My name is Ian Guy, I was born in Hamilton, Scotland in 1963. I am currently a lecturer in nursing at Waiariki Institute of Technology, Rotorua, New Zealand. I have previously studied at the University of Manchester and Loughborough University, and lectured at the University of Manchester and University of Leeds, as well as presenting at conferences in Perth, Jersey, Auckland, Montreal and later this year Kuala Lumpur. In addition I was conveneor of the 10th Australasian Nurse Educators Conference in 2003.
I am currently a reviewer for the journal Nurse Education in Practice.
Selected Publications
Guy I. (1996) Comment... Has nursing sold its soul? A response to Professor Banks... an uncompromising view of nurse education, England 1995, Nurse Education Today. 16(1): 77.
Guy I. (1998) Equal opportunities, welfare and child health: a review, Journal of Child Health Care. 2(2): 76-9,
Guy I (2000) Global Practice, Nursing Standard. 14 (45): 28.
Guy. I (2001) Relationship-centred Care: What’s in a name?, British Journal of Nursing. 10(16): 1026.
Personal Interests:
Health care policy and its effects on children and families The development of practice based skills The family perspective of receiving care The use of information technology and the WWW in supporting education Distance learning strategies
Other things
I enjoy sport and with Wiki am rapidly becoming obsessive!