Wikipedia:Historical archive/Sandbox
Jingo And Stringo!
The term finds its versatile use in MNREC, Allahabad. It can be used in different parts of speech e.g.
- He is total 'Hawa Pani'.
- Hey, what 'Hawa Pani' r u givin yaar?
Hey 'Hawa Pani'!! what's up man.
ask, Official promoter of 'Hawa Pani'
ask yeh sab kya hai????
kya BUM mar rahe ho????
- level 1
- level 1 2
- level 2
- level 2
- level 3
- stadalone level 2
- standalone level 3
Comprehensive list of expected milestones of a child
1 MONTH Head lifts momentarily in the plane of body, complete head lag, Follows moving object less than 90°
2 MONTH Head in plane of body, head lag partial, Coos, Social smile +, Follows objects 180°
3 MONTH Lifts head and chest above plane of body, moderate head control, bears weight on forearms, hands open, no more grasp reflex, hand regard present, pulls at his dress, Says aah or naah , vocalizes with pleasure, Binocular vision develops by 3 – 6 months
4 MONTH Head steady, ATNR gone, holds head & chest of couch, Reaches and grasps object and brings to mouth, approaches o WTF? hand, Laughs out loud, excited at sight of food & breast, Turns head towards a sound at the same level at 3 – 4 months
5 MONTH Able to grasp objects deliberately, no more hand regard, crumples paper, plays with toys, bi dexterous grasp, Smiles at self in the mirror, When he drops rattle looks to see where it has fallen, Turns head towards a sound below the level at 5 – 6 months
6 MONTH Holds chest & abdomen of the couch, weight bearing on extended arms, rolls over from prone to supine, Grasps his feet & brings to mouth, holds bottle, if he has one cube in hand drops it if another is offered, Smiles & vocalizes at self in the mirror, monosyllabic babble When he drops the rattle he tries to recover it, may protrude tongue as imitation, may show stranger anxiety, laughs when head is hidden in towel in peep – bo – game, beginning to show likes & dislikes of food.
7 MONTH Rolls over from supine to prone, sits briefly with support of pelvis, weight bearing present, bounces actively, weight bearing on 1 hand , Reaches out for large objects and grasps, transfers object, uses radial palm , rakes at pellet , if he has 1 cube in hand retains it even if another is offered, bangs object on table , takes all objects to mouth, feeds self with biscuit , Palmar grasp + , Polysyllabic sounds formed , says da ma ba , pats image of self in mirror, resists if toy is pulled from hand, Turns head towards a sound above the level at 7 – 9 months
8 MONTH Sits alone back straight, pulls to standing position, cruises, Grasps object with thumb & forefinger, picks up pellet with assisted pincer grasp, uncovers hidden toy, attempts to retrieve fallen toy, releases object grasped by another person, Says mama or dada by combining syllables Responds to sound of name, plays peek a boo or pat a cake, waves bye-bye, reaches persistently to toys out of reach, responds to “no”
9 MONTH Stands holding on to furniture, in trying to crawl may progress backwards, sitting - can lean forward , Puts arm in front of face to prevent mother from washing face.
10 MONTH Pulls self to standing position , pulls self to sitting position, crawls with abdomen on the couch, Lets go objects deliberately, picks up pellet neatly, Can understand the meaning of some words, Pats a doll , Can be placed on toilet seat
11 MONTH Creeps – abdomen of ground, sitting – can lean sideways, walks with 2 hand held, sitting – can turn round to pick up object (pivots), walks sideways holding on to furniture, Will place object in examiner’s hand but will not release it, rolls ball to examiner, Says 1 word with meaning,Lets go objects deliberately in order that they will be picked up, likes repetitive play
12 MONTH Walks with one hand held , rises independently , bear walking, Unassisted pincer grasp, releases object to person on request, feeds with spoon with spilling Few words besides mama or dada 2 -3 words with meaning, Plays simple ball game, may kiss on request, mimicry
13 MONTH Stand alone
15 MONTH Walks alone with broad base & high stepping gait; crawls upstairs, take several steps sideward, Makes tower of 2 cubes; makes a line with crayon; inserts a pellet into a bottle Constantly throwing objects on the ground, takes of shoes, feeds with spoon without spilling, feeds self managing cup with slight spilling, Jargon; follows simple commands; may name an object, Indicate some needs by pointing; hugs parents Asks for objects by pointing
18 MONTH Runs stiffly, walks upstairs with one hand held, walks normally, pulls toy as he walks, throws ball without falling, Makes tower of 4 cubes, imitates scribbling, imitates vertical stroke, dumps pellet in the bottle, feeds self managing cup without spilling, turns 2-3 pages at a time, Average 10 words, names one or more parts of the body, points correctly to 1 picture, names 1 object Feeds self, tells when wet or soiled, clean & dry with occasional accident, carries out 2 simple orders, uses stick to reach toy, Dry by day
21 MONTH Walks backwards, picks up object without falling, walks upstairs with 2 feet per step, Tower of 6 cubes, Points correctly to 2 pictures, knows 4 parts of body, joins 2 words together, asks for food drink & toilet, obeys 3 simple orders
24 MONTH Runs well , walks up & down stairs one step at a time 2 feet per step, opens doors, jumps, Tower of 7 cubes, circular scribbling, imitates horizontal stroke, turns pages 1 at a time, washes and dries hands, Puts 3 words together, talks incessantly, names 2 objects, tells a simple sentence, Handles spoon well, listens to stories with pictures ,helps to undress, obeys 4 simple orders, dry at night, wears socks or shoes
30 MONTH Goes upstairs with alternating feet, jumps with both feet, walks on tiptoe when asked, Tower of 9 cubes ,makes vertical & horizontal stroke but generally not a cross , imitates circular stroke, forming closed figure, holds pencil in hand. Uses pronoun I , knows full name, names 3 objects, repeats 2 digits, Helps put things away, pretends to play, beginning to take interest in sex organs
36 MONTH Rides tricycle, stand momentarily on single foot, goes upstairs with 1 foot per step & downstairs with 2 feet per step, jumps of bottom step, Tower of 10 cubes, copies a circle & imitates a cross (copies a cross by 3 ½ years), beginning to draw spontaneously or on request Counts three objects , repeats 3 numbers or a sentence of 6 syllables, constantly asking questions, knows some nursery rhymes , vocabulary = 250 words Knows age & sex, parallel play present, washes hands , helps in dressing & does by self if helped with the buttons, Postpone toilet movement
48 MONTH Hops on 1 foot , throws ball overhand, , climbs well , goes downstairs with 1 foot per step Copies a square, draws a man with 2-4 parts, names longer of the 2 lines, uses scissors, tripod grasp, Counts 4 numbers correctly, tells a story, obeys 4 commands, tells tall stories, Plays with children, role playing present, goes to toilet alone, right – left discrimination, imaginative play with a doll, can button clothes fully
60 MONTH Skips, Names the heavier object, copies a triangle, Names 4 colors; counts to 10 , distinguishes morning from afternoon, repeats 4 digits, Dresses and undresses; domestic role playing; asks questions regarding meaning of words
66 MONTH copies a diamond, Repeats 5 digits, Knows number of fingers, names week days , names 4 coins.
-- Dr. Roy George Jacob, MD Pediatrics, India
Jingo and Stringo!