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White Schnauzer

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A White Miniature Schnauzer with an undocked tail

The White Schnauzer is one of four FCI recognized color varieties of the Miniature Schnauzer.


The following copyrighted article/excerpts on the history and Coat Color Inheritance in the White Miniature Schnauzer has been reprinted by permission by Karin Rice of Rice's Miniature Schnauzers:

White Miniature Schnauzers have been in existence for over 100 years ever since the breed’s early beginnings in the late 1800’s.[citation needed] They were not “re-introduced” by crossing to Westies as some people state,[citation needed] but are simply a product of the early cross breedings of the Standard Schnauzer with smaller breeds such as the Poodle, Miniature Pinscher, or Affenpinscher and to bring the size down on the Standard Schnauzer.[citation needed] Any time one established breed is crossed with another, for whatever reason, part of that breed’s characteristics are inherited through the DNA structure whether it be color, structure, working ability, temperament, disease, or any other inherited trait. The only way to prove whether a dog carries a certain inherited breed trait is by DNA testing. From pedigree research the "white" (gelb or "yellow" as it was called in early German records) gene was introduced into the Miniature Schnauzer breed mainly through a German black Champion Miniature Schnauzer named Peter V Westerberg (PZ604) born in November 1902.[citation needed] Peter was obviously carrying one "e" gene because it is recorded that he was bred to a female named Gretel VD Werneburg (PZ1530) (color unknown) and produced a "yellow" female pup named Mucki VD Werneburg (PSZ 8) born October 1914. Mucki was bred to a grandson of Peter named Pucki VD Werneburg, a dark S&P PSZ12 who produced the black German Champion Peterle VD Werneburg, PSZ11 born 06/02/1916 who also had to have the "e" gene since his dam was yellow. Peter V Westerburg or his grandson, Peterle, can be traced to in nearly every Miniature Schnauzer line researched in AKC records. For example, if you trace every ancestor in the 5th generation of Dorem Display you will find every dog goes back to Peter Von Westerberg. With so many linebred crosses it is statistically impossible to eradicate the "white" "e" gene by visual appearance alone. Those former claims that the “white” gene has been eradicated from the Miniature Schnauzer lines could not be proven because the DNA test was not available until 2006.

Coat color inheritance

After testing several unrelated white dogs from around the world, it has been recently proven by DNA testing that the genotype for the White Miniature Schnauzer is “e/e” at MC1r (commonly referred to as the “E” locus). “E”, normal extension of black, allows the A-series alleles to show through, and “e”, recessive red/yellow, overrides whatever gene is present at the A locus to produce a dog which shows only phaeomelanin pigment in the coat. Skin and eye color show apparently normal eumelanin, although some “e,e” dogs appear to show reduced pigment on the nose, especially in winter (snow nose), but after sunbathing in warm weather they regain the black pigment on their noses much like humans getting a tan in summer. Most white Miniature Schnauzers with correct harsh coats will have a yellowish streak on their backs and head when their hair is hand stripped and the ends become blown or dead. It is assumed this is why they were originally called "yellow" in German records.

There are two forms of melanin (pigment)in mammals' hair coats. The first is called eumelanin. The base form of eumelanin is black. Eumelanin can also appear brown (often called liver in dogs) or blue-gray. The second pigment, which varies from pale cream through shades of yellow, tan, and orange/red is called phaeomelanin.

All dogs have alleles at every locus. Not all proposed alleles have been proven to exist. The generally recognized color loci in dogs are referred to as: A (agouti), B (brown), C (albino series), D (blue dilution) E (extension), G (graying), M (merle), R (roaning), S (white spotting) and T (ticking.) There may be more, unrecognized gene series, and in a given breed, modifying factors may drastically affect the actual appearance. The newest proposed locus is the K locus for dominant black in certain breeds, including the Miniature Schnauzer.

White Miniature Schnauzers do not possess the “d” allele, which is commonly known as the Dilution gene responsible for diluting both eumelanin and phaeomelanin pigment. This stands to reason because true white Miniature Schnauzers have black skin pigment and dark eyes.

