1990s were extremely unique.
Membership Requirements
The original Nazi Lowriders required members to prove specific and rare Hispanic ancestral heritage, but no Latin American heritage and no Negroid heritage. People with any Latin-American heritage were not allowed membership in the Nazi Lowrider Car Club or the Nazi Lowrider Prison Gang. Nazi Lowriders also required members to own a specific Chevy Vehicle with or without hydraulics. Lowrider Chevy vehicles were required in order to beat all of the street-level gangs without vehicles as well as beat all of the rival Lowrider gangs. Members were also required to own a hand-gun so that member could engage in drive by shootings on their enemies from the lowrider vehicle. Hydraulics were later necessary in order to beat all of the enemies that hid in motels and hotels in Southern California as well as to tactically defend against gun fire from enemy gangs. Chevy vehicles that were manufactured between the 1960s to the late 1970s had extremely tough and high quality metals where .22 caliber and .40 caliber rounds could not penetrate through the metal.
All dead members of the Nazi Lowriders are remembered every year.
Nazi Lowriders assisted in the Gentrification of Los Angeles County, Southern California as well as of Kern County, Southern California.
Differences In Hispanic Groups
- The word Hispanic refer to all of the people with provable heritage from the world of Hispania.
- The word Hispania refer to the world of Spanish speakers worldwide.
- The word España refer to the country of Spain where the language of Spanish come from.
- The phrase Latin American refers to people with provable heritage from Latin American countries which are all of the countries below México.
- The words Californianos and Californianas refer to people with provable multi-generational heritage from California during the Spanish Occupation of California.
- The words Chicano and Chicana refers to people with that specific Mexican-Hispanic ethnic identity.
- The words Tejano and Tejana refers to people with provable heritage from the areas known as Texas before it was declared the U.S. State of Texas.
- The words Tijuanos and Tijuanas refers to people with provable heritage from the areas known as Tijuana in present-day México.
- The words Méxicano and Méxicana refers to people with provable heritage from the country of México who are first generation Americans of the continental United States.
- The words Americano and Americana refers to people with provable heritage from any American Country being the entire American Continent.
- The phrase White Hispanic refer to people with provable heritage from the country of Spain where the language of Spanish comes from.
- The phrase Hispanic White refer to people with provable heritage of American Indigenous origins and possibly with White Hispanic origins who appear Non-Hispanic White.
- The phrase Non-Hispanic White refer to people with provable heritage from Western-Europe who have no heritage from Spain and who also have no heritage from Eastern-Europe.
- The phrase Non-Latino White refer to people with provable heritage from Western-Europe who also have no heritage from any Latin-American country.
- The word Mestizo refer to people with provable mixed heritage of American Indigenous of the areas of what is now known as México and Negroid.
- The word Pustizo refer to people with provable heritage of American Indigenous of the areas of what is now known as México with no Negroid.
- The word Mulatto refer to people with provable heritage of mixed Non-Hispanic White European and or Hispanic White European and African / Negroid ancestry.
- The word Cholo and Chola refer to people with provable Hispanic and American Indigenous heritage.
- The word Cholito and Cholita refer to young people with provable Hispanic and American Indigenous heritage.
Street Wars
Nazi Lowriders have been seen in numerous street battles throughout Southern California noticed from the 1970s and onward.
Years Noticed
- [ ~ 1980 - 2005 ] Nazi Lowriders Versus Cripps - Ended In Truces With Different Cripp Groups In Southern California
- [ ~ 1980 - Present-Day ] Nazi Lowriders Versus Bloods - War Ongoing
- [ ~ 1980 - ? ] Nazi Lowriders Verus Surenos of Southern California - Ended In Truce And Alliance
- [ ~ 1980 - ? ] Nazi Lowriders Versus Northern Sinaloa Cartel of Southern California - Ended In Truce
- [ ~ 1997 - 2002 ] Nazi Lowriders Versus Tijuana Mexican Cartel - Ended In Truce
- [ ~ 2005 - 2016 ] Nazi Lowriders Versus U.S. Marines - Unknown
Nazi Lowriders Versus Cripps
Nazi Lowriders are known to have gone to war with the Cripps of Kern County and of Los Angeles County throughout the 1980s. The son of the founder of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club was taken away by Officers of the Los Angeles Police Department as a baby in Downtown Los Angeles, Southern California in ~1988 after Cripps gang members fired several rounds into his father's lowrider vehicle in Downtown Los Angeles, Southern California. Gunfire was returned and law enforcement and the local news station responded to the incident.
Nazi Lowriders Versus Sinaloa Cartel
Nazi Lowriders are known to have been in several shootouts with the Sinaloa Cartel in and around South Gate in Los Angeles County, Southern California.
Nazi Lowriders Versus Norteños
Nazi Lowriders were known to have battled Norteños in Kern County, Southern California.
Nazi Lowriders Versus Tijuana Mexican Cartel
Nazi Lowriders were allied with the Sureños of Kern County in Southern California when they battled the Tijuana Mexican Cartel in the late 1990s.
Spark of The Wars Between The Nazi Lowriders and The Tijuana Mexican Cartel
The son of one of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club was drugged and molested repeatedly by a hispanic female member of the Cripps who also had membership in the Tijuana Mexican Cartel who targeted the Nazi Lowriders in 1997. This started a war between the Nazi Lowriders and the Tijuana Cartel where that son was ordered to stab a Tijuana Cartel Plaza Boss who lived on the border of San Diego, Southern California and Tijuana, México and facilitated drugs and humans across the border of México and the United States. The Nazi Lowriders traveled to San Diego, Southern California and confronted that Tijuana Mexican Cartel Plaza Boss and the child that was molested stabbed that Tijuana Cartel Plaza Boss. This small war between the Nazi Lowriders and the Tijuana Cartel ended in a truce in ~ 2002. The son of one of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club was taken away from his family and placed in Child Protective Custody.
Nazi Lowriders Versus U.S. Marines
In 2005 the U.S. Marines attempted a covert infiltration of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club by using the identity of the son of one of the founders of the Nazi Lowrider Car Club.
Banishment of Lowrider Vehicles
In the 1990s and the 2000s Kern County as well as different cities in Los Angeles County banned Lowrider Racing Vehicles with hydraulics because the lowrider gangs could easily beat all of the Law Enforcement and the Military everywhere in California by using those engineered lowrider vehicles. Law Enforcement could not keep up with the speed of the vehicles and no one could hide from the manuverability of those vehicles. Nazi Lowriders were known to have exteneded suspension hydraulics that could not be mimmicked by other lowrider gangs where the entire vehicle could be raised sometimes up to 30 feet in the air.
Current and Former Alliances
- Specific Sureños and Sureñas of California
- Specific Vagos and Vagas Motorcycle Clubs of California
- Specific Chicanos and Chicanas Car Clubs of California
Current and Former Rivals
Current and Former Enemies
Current and Former Truces
Criminal Activities
Notable Crimes
In Popular Culture
- In the 2017 crime film Shot Caller, Jacob "Money" Harlon briefly has a cellmate named Ripper (played by Keith Jardine) who is a member of the Nazi Lowriders Prison Gang, sporting an "NLR" tattoo across his forehead.
Sources and Citations
- Nazi Lowriders :: Lowrider Magazine of Southern California