Microregion of Porangatu
The Porangatu Microregion is a statistical region created by IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Economia) in north-central Goiás state, Brazil. The most important city is Porangatu. For a map see [1].
Important Data (2000)
- População: 226,766
- Cities: 19
- Total Area: 35,287.40 km²
- Population Density: 6.43 hab/km²
In area this microregion is smaller than Taiwan and larger than Moldova.
Cities in the Porangatu Microregion
- Alto Horizonte
- Amaralina
- Bonópolis
- Campinaçu
- Campinorte
- Campos Verdes
- Estrela do Norte
- Formoso
- Mara Rosa
- Minaçu
- Montividiu do Norte
- Mutunópolis
- Niquelândia (the largest municipality in the state in land area)
- Nova Iguaçu de Goiás
- Porangatu (large herds of cattle)
- Santa Tereza de Goiás
- Santa Terezinha de Goiás
- Trombas
- Uruaçu