In the fictional universe of Star Wars, a Moff is an Imperial rank honorificly bestowed among various servants of the Galactic Empire. The title of Moff can be elevated to three levels:
- Moff
- Grand Moff
- Supreme Moff (Theoretical only)
The Moff Honorific can be granted to Imperial territorial governors; sectorial governors are granted flag rank equivalent to just senior of the High Admiral and Surface Marshal ranks in the Navy and Army, respectively; this allows the sectorial governor to simultaneously and directly command all armed forces in all branches through his sector. Sectorial governors are known as Moff Governors. "Priority Sectors," "Oversectors," and regions are governed by Grand Moff Governors with even higher equivalent flag rank than the Moff Governors. It is unknown what territories would exist under a Supreme Moff Governor's AOR (area of responsibility) since none have been known to exist.
Moff and Grand Moff are also titles awarded to other Imperial servants as Moff Commander. The director of Imperial Center (Coruscant) Security was titled a Moff as was the Commander, Death Star II (Moff Jerjerrod). Other officials, such as a possible chief of clone Stormtrooper production have been awarded the title of Grand Moff. The Emperor's Moff Governors and Grand Moff Governors were granted unlimited political control over their territories after the disbandment of the Imperial Senate, as part of Emperor Palpatine's effort to wipe out all vestiges of the Galactic Republic.
Analysis of rank badges and implication from the Expanded Universe novels has established that the rank of Grand Admiral and, presumably, Field Marshall, are senior to Moffs. Such personnel are directly appointed by Emperor Palpatine and outrank all Imperial personnel, military and civil. Grand Admiral Thrawn was one such officer who held this highest of Imperial ranks.
The concept of the Imperial Moff is based on the historic SS and Police Leaders of Nazi Germany.
The insignia for Moff is a multi-colored breast badge, with the number of yellow squares indicating the senority of the Moff. For example, a Moff would wear two yellow squares, a Grand Moff three, and a Supreme Moff would wear four.
A later insignia version consolidated all the Moff rank badges into one, and comprised seven red and blue rank squares. Both versions of the Moff rank badge display two code cylinders as part of the rank insignia.
Moff Jerjerrod, seen in the opening scene of Return of the Jedi was intended to have worn the updated Moff rank badge. Due to a costume problem, however, all the Imperial characters in Return of the Jedi were shown wearing Navy Commander badges.
Famous Moffs
- Grand Moff Tarkin was the commander of the first Death Star. He was a ruthless and brilliant military commander, but he died in the explosion of the Death Star at the end of Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope.
- Moff Jerjerrod was the commander of the Second Death Star. He was also killed in the destruction of the battle station at the end of Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.
- Moff Panaka was a former security guard captain protecting Queen Padmé Amidala on Naboo during the Battle of Naboo and long time follower of Palpatine. One of the items in Palpatine's receiving chamber was a gift from him.
- Grand Moff Trachta was a cyborged human who attempted to usurp control of the Galactic Empire from Palpatine and Darth Vader.