The person
Lives in Tokyo and online, collects useless qualifications and advertising tissues and has worked as a toilet cleaner, university lecturer, bookseller, teacher, gardener and a host of other wonder professions.
The project
Bricolab is an amalgamated word. It is even more compacted than the foodstuffs in Elvis's colon. If we explode it, in the manner of a naughty terrorist, or a UN smart bomb, we find the following words come running for cover:
- Bricolage - Grab, slap together, marvel at the new combination.
- Brick - Click, clunk, the lego revolution.
- Collaboration - Open source being. Forging connections. Wikiworld.
- Laboratory - Experimentation in the playground of identity.
As a staunch constructionist I leave the rest to your imagination. For now.
Bricolab is coming to a website near you. Soon.
Contributions to date
Pretty lame at present: