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Environmental effects on forensic entomology

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Forensic Entomology encompasses any aspect of certain arthropods involved in legal proceedings. There are many environmental effects that forensic entomologists have to consider when evaluating data, such as weather, temperature, and geographic location.


Forensic entomologists address and observe weather conditions that may contribute to the alteration of the standard time for an insect to develop. Temperature, moisture, and sun exposure all effect insect development leading to accurate post mortem interval determination. "Because insects are cold-blooded animals, their rate of development is more or less dependent on ambient temperature."[1]

Moisture levels

Rain and humidity levels can affect the time for insect development depending on the amount of rainfall and humidity in the area where the body is found. If there are large amounts of rain, slower development occurs due to drop in temperature in most species, but there are exceptional species that prefer these conditions. Light rain or a very humid environment will result in faster development. This type of humid environment acts as an insulator, providing a greater core temperature within the maggot mass. [2]

Sun exposure

Sun exposure can increase or decrease time of insect development. Bodies exposed in open areas with large amounts of sunlight will heat up giving the insects a warmer area to develop, and increasing their development time. Vice-versa, in shaded areas the bodies will be cooler, leaving longer growth periods. If the body or area of infestation has been rained on or is moist, the insect populations will increase more rapidly.

Degree Days

The development of organisms is very dependent upon temperature. Many may already know that crops and pests develop quicker in warmer temperatures than cooler. In forensic science, degree days and threshold temperatures help to estimate the post mortem interval. This method is used mainly when planning for crops and for pest management. The warmer the temperature is, the fewer days it takes an organism to develop, while in the cooler temperatures it simply takes more days to develop. The accumulation of degree days are also used to determine the different stages in the life of an insect, such as egg laying or egg hatching. The calculation of a degree day is done by a simple formula: (maxT + minT)/2 - threshold temp. Add the daily high and low temperatures, then divide by two. After deriving an answer, subtract the threshold temperature for that particular insect.

Threshold temperatures

Threshold temperatures correlate with degree days because development of an insect will not occur unless the surrounding temperature is above the minimum threshold required for development to begin.

Geographic distribution

According to Jean Pierre Mégnin’s book entitled La Faune des Cadavres there are eight distinct faunal successions attracted to a corpse. While most beetles and flies of forensic importance can be found worldwide, a portion of them are limited to a specific range of habitat. It is forensically important to know the geographical distribution of these insects is order to determine valuable information such as post mortem intervals or if a body has been moved from its original place of death.

Calliphoridae is arguably the most important family concerning forensic entomology given that they are the first to arrive on the corpse. The family’s habitat ranges into the southern portion of the United States. However, while Chrysonoma rufifaces, the hairy maggot blow fly, is part of the Calliphoridae family and is widespread it is not prevalent in the Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, Louisiana, Florida, or Illinois regions.[3]

Flesh flies fall under the family Sacrophagidae and generally arrive to a corpse following Calliphoridae. However, their ability to fly in the rain enables them to sometimes reach a body before Calliphoridae. Flesh flies are globally distributed including habitats in the United States, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. [4]

Beetles are representative of the order Coleoptera which accounts for the largest of the insect orders. Beetles are very adaptive and can be found in mostly all environments with the exception of Antarctica and high mountainous regions. The most diverse beetle fauna can be found in the tropics. In addition, beetles are less submissive to temperatures. Thus, if a carcass has been found in cold temperatures, the beetle will be prevalent over Calliphoridae.

All geographic locations have a temperature range linked to that area. Temperature has an influential effect on what species of insects are present on a carcass during decay. When conditions are extremely hot or cold, certain insects are less active.

Utilizing environment factors for pest control

Pest control experts and agencies put environmental information to practical use everyday so as to predict insect behavior and location. Pest control is a multi-million dollar operation enforced worldwide.

Weather factors

Various weather conditions in a given amount of time cause certain pests to invade human households. This is because the insects are in search of food, water, and shelter. Damp weather causes reproduction and growth enhancement in many insect types, especially when coupled with warm temperatures. Most pests concerned at this time are ants, spiders, crickets, cockroaches, ladybugs, yellow jackets, hornets, mice, and rats. When conditions are dry, the deprivation of moisture outside drives many pests inside searching for water. While the rainy weather increases the numbers of insects, this dry weather causes pest invasions to increase. The pests most commonly known during dry conditions are scorpions, ants, pillbugs, millipedes, crickets, and spiders. Extreme drought does kill many populations of insects, but also drives surviving insects to invade more often. Cold temperatures outside will cause invasions beginning in the late summer months and early fall. Box elder bugs, cluster flies, ladybugs, and silverfish are noticed more often to seek the warm indoors.[5]


There are a few measures homeowners can implement in preventing serious pest breakouts. Sealing any cracks/holes outside the home is extremely helpful, especially on the south and west areas of the home because the sun will heat those walls, creating a comfortable habitat for pests. Utilizing information about insect behavior due to outside influences enables humans to take the necessary steps for pest control.<[5]


IPM is a well-known Integrated Pest Management program designed to undertake pest problems, using a strong background of information about each pest in order to choose the best course of action. The overall goal of IPM is to reduce harmful effects from insects on crops, houses, and livestock while avoiding any unnecessary harm on the surrounding environment. The program utilizes and enhances any natural control methods on pests, as a priority, to avoid using pesticides if possible. A general technique is outlined with regard to formulating an active plan and evaluating the best policy.


  1. ^ Catts, E. P. and N. H. Haskell, eds. Entomology & Death: A Procedural Guide.Joyce's Print Shop, Inc. 1990. p5.
  2. ^ “Forensic entomology: use of insects to help solve crimes”. Uwa.edu.au. 20 March, 2008.
  3. ^ Whitworth, Terry. "Keys to Genera and Species of Blow Flies of America North of Mexico." Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 108.3 (2006): 710.
  4. ^ Pape, Thomas. "Catalog of the Sarcophagidae of the World." Memoirs on Entomology. Gainesville, FL: Associated, 1996. 288-289.
  5. ^ a b "Pest Control Tips: Pests and Weather".Terminix.com.19 March,2008..