JNV Jojawar (Pali)
JNV Jojawar is located 1.5km away from the village Jojawar in the Marwar Junction tehsil of the Distrcit Pali. this school is residence school and all fecilities to the students is free of cost. This school establesh in a temporay site in 1988. Now school have building gor all the pursposes, school building, hostels, staff quarters, multi-purpose hall.
The entrance test for admission into 6th and 9th class odf the school is being conducted by the Navpdaya Vidyalay Samiti. The school syllabus is CBSE pattern. There are lasses being conducted from 6th standard to 12th standard.
Till now the school has seen five proncipals. 1. P.C. Upadhyay: (I/C) 13/09/1988 to 04/11/1988 2. A.M. Mishra: 05/11/1988 to 24/02/1989 3. D.P. Singh: 01/07/1989 to 19/11/1996 4. J.P. Upreti: 19/11/1996 to 31/10/1999 5. R.P. Singh: 25/07/2000 to Present
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