FSR is a three-letter abbreviation with multiple meanings. FSR may stand for:
- Foundation for Self-Reliance
- Formula SimRacing
- Feedback Shift Register, a type of Stream cipher, such as a Linear FSR
- First ScotRail
- First Strike Ration
- Fleet Street Reports, law reports
- Force-Sensing Resistor
- Forest Service Road
- Forestburg Scout Reservation
- Fox Sports Radio
- Frequency Shifting Repeater
- short for Full Surface Records
- Free Spectral Range (e.g. for optical resonators)
- Fabryka Samochodow Rolniczych
- Five Second Rule
- file system reorganizer, improves the file organization of mounted file systems
- Futuristic Sex Robots, A Nerdcore band
- Fast Street Racers, a racing clan in SA-MP (San Andreas Multiplayer)
- Filthy Stinking Rich, a commendable achievement!
- Flight Simulator Recording, Video recording from Flight Simulator X
- Flower, Sun, and Rain, A videogame from Grasshopper Manufacture
- Free Spectral Range,Intereformeter parameter
- Finite State Recognizer, a type of Finite State Machine that validates a given input.