Beethoven (franchise)
The Beethoven film series is a series of five American films, in which the plot revolves around a family attempting to control the antics of their pet, a Saint Bernard.
In Beethoven, the Newton family finds and adopts a Saint Bernard. The family, with the exception of the father, (Charles Grodin), becomes attached to the dog. Meanwhile, a veterinarian is planning to destroy Beethoven, but the family comes to his rescue.
Bethoven's 2nd
In Beethoven's 2nd, Beethoven sires a litter of puppies, and the Newton family tries to save them from the dame's owner, who alternatively wishes to destroy or sell the puppies.
Beethoven's 3rd
In Beethoven's 3rd, the dog is sent across the country in a recreational vehicle to attend a family reunion.
Beethoven's 4th
Beethoven, still with his actual owner's brother (Judge Reinhold), still manages to cause trouble.
Beethoven's 5th
Sara takes Beethoven camping with her crazy uncle.
Beethoven: The Reel Story
Template:Future film Upcoming film, due in 2008.
A line of toys was produced in conjunction with the first two films, and some toys are available on an ongoing basis.
DVD releases
All films are available on DVD, with the exception of The Reel Story, which is awaiting release in a Direct to video format.