Erection Day
"Erection Day" is episode 907 in the Comedy Central series South Park. Its originally airing date is April 20, 2005.
Plot Synopsis
In this episode, Jimmy faces a dilemma because he begins to experience random erections, which makes him afraid to enter the South Park Elementary Talent Show for fear that he would be embarrassed in front of the entire school. He consults Butters, the only kid in town who's unlikely to make fun of him, who advises him that supposedly, having sex should make the problem go away. Jimmy attempts a date with a girl from school, with Cartman's help; when that ultimately fails, he goes to the red-light district of town, trying to get laid while at the same time, the Talent Show is going on back at school.
While a string of bad performances occur at the school (including Butter's forgetting the words to his "Lu-lu-lu, I've got some apples" song and subsequentially wetting himself), Jimmy picks up a prostitute and attempts to woo her; but her pimp comes in and, thinking she is betraying him, grabs her and goes off to kill her. Jimmy follows after in a bizarre car chase involving a cab. In the end, Jimmy manages to subdue the pimp with his comedy routine, while the prostitute clubs him in the head.
Although it is implied that the two actually do have sex (Jimmy is assumed to be nine), when Jimmy shows up and takes the Talent Show stage, he does have an erection. The episode ends with him exclaiming, "You gotta be kidding me," and the credits begin before you can find out the consequences of what happened.