Seabee combat warfare specialist insignia
The Seabee Combat Warfare insignia is a military badge of the United States Navy. The warfare pin recognizes the training and qualifications of members who serve in Construction Battalions (CB or Seabees), or other construction units, in the United States Navy.
To be awarded the insignia, a service member must have completed the prescribed Naval Construction Battalion Personal Qualification Standards (PQS), which entails required coursework, qualification tasks standards, written examination, and a field excercise. Upon final completion of all prescribed training, an oral board must be successfully completed before the pin may be presented.
The Seabee Combat Warfare insignia is primarily presented to members of the Civil Engineer Corps (CEC) or the Construction Battalions (CB); however, the insignia is not limited only to this branch of the Navy. Any sailor of any rate or any officer can qualify, given they are assigned to a qualifying unit (NMCB, UCT, CBMU, or ACB) and have completed the prescribed course of instruction.
The insignia is issued in two degrees: silver for enlisted personnel and gold for officers. The insignia features an armed Seabee, superimposed over a crossed sword and rifle atop oak leaves. The Bee is also the insignia for the Navy Seabees as a whole.
An enlisted member who receives the Seabee Warfare Combat insignia warfare qualification is authorized to place the designator (SCW) after his/her rating designator. For example, if Mr. Somppi is an SCW-qualified Steelworker 1st Class Petty Officer, then his written name would be SW1 (SCW) Kaal Smppi
The first person to earn this award was CDR Selridge from NMCB 26.