List of computer science conferences
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This is a list of academic conferences in computer science. Most of these academic conferences are annual or bi-annual events. The order with which the conferences are listed in their respective fields corresponds to a rough and non-authoritative ranking of their quality and impact based on MSRA Libra [1] and Citeseer [2].
- AAAI - National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- International Conference on Genetic Algorithms
- IJCAI - International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- KR - Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- UAI - Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
- ICMAS - International Conference on Multiagent Systems
- AAMAS(Agents) - Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems/International Conference on Autonomous Agents
- ICAPS(AIPS) - International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling/Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems
- ICRA - International Conference on Robotics and Automation
- ECAI - European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- ICAIL - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law
- ICCBR - Case-Based Reasoning and Development
- JELIA - Logics in Artificial Intelligence
- KI - German Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour
- EuroGP - European Conference on Genetic Programming
- AIA - Artificial Intelligence and Applications
- ICTAI - International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence
- EPIA - Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- SETN - Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- IAIA - Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence
- AI&M -Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics
- MICAI - Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- AISC - Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation
- Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing
- AIMDM - Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine andMedical Decision Making
- IC-AI - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- PRICAI - Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- IAAI - Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence
- AIMSA - Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications
- AUS-AI - Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- IEA/AIE - Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science
- Artificial Intelligence from the Information Processing Perspective
- Artificial Intelligence in Education
- Artificial Intelligence in Structural Engineering
- Assistive Technology and Artificial Intelligence
- SBIA — Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
- DAI — Distributed Artificial Intelligence
- Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence Research
- ICML — International Conference on Machine Learning
- Music and Artificial Intelligence
- NIPS — Neural Information Processing Systems
- IS/KI — Workshop on Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence
- WOCFAI — World Conference on the Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence
- WSEAS International Conference on Neural Networks
- WSEAS International Conference on Fuzzy Systems
- WSEAS International Conference on Evolutionary Computing
- GECCO Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (ACM)
- FOGA Foundations of Genetic Algorithms
- ANTS International Conference on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence
- InTech International Conference on Intelligent Technologies
- POPL - Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
- PLDI - SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
- ASPLOS - International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
- ECOOP - European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
- OOPSLA - Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications
- ICLP(JICSLP) - International Conference on Logic Programming/Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming
- ICFP - International Conference on Functional Programming
- ESOP - European Symposium on Programming
- PLILP - Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming
- CP - Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
- CC - Compiler Construction
- ICCL - International Conference on Computer Languages
- ALP - Algebraic and Logic Programming
- SSR - ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Software Reusability
- FASE - Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
- PADL - Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages
- LOPSTR - Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation
- FLOPS - Fuji International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming
- International Conference on Applications of Prolog
- HIPS - High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments
- SFP - Scottish Functional Programming Workshops
- Programs as Data Objects
- S&P - IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
- CRYPTO - International Cryptology Conference
- USENIX Security Symposium
- CCS - Computer and Communications Security
- EUROCRYPT - Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques
- CSFW - Computer Security Foundations Workshop
- NDSS - Network and Distributed System Security Symposium
- WiSe - Wireless Security
- Information Hiding
- ESORICS - European Symposium on Research in Computer Security
- FSE - Fast Software Encryption
- Financial Cryptography
- ACSAC - Annual Computer Security Applications Conference
- CT-RSA - The Cryptographer's Track at RSA Conference
- CHES - Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
- PKC - Public Key Cryptography
- RAID - Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection
- NSPW - Workshop on New Security Paradigms
