Oyne is a small village not much bigger than a hamlet in some eyes set in rural Aberdeenshire at the bottom of Bennachie in Scotland. The village has limited local resources but has a reasonably frequent daily bus service to Inverurie and to Huntly. Inverurie being 8 miles from Oyne. There is a calm relaxed quite atmoshpere in this local farming part of the country. Most inhabitants commute to Inverurie/Huntly/Aberdeen and use the village as a quiet retreat after their work.
- Post Box
- Bus service
- Ever expanding Primary School
- Arcaeolink - A Prehistory park built for the tourist
- Local Craft Shop
- Hall
- Public Telephone Box
- The lovely land at the foot of the hill.
For any major facilities Inverurie and Aberdeen are required. Local shopping for light messages can be done in INsch 4 miles away
The village has a very friendly population. There is a Book club, Wine tasting club, Youth Clubs, badminton linked to the school and many other activities taking place frequently and also annually. Like senior citizens outings and the May ball dance.