Joe Pike (character)
Joseph "Joe" Pike is the intimidating partner of fictional P.I. Elvis Cole, created by writer Robert Crais. Dubbed the "sociopathic sidekick," Pike is a quiet, joyless ex-marine, ex-LAPD cop who owns a gunshop as well as being a part-time soldier of fortune. Joe Pike is best known for always wearing sunglasses, day or night, the tattoos on his deltoids (two red arrows that point forward), and his no-nonsense attitude.
Pike was raised by an abusive alcoholic father, which caused him to harden. When Pike was 14, he was running through the woods when he ran into three seventeen-year-olds, two boys and a girl, as they were about to set fire to a live cat. Joe managed to distract them, allowing the cat to escape. The oldest boy then proceeded to physically assault him, mercilessly. Pike would shortly track the boy down, and maim him with a bat by breaking his knee and humiliating him.
Pike joined the Marines early, and was a model Marine. Afterward he joined the LAPD, becoming a thoroughly decorated patrol officer. His career was abruptly cut short when he was involved the death of his partner, apparently in defense of a pedophile. In reality, his partner committed suicide, and rather than have the man's wife and children lose the death benefits Pike remained silent about the method of death and resigned from the LAPD. Finding nothing but scorn and derision from his former police colleagues, he then he became a soldier of fortune, and eventually went into partnership with Elvis Cole at the latter's detective agency.
In 2007, Crais gave Joe Pike his own book, letting Elvis Cole take a back seat.
The Watchman (2007)