- SACMAT - Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies
- Theory of Cryptography
- ACISP - Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy
- DRM - ACM Digital Rights Management Workshop
- ISC(ISW) - Information Security Conference/Information Security Workshop
- ICICS - International Conference on Information and Communication Security
- MMM-ACNS - Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures for Network Security Systems
- ICISC - Information Security and Cryptology
- IEEE International Workshop on Information Assurance
- TDM - Twente Data Management workshop on Privacy Aware Data Management
- ARES Conference - The International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
- CHI - Computer Human Interaction
- CSCW - Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
- UIST - User Interface Software and Technology
- IUI - Intelligent User Interfaces
- DIS - Designing Interactive Systems
- AVI - Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
- BCS HCI Conference
- INTERACT - IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
- ICMI - Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interfaces
- DSV-IS - Design, Specification, and Verification of Interactive Systems
- Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems
- EHCI - Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction
- MobileHCI - Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services
- User Interfaces for All
- TAMODIA - Task Models and Diagrams for User Interface Design
- HCI - Human-Computer Interaction
- HSI - Human System Interaction
- IDC - Interaction Design And Children
- DPPI - Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces
- Haptic Human-Computer Interaction
- UIDIS - User Interfaces to Data Intensive Systems
- IWAI - International Workshop on Affective Interactions
- VCHCI - Vienna Conference on Human Compter Interaction
- VL/HCC - Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
- RTSS - IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
- FTRTFT - Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems
- LCTES - Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems
- CASES - Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems
- EMSOFT - International Workshop on Embedded Systems
- ECRTS - Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems
- ISORC - Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing
- RTCSA - Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications
- ESA - Embedded Systems and Applications
- Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems
- ENSS - Conference On Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
- Object-Oriented Modeling of Embedded Real-Time Systems
- ESTIMedia - IEEE Workshop on Embedded Systems for Real-time Multimedia
- ASPLOS - International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
- ISCA - International Symposium on Computer Architecture
- DAC - Design Automation Conference
- MICRO - International Symposium on Microarchitecture
- ICCAD - International Conference on Computer Aided Design
- HPCA - International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture
- FCCM - Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines
- ICCD - International Conference on Computer Design
- ISPD - International Symposium on Physical Design
- DATE - Design, Automation, and Test in Europe
- ECRTS - Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems
- ASP-DAC - Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference
- VLSI Design
- ISCAS - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
- HIPEAC - High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation
- SIGGRAPH - Annual Conference on Computer Graphics
- SI3D - Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics
- IEEE Visualization - IEEE Visualization
- Eurographics Workshop on Rendering Techniques - Eurographics Workshop on Rendering Techniques
- VolVis - Volume Visualization and Graphics
- VVS - Volume Visualization
- HWWS - SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS Workshop On Graphics Hardware
- Graphics Interface
- INFOVIS - IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization
- CA - Computer Animation Conference
- Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering
- PRS - Parallel Rendering Symposium
- SCA - Symposium on Computer Animation
- VBC - Visualization in Biomedical Computing
- Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications
- VisSym - Joint Eurographics - IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization
- VMV - Vision Modeling and Visualization
- VR - IEEE Virtual Reality
- VRST - Virtual Reality Software and Technology
- GRAPHITE - Computer graphics and interactive techniques in Austalasia and South East Asia
- CGI - Computer Graphics International
- Smart Graphics
- CGIM - Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging
- WSCG - International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization
- PVG - IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics
- SIBGRAPI - Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing
- Graphicon - International Conference on Computer Graphics & Vision
- GREC - Graphics Recognition
- Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
- Advances in Computer Graphics
- Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware
- VAST - Virtual reality, archeology, and cultural heritage
- Eurographics Workshop on Programming Paradigms in Graphics /Object-Oriented Graphics
- ICCG - International Conference on Computer Graphics
- Austrographics
- MHVR - Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Virtual Reality
- SIGMOD - International Conference on Management of Data
- VLDB - Very Large Data Bases
- PODS - Symposium on Principles of Database Systems
- SIGIR - Research and Development in Information Retrieval