Genotypes for the white Miniature Schnauzer are proposed as follows showing they can "carry" for any of the other 3 colors of solid Black,B&S or S&P: aw,aw D,D e,e k,k (white carrying for S&P)

aw,at D,D e,e K,k (white carrying for S&P, B&S, and black)

at,at D,D e,e K,k (white carrying for B&S, and black)

This "e,e" genotype for the white Miniature Schnauzer proves that all of the other 3 colors can carry a gene for the white and also that any of the 3 colored schnauzers bred to another schnauzer of any color that is carrying one "e" gene can produce a white puppy from that mating.[citation needed]

Therefore, a B&S with the genotype of:

at,at; E,e; K,k bred to another B&S with the same genotype CAN produce a white puppy. The statistical odds are:

50% will be: at,at; E,e; K,k, (B&S)

25% will be: at,at; E,E,; K,k (B&S)

25% will be: at,at; e,e; K,k (white)

Mating 2 whites together will produce 100% white puppies because white is a double recessive gene phenotype.


A portrait of a white Miniature Schnauzer

Some of the early breeders of Miniature Schnauzers thought the white puppies were albino because when they are first born they have pink skin and noses. Many early breeders destroyed them at birth mistakenly thinking they were albino and therefore defective.[citation needed] Those who did not destroy them found that within a few hours and days their skin pigment turned to black on their noses, around the mouth and eyes and the pads of their feet and bellies.[citation needed]

Through rumors circulated that the white minis carried defective or lethal genes similar to the blue merle dogs or white boxers and that the white miniature schnauzers have medical problems and deafness.[citation needed] The truth is the white minis have no different health problems than their colored counterparts.[citation needed] In fact, many owners claim they are healthier and less susceptible to skin allergies than the colored minis.[citation needed]

Another rumor that has spread throughout North America is that the White Miniature Schnauzers were fraudulently bred up from West Highland White Terriers to get the white coat color.[citation needed] The white coat color more likely came from the original crosses with the Miniature Poodles who also have the "e,e" coat gene for white. That is why you will many times see wavy or curly coats on the Miniature Schnauzers of every color when their hair is long.


Today, the American Miniature Schnauzer Club and the American Kennel Club standard describes the White Miniature Schnauzers as undesirable and states they should not be bred. However, research reveals that they have no known congenital or lethal white gene theories.[citation needed] They are not albino and they are affectionate and robust Miniature Schnauzers who exhibit all the qualities of their colored counterparts. Additionally, although "White" is not listed as a color option on an American Kennel Club Miniature Schnauzer registration form, white Miniature Schnauzers can be successfully AKC registered by writing in "White" (instead of selecting a standard color), entering the code number of "199", and submitting 2 color close up 3x5 photographs (Front and side views)of the animal along with the registration form as long as both parents are AKC registered.[citation needed]

Germany is the country of origin of the Miniature Schnauzer. The Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) abides by the breed standards set forth by the countries of breed origins. Germany's Pinscher Schnauzer Klub (PSK), the original parent breed club, includes the White Miniature Schnauzer as an acceptable 4th color for breeding and for show. Although the AKC and Canadian Kennel Club are recognized worldwide, the American and the Canadian Miniature Schnauzer Clubs in North America decided to establish their own breed standards for judging the Miniature Schnauzer which does not recognize the White Miniature Schnauzer for conformation shows. The White Miniature Schnauzer may, however, compete in any other AKC sanctioned events such as agility, Canine Good Citizen, Obedience, or Earthdog trials.[citation needed]

The White Miniature Schnauzer may be shown in conformation events in the USA in international dog shows sanctioned by the IABCA (International All breed Canine Association. White Miniature Schnauzers are still considered a "rare" breed in the USA and may also be shown in the rare breed classes in IABCA.

Throughout most of the rest of the world, the White Miniature Schnauzer may be shown in Conformations shows sanctioned by the FCI in International competitions. The White Miniature Schnauzer is becoming very popular in Europe as a show dog.[citation needed] The White Miniature Schnauzer Initiative was established in 2006 in Germany for friends and breeders of the White Miniature Schnauzers worldwide to promote interest and provide an informative network for sharing ideas and information and to give breeders the opportunity to exchange and expand the gene pool of the white Miniature Schnauzers worldwide.


Coat Color Inheritance in the White Miniature Schnauzer by Karin N. Rice, March 2006 http://ricesminiatureschnauzers.com

The Complete Miniature Schnauzer book by Anne Paramore Eskridge