Life Story (film)
Life Story (known as The Race for the Double Helix or Double Helix in the U.S.) is a 1987 TV film dramatisation of the discovery of the structure of DNA in 1953. Directed by Mick Jackson, it was originally made for the BBC's Horizon science series and is considered one of the better science docu-dramas.
The film tells the story of the rivalries of the two teams of scientists attempting to discover the nature of DNA. Francis Crick & James D. Watson at Cambridge University and Maurice Wilkins & Rosalind Franklin at King's College London.
- James Watson: Jeff Goldblum
- Francis Crick: Tim Pigott-Smith
- Rosalind Franklin: Juliet Stevenson
- Maurice Wilkins: Alan Howard
The film was directed by Mick Jackson and includes music composed by Peter Howell of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. It also recreated detailed, 1950s style, molecular models.