The Big Issue
The Big Issue is a magazine sold in five editions across England, Wales and Scotland by homeless and recently-homeless people. Its stated aim is to help homeless people help themselves, by providing a legal income through the sale of the magazine. Founded by John Bird, the Big Issue is edited by professional journalists but then distributed and sold by homeless people. It has been extremely successful in London, Brighton and Liverpool and is in the process of being set up in Los Angeles. The magazine is funded by sales and advertising within the magazine.
Although financially a not-for-profit organisation, the Big Issue has branched out into other areas that have been controversial. A recent mass resignation of the editorial staff protesting at the levels of funding, work-overload and managerial control rocked the Big Issue in 2002 but it still manages to survive and is still fulfilling its aim of "helping the homeless help themselves".
The magazine is owned and run by The Big Issue (a limited company). The company donates to The Big Issue Foundation (a registered charity).
There are also three international Big Issue projects by the same organisation: