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Piss is slang, one of the seven dirty words, which can mean the following:
- Piss can refer to urine or the act of urination.
- Piss can refer to alcohol or being in an intoxicated state.
- "Piss off" can mean "Go away!"
- To 'piss someone off' is to make them angry.
- A 'piss-up' is a party involving lots of alcohol.
- A 'piss-take' is similar to a parody.
- To 'take the piss out of' someone is to make fun of them.
- To 'take the piss out' on someone is to get angry with them.
- A pisser is a disagreeable person.
I'm pissed means "I'm drunk" in British English and "I'm annoyed" in American English.
Word Origin: 1250-1300 ME (Middle English) pissen OF (Old French) pissier