- KDD - Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- ICDE - International Conference on Data Engineering
- ICDT - International Conference on Database Theory
- DOOD - Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases
- SSD - Symposium on Large Spatial Databases
- CIDR - Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research
- EDBT - Extending Database Technology
- CIKM - International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
- WebDB - International Workshop on the Web and Databases
- DMKD - Research Issues on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- Berkeley Workshop on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks
- IWDOM/OODBS - International Workshop on Distributed Object Management/Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems
- RIDE - Research Issues in Data Engineering
- EDS - Expert Database Systems
- ER(OOER) - Object-Oriented and Entity-Relationship Modelling/International Conference on Conceptual Modeling / the Entity Relationship Approach
- CoopIS - Conference on Cooperative Information Systems
- DS - IFIP Working Conference on Database Semantics
- JCDKB - International Conference on Data and Knowledge Bases
- ADBT - Advances in Data Base Theory
- FODO - Conference on Foundations of Data Organization and Algorithms
- SWDB(Semantic Web) - Semantic Web/Semantic Web and Databases
- RIDS - Rules in Database Systems
- SSDBM - Statistical and Scientific Database Management
- SDM - SIAM International Conference on Data Mining
- CAiSE - Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
- DPDS - International Symposium on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems
- GIS - Workshop on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
- KRDB - Knowledge Representation Meets Databases
- DEXA - Database and Expert Systems Applications
- Data Base Workshops
- DBSEC - IFIP Workshop on Database Security
- IWDM - International Workshop on Database Machines
- DILS - Data Integration in the Life Sciences
- WIDM - Web Information and Data Management
- DDB - Symposium on Distributed Data Bases
- DBA - Databases and Applications
- XP - Workshops on Database Theory
- IDEAS - International Database Engineering and Application Symposium
- ADC - Australasian Database Conference
- VDB - Visual Database Systems
- BNCOD - British National Conference on Databases
- DASFAA - Database Systems for Advanced Applications
- IW-MMDBBS - Int. Workshop on Multi-Media Data Base Management Systems
- Deductive Database Workshops
- XSym - International XML Database Symposium
- MFDBS - Mathematical Fundamentals of Database Systems
- ICOD - International Conference on Databases
- TDB - Workshop on Temporal Databases
- DNIS - Databases in Networked Information Systems
- ADBIS - Advances in Databases and Information Systems
- EWDW - East/West Database Workshops
- SBBD - Brazilian Symposium on Databases
- ICEIS - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
- ADB - Applications of Databases
- CODAS - International Symposium on Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced Applications
- EFIS(EFDBS) - Engineering Federated Information (Database) Systems
- RTDB - Workshop on Real-Time Databases
- LID - Logic in Databases
- High-Performance Web Databases
- IDS - Interfaces to Database Systems
- IADT - Issues and Applications of Database Technology
- DANTE - Database Applications in Non-Traditional Environments
- NLDB - Applications of Natural Language to Data Bases
- STDBM - Spatio-Temporal Database Management
- DAISD - Deductive Approach to Information Systems and Databases
- Workshop on Information Quality in Information Systems
- ARTDB - Active and Real-Time Database Systems
- COMAD - International Conference on Management of Data
- CDB - Constraint Databases and Applications
- ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Databases
- Inference Control in Statistical Databases
- DIWeb - Data Integration over the Web
- INTEROP - Interoperating Geographic Information Systems
- CISMOD - Conference on Information Systems and Management of Data
- TAPD - Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction
- ISD - Integrated Spatial Databases
- Future Databases
- Semantics in Databases
- IGIS - International Workshop on Advanced Research in Geographic Information Systems
- ICOODB - International Conference on Object Databases
- ICCV - International Conference on Computer Vision
- ECCV - European Conference on Computer Vision
- BMVC - British Machine Vision Conference
- VRIC - Virtual Reality International Conference
- CVPR - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
- CVRMed - Computer Vision, Virtual Reality and Robotics in Medicine
- CGIV - Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization
- Scale-Space - Scale-Space Theories in Computer Vision
- PSIVT - IEEE Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology
- ICVS - International Conference on Computer Vision Systems
- EMMCVPR - Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
- Applications of Invariance in Computer Vision
- BMCV - Biologically Motivated Computer Vision
- ACCV - Asian Conference on Computer Vision
- ICVGIP Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing
- Computer Vision meets Databases
- RobVis - Robot Vision
- IWAIT - International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology
- TFCV - Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision
- Shape, Contour and Grouping in Computer Vision
- MM - ACM Multimedia Conference
- SPIE - Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases
- ICME(ICMCS) - International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems/International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
- International Conference on Image Processing
- AVBPA - Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication
