Quark (TV series)
Quark was an unusual NBC television sitcom, based on a science fiction theme, starring Richard Benjamin.
The show was set on an interstellar garbage scow named the United Galaxies Sanitation Patrol Cruiser, operating out of United Galaxies Space Station Perma 1 commanded by Otto Palindrome, played by Conrad Janis, in the year 2222. The main character, Adam Quark, works to clean up trash in space. The crew included a hermaphrodite (Gene/Jean) played by Tim Thomerson, an unemotional plant-based alien (Ficus) played by Richard Kelton, an android (Andy the Robot), a woman and her clone -- it was unclear to them which was which (Betty and Betty, played by the Barnstable twins), and a talking head (The Head) played by Alan Caillou who ruled the United Galaxies and assigned Captain Quark, a human, his missions.
In its short run, Quark satirized such science fiction classics as Star Wars, 2001: A Space Odyssey and Flash Gordon.