A bit of history...
Bălileşti is a commone in theArgeş county of Romania. It exists since 300 years ago, and as a testimony of this in the village Băjeşti stands an old chapel and Marin Băjescu's manor. Marin was one of the founders of the commone, he was a rich noble that owned the land.
Today, the commone includes many villages: Băjeşti, Valea Mare, Ulita, Priboaia, Goleşti, Vlădeşti, Poeniţa and, of course, Bălileşti, the central village. It is situated on Bratia River which flows from a place called Râuşor in the southern Carpathians. On the Northern, Western and Eastern side the commone is bordered by hills (around 700m height). An important clue to find it on a map is that the 45 degrees N parallel crosses the commone in the Southern part, near the confluence of Bratia an Târgului River.
The commone is suitable for plum tree plantations, from which Romanians prepare a specific alcohoolic drink - "ţuică". In Bălileşti, the villagers also raise animals: cows, horses, sheeps, goats, and domestic birds.
Though the most important occupation is the agriculture, some of the villagers work at "Dacia Groupe Renault" in the town Mioveni (a few kilometers souther). Every village has it's own primary school and the highschool is situated in the small town of Stâlpeni, which is nearby in the eastern part.
Things have changed for the Romanian villagers. The roads are pretty good, they have cable TV, cell phones and in Băjeşti already exists current water (this project will be extended to other villages).
Trust my word...
By the way, I was born and raised in the village Bălileşti. Though I've studied (and I still am studying) in Piteşti, the commone is engraved in my heart and I will never abbandon it... some day I'll be an historian and a known writer in my country. Until that day, my commone must be on the map, it must be known before I am...