- MICCAI - Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention
- Conference on Image and Video Retrieval
- IDMS - Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services
- Document Image Analysis for Libraries
- Multimedia Information Retrieval
- CAIP - Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns
- SCIA - Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis
- Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications
- WOWMOM - Workshop on Wireless Mobile Multimedia
- Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
- CAIVD - Content-Based Access of Image and Video Databases
- MIS - Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems
- IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia
- Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation
- Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop
- ECMAST - European Conference on Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques
- ICIAP - International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing
- MMM - Multimedia Modeling
- SIP - Signal and Image Processing
- Image Processing, Image Quality, Image Capture Systems Conference
- IEEE Workshop on Detection and Recognition of Events in Video
- ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Databases
- AMCP - Advanced Multimedia Content Processing
- Workshop on Digital and Computational Video
- Multimedia Technology and Management
- MINAR - Multimedia Information Analysis and Retrieval
- International Conference on Parallel Image Analysis
- Multimedia Electronic Documents
- BSDIA - Brazilian Symposium on Document Image Analysis
- Digital Image Processing Systems
- DFmA - Distributed Frameworks, Multimedia and Applicationslink DFmA
- MIV WSEAS Conference Multimedia, Internet and Video Technologies
- ESTIMedia - IEEE Workshop on Embedded Systems for Real-time Multimedia
- MHVR - Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Virtual Reality
- ICML - International Conference on Machine Learning
- UAI - Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
- COLT - Computational Learning Theory
- ECML - European Conference on Machine Learning
- NIPS - Neural Information Processing Systems
- EuroCOLT - European Conference on Computational Learning Theory
- ICPR - International Conference on Pattern Recognition
- MLMTA - Machine Learning; Models, Technologies and Applications
- NCI - Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence
- Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
- ICANN - Int. Conference on Artificial Neural Networks
- WIRN - Italian Workshop on Neural Neural Nets
- Pattern Recognition in Information Systems
- ICAPR - Advances in Pattern Recognition
- Graph Based Representations in Pattern Recognition
- SSPR - International Workshop on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition
- MLDM - Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition
- DAGM - Symposium Symposium for Pattern Recognition
- Emergent Neural Computational Architectures Based on Neuroscience
- NC - ICSC Symposium on Neural Computation
- IWANN - International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks
- SBRN - Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks
- Summer School on Neural Networks
- Machine Learning Summer School
- ANNA - Analysis of Neural Network Applications
- Knowledge Representation and Organization in Machine Learning
- Artificial Neural Neutworks
- SIGCOMM - ACM Conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication
- SOSP - ACM SIGOPS Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
- MOBICOM - ACM Conference on Mobile Communication Systems
- ASPLOS - Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
- OSDI - USENIX/ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation
- NSDI - USENIX/ACM Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation
- USENIX Security - USENIX Security Symposium
- USENIX - USENIX Annual Technical Conference
- EuroSys - The European Conference in Computer Systems
- SIGMETRICS - ACM Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems
- FAST - USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies
- WWW - World Wide Web Conference Series
- SC - Supercomputing
- ICDCS - International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
- HPDC - IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing
- IPTPS - International Workshop on Peer-to-peer Systems
- HotOS(WWOS) - Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems
- DSN - International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks
- NOSSDAV - Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video
- MobiSys - International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services
- Middleware - International Middleware Conference
- SIGOPS European Workshop
- MSST - IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies
- MASCOTS - Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation On Computer and Telecommunication Systems
- PODC - Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
- PPoPP - Principles & Practice of Parallel Programming
- SPAA - ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures
- SC - Supercomputing
- ICS - International Conference on Supercomputing
- ICDCS - International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
- HPDC - IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing
- PDIS - Conference on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems
- JSSPP - Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing
- LCPC - Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing
- ICPP - International Conference on Parallel Processing
- SRDS - Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software
- DISC(WDAG) - Workshop on Distributed Algorithms/International Symposium on Distributed Computing
- PARLE - Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe
