User:Ilovesabbath/refToolbar ko.js
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// [[:en:User:Mr.Z-man/refToolbar]] (2009년 1월 9일 현재판) 의 한국어 번역판
// Korean translation of [[:en:User:Mr.Z-man/refToolbar]] (2009-01-09)
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function citeWeb() {
citeNewsWeb("웹 인용");
function citeNews() {
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return namedrefs;
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out = '<div id="citediv'+numforms+'"><fieldset>'+
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ref = '<ref name="'+name+'" />';
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if (wikEdUseWikEd == true) {
text = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value;
regex = /< *?ref( +?name *?= *?(('([^']*?)')|("([^"]*?)")|([^'"\s]*?[^\/]\b)))? *?>((.|\n)*?)< *?\/? *?ref *?>/gim //"
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var nr=true;
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ref[0] = ref[0].replace(/>/g, ">");
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return allrefs;
function NRcallError(namedrefs, refname) {
for (var i=0; i<namedrefs.length; