Geco (Geophysical Company of Norway)
The company started as Geoteam-Computas Ltd. A.S. on 13. December 1972. The name was later changed to Geophysical Company of Norway, or Geco. Anders Farestveit was the founder and CEO. The main focus was marine seismic. Geco was merged with Statex (Statoil and Kongsberg Våpenfabrikk) in 1977. In 1984/85 there was a merger with Merlin Geophysical (Seismic Profilers). The company enjoyed strong expansion until 1985, when there was a global crisis in the oil industry. In the summer of 1986 Schlumberger purchased 50%, and later 100%.
Sources: På dypt vann - Et høyteknologisk eventyr. Halvor Kr. Bjerke, 1989