- PACT - International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques
- IPDPS(IPPS) - International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium/International Parallel Processing Symposium
- P2P - International Conference Peer-to-Peer Computing
- DAS-P2P - International Workshop on Dependable and Sustainable Peer-to-Peer Systems
- Euro-Par - European Conference on Parallel Processing
- DPDS - International Symposium on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems
- PPSC - Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing
- IOPADS - I/O in Parallel and Distributed Systems
- FORTE - Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems
- Grid Computing
- Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks
- ISCOPE - International Symposium on Computing in Object-Oriented Parallel Environments
- IRREGULAR - Workshop on Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems
- CONPAR - Conference on Algorithms and Hardware for Parallel Processing
- ISORC - Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing
- FMOODS - Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems
- SPDP - Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing
- LCI - LCI International Conference on High-Performance Clustered Computing
- SPDT - Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Tools
- Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference
- PDCN - Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks
- CLUSTER - Cluster Computing
- European Across Grids Conference
- International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing
- International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications
- Grid and Cooperative Computing
- Advanced Parallel Programming Technologies
- PDCS - Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems
- FTDCS - Future Trends of Distributed Computer Systems
- DSOM - Distributed Systems, Operations and Management
- ICPP(Workshop) - International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops
- DAIS - Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems
- PDPTA - Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications
- Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics
- HIPS - High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments
- International Workshop on Cluster Computing
- IFIP PACT - Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques
- PARA - Workshop on Applied Parallel Computing
- Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering
- International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks
- International Conference On Principles Of Distributed Systems
- Open Distributed Processing
- European Distributed Memory Computing Conference
- Applications in Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Distributed Event-Based Systems
- PaCT - Parallel Computing Technologies
- ICPADS - International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems
- WDAS - Workshop on Distributed Data and Structures
- VECPAR - Vector and Parallel Processing
- PASCO - International Symposium on Parallel Symbolic Computation
- PARCO - Parallel Computing
- DDSS - Distributed Data Sharing Systems
- Parallel Algorithms and Architectures
- MOVEP - Modeling and Verification of Parallel Processes
- Euro-PDS - Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Programming Environments for Parallel Computing
- TPPP - Theory and Practice of Parallel Programming
- Cooperative Environments for Distributed Systems Engineering
- TreDS - Trends in Distributed Systems
- OBPDC - Object-Based Parallel and Distributed Computation
- Process in Distributed Operating Systems and Distributed Systems Management
- Parallel Symbolic Computing
- CFCP - Canada-France Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing
- WOPPLOT - Workshop on Parallel Processing: Logic, Organization, and Technology
- Distributed Computing Environment
- Parcella - Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Arrays
- HiPC - International Conference on High Performance Computing
- SIGCOMM - ACM Conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication
- MOBICOM - ACM Conference on Mobile Communication Systems
- INFOCOM - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications
- MOBIHOC - ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing
- IMC - USENIX/ACM Internet Measurement Conference
- ICNP - IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols
- CONEXT - ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies
- Passive and Active Network Measurement
- Global Internet Symposium
- WMCSA - Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications
- MA - International Symposium on Mobile Agents
- DIAL-M - Workshop on Discrete Algorithms and Methods for Mobile Computing and Communications
- NGC - Networked Group Communication
- MSWiM - International Workshop on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems
- FORTE - Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems
- High Performance Networking
- Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks
- PCRCW - Parallel Computer Routing and Communication
- PfHSN - Protocols for High-Speed Networks
- PERCOM - IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
- Integrated Network Management - Integrated Network Management
- ICC - IEEE International Conference on Communications
- GlobeCom - IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference
- MobiDE - ACM International Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access
- MDM- Mobile Data Management
- ICCCN - International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks
- P2P - IEEE Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing
- DAS-P2P - International Workshop on Dependable and Sustainable Peer-to-Peer Systems
- MOBIQUITOUS - International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking and Services
- Networking
- IWAN - Active Networks
- CANPC - Communication, Architecture, and Applications for Network-Based Parallel Computing
- HPCN Europe - High-Performance Computing and Networking
- WWIC - Wired/Wireless Internet Communications
- CNSR - Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research
- LCN - IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks
- Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless
- ICWN - International Conference on Wireless Networks
- HSNMC - High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications
- CIC - Communications in Computing
- AINA - Advanced Information Networking and Applications
- Network Computing and Applications
- WMTE - Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education
- QoS-IP - Quality of Service in Multiservice IP Networks
- ICOIN - International Conference on Information Networking
- ICN - International Conference on Networking
- TestCom - IFIP International Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems
- Broadband Communications
- IPCCC - International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference
- SCN - Security in Communication Networks
- CNIS - Communication, Network, and Information Security
- POMC - Principles of Mobile Computing
- I&SN;Intelligence and Services in Networks
- WS - Wireless Security
- DARPA Active Networks Conference and Exposition
- ONDM - Optical Network Design and Modelling
- IWACA - International Workshop on Advanced Teleservices and High-Speed Communication Architectures
- ATM Networks - Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks
- WMASH - Wireless Mobile Applications And Services On Wlan Hotspots
- WMAN - Workshop über Mobile Ad-Hoc Netzwerke
- ENSS - Conference On Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
- Information Network and Data Communication
- IPCC - International Professional Communication Conference
- SmartNet - Intelligence in Networks
- International Zurich Seminar on Digital Communications
- Wireless Mobile Internet
- ICCC - International Conference on Computer Communication
- DIAL M - Workshop on Discrete Algothrithms and Methods for MOBILE Computing and Communications
- MDM(MDA) - Int. Conf. on Mobile Data Access/Management (MDA/MDM)
- Network Security
- CMC - International Conference on Cooperative Multimodal Communication
- Data Communications and their Performance
- Wide Area Networks and High Performance Computing
- Databases In Telecommunications
- NETA - Conference on Network Administration
- Performance of Distributed Systems and Integrated Communication Networks
- Local Area Network Security
- Computer and Telecommunications Performance Engineering
- SenSys - ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
- IPSN - ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks
- EWSN - European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks
- Percom - IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
- WiOpt - ICST International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks
- ESAS - European Workshop on Security in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
- SENSORCOMM - International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications
- Computer Aided Verification
- International Conference on Software Engineering
- SIGSOFT FSE(FSE) - Foundations of Software Engineering/Foundations of Software Engineering (SIGSOFT)
- TACAS - Tools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of Systems
- PEPM - Partial Evaluation and Semantic-Based Program Manipulation
- SAS(WSA) - Static Analysis Symposium/Workshop on Static Analysis
- ESEC - European Software Engineering Conference
- SESPSDE - Software Engineering Symposium on Practical Software Development Environments
- Working Conference on Reverse Engineering
- Rewriting Techniques and Applications
- ICSM - International Conference on Software Maintenance
- FoSSaCS - Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structure
- ITC - International Test Conference
- ASE - Automated Software Engineering
- IWSSD - International Workshop on Software Specifications & Design
- UML - The Unified Modeling Language
- SSR - ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Software Reusability
- FASE - Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
- RE - IEEE Int. Conf. on Requirements Engineering P
- IEEE International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods
- IFM - Integrated Formal Methods
- International Conference on Software Reuse
- International Workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software
- HASE - High-Assurance Systems Publication: 267 Citation: 327
- ICECCS - International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems
- APSEC - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference
- COMPSAC - International Computer Software and Applications Conference
- SEKE - Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
- Australian Software Engineering Conference
- FSE Foundations of Software Engineering
- Canadian University Software Engineering Conference
- SEPG Software Engineering Process Group
- INFORMATICS-INFORMATIQUE sponsored by the Canadian Information Processing Society
- ICALEPS International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems Conference
- UYMS National Software Engineering Symposium (in Turkish: Ulusal Yazılım Mühendisliği Sempozyumu)
- STOC - ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing
- FOCS - IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
- LICS - Logic in Computer Science
- SODA - Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
- CRYPTO - International Cryptology Conference
- SoCG - ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry
- SPAA- ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures
- COLT - Computational Learning Theory
- CADE - Conference on Automated Deduction
- CoCo - Structure in Complexity Theory Conference
- STACS - Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
- ISSAC - International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
- WADS - Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures
- EuroCOLT - European Conference on Computational Learning Theory
- ISTCS - Israel Symposium on Theory of Computing Systems
- FSTTCS - Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science
- MFCS - Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
- GD - Symposium on Graph Drawing Publication:
- IPCO - Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
- ALT - Algorithmic Learning Theory
- CSL - Computer Science Logic
- Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry
- FCT - Fundamentals of Computation Theory
- WG - Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science
- LATIN - Latin American Theoretical INformatics
- ALENEX - Algorithm Engineering and Experimentation
- ASIAN - Asian Computing Science Conference
- COCOON - Computing and Combinatorics
- LFCS - Logical Foundations of Computer Science
- SIROCCO - Colloquium on Structural Information & Communication Complexity
- ICTCS - Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science
Automata and Formal Language Theory
- ICALP - International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming
- DLT - International Conference on Developments in Language Theory
- CIAA - International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata
- AFL - International Conference on Automata and Formal Languages
- DCFS - International Workshop on Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems
- LATA - International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications
- Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology
- RECOMB - Research in Computational Molecular Biology
- Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing
- VBC - Visualization in Biomedical Computing
- Computational Methods in Systems Biology
- WABI - Algorithms in Bioinformatics
- APBC - Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference
- Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration
- European Conference on Computational Biology
- METMBS - Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Scienes
- CIBCB - IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
- CSB - IEEE Computer Society Bioinformatics Conference
- IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging
- WOB - Brazilian Workshop on Bioinformatics]]
- BIBE - IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering
- GCB - German Conference on Bioinformatics
- BCEC - Biocomputing and Emergent Computation
- Evolution and Biocomputation
- SIGCSE - Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
- ITiCSE - Annual Joint Conference Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education
- ITS - Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- CATE - Computers and Advanced Technology in Education
- WMTE - Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education
- International Conference on Computers in Education
- ICWL - International Conference on Web-Based Learning
- ASCILITE - Australian Society for Computers in Tertiary Education
- ICALT - International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies
- IFIP WCCE - World Conference on Computers in Education
- CITC - Conference On Information Technology Education
- MSE - Microelectronics Systems Education
- CSEE&T - Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training
- International Conference on Computers and Learning
- CALISCE - Computer Aided Learning and Instruction in Science and Engineering
- FPLE - Functional Programming Languages in Education
- EEF - European Educational Forum
- Artificial Intelligence in Education
- ISSAC - International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
- SYMSAC - Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation
- PPSC - Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing
- DISCO - Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems
- EUROSAM - Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
- Numerical Methods and Applications
- AISC - Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation
- LSSC - Large-Scale Scientific Computing
- PASCO - International Symposium on Parallel Symbolic Computation
- Numerical Analysis and Its Applications
- Symbolic and Numerical Scientific Computation
- Parallel Symbolic Computing
- Accurate Scientific Computations
- HSNC - History of Scientific and Numeric Computation
- Advance Computing and Communication Journal-
- Compute2008 - ACM Compute 2008 Bangalore
- ExpCS - Experimental Computer Science
- ICCIT - International Conference on Computer and Information Technology
- SAC - ACM Symposium On Applied Computing
See also
- Libra academic search (includes citation-based conference/journal/author/paper ranking)
- Estimated impact of publication venues in Computer Science, May 2003
- List of publications in computer science
- List of basic computer science topics
- List of cryptology conferences
External links
- ConfSearch, a search tool for Computer Science Conferences (contains deadline and location information)
- Computer Science Events list (from Informatics Europe)
- Confy, a Computer Science Conference Calendar (free, has RSS feed)
- DBLP database with conferences and workshops
- - Computer Science conferences, workshops and events (free, deadline alerts, personalized RSS feeds)
- LMCS list of conferences in Theoretical Computer Science
- ERCIM Conferences related to IT and Applied Mathematics
- IEEE Conference Calendar
- INFORMS operations research conference calendar
- Netlib conference database
- WikiCFP
- ^ Libra Academic Search,
- ^ Estimated impact of publication venues in Computer Science, May 2003,