User talk:Ownage
"Ownage" or "Pwnage" (pronounce the same) are slang terms most commonly used on the internet, in chat rooms, instant messengers, forums, etc. The root of the word is "own" or "pwn". It's meaning is somewhat similar to "cool" or "tight" or "awesome". Example 1: "I own you at basketball!", which can be translated as "I am so much better than you." It's other form, "ownage", can be used such as, "I am the ownage at this game!", which would mean, "I am very skilled at this game," or "I am the best at this game." Although there is no exact translation of the meaning, after seeing it used on the internet or spoken, you will eventually pick-up on it's exact meaning when being used.
"Own", and all its other forms, are mostly used by teenager from 13 to 17 years of age. Mostly in computer or video games and other related tasks that require knowledge or skill.