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Pulsed radiofrequency

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Pulsed radiofrequency is a development of heat based radiofrequency denervation, both procedures used in medicine to treat especially chronic pain. Unlike heat based radiofrequency treatment pulsed radiofrequency does no direct damage to the nerve.

Pulsed radiofrequency treatment is based on the principle that when a nerve is constantly subjected to painful stimuli, that nerve (through molecular processes thst sre rather complex) becomes adapted to and more efficient at transmitting pain signals to the brain, thus a patient experiences more pain. While not lethal to the nerve the pulsed radiofrequency treatment applies a very high electromagnetic field through a small cathether inserted in the vincinity of the nerve. The aim is to restore the nerve to the state it was in before it ~learned~ to transmitt pain more efficiently.

While questioned by some, most mainstream medical doctors recognize that it has a role in pain management.

Of course, one must always remember to maintain a multifocus approach particularly to chronic pain. Here, Pulsed Radiofrequency may be one of many modalities used to treat a patient.

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