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eserver is a 'closed source' emule/edonkey server that provides a server for emule/edonkey clients that need a server to start sharing with clients.

It is a rare server because this is the only server for the ED2K network.

RIAA edonkey shutdown

Even though the RIAA wanted the ED2K network to be shut down there is still a server today for achieving emule networking such as a server, and a client.

The edonkey2000 website is shut down and has a notice saying "The eDonkey2000 Network is no longer available.", "If you steal music or movies, you are breaking the law.", "Courts around the world -- including the United States Supreme Court -- have ruled that businesses and individuals can be prosecuted for illegal downloading.", "You are not anonymous when you illegally download copyrighted material.", "Your IP address is *.*.*.* and has been logged.", and "Respect the music, download legally". That means their website is shut down.

Systems eserver can run on

It can run on the following systems

  • Windows 2000/XP/2003
  • FreeBSD
  • Linux

eServer GUI

There is no GUI Version because it only runs as a Command-line server such as Apache