Justice Leagues
Justice Leagues was a six-issue crossover event published by DC Comics in 2001, which introduced a revamped Justice League of America. In the mini-series, alien invaders used a telepathic supervillain to make the world forget that the Justice League of America had ever existed, only to find the individual members of the Justice League instinctively creating new JLAs to fill the void. Each issue was supposedly the first of a new series featuring one of the alternate teams, although they were really one-offs except the last, which featured the recreated Justice League of America and led to a new ongoing series.
Featured JLAs were the Justice League of Aliens, led by Superman and the Martian Manhunter; the Justice League of Amazons, led by Wonder Woman; the Justice League of Arkham, led by Batman; and the Justice League of Atlantis, led by Aquaman. Cameo appearances were made by the Justice League of Adventure, led by the Flash; the Justice League of Air, led by Green Lantern; the Justice League of Anarchy, led by Plastic Man; and the Justice League of Apostles, led by the angel Zauriel.
- Justice Leagues: ? #1
- Justice League of Amazons #1
- Justice League of Atlantis #1
- Justice League of Arkham #1
- Justice League of Aliens #1
- Justice League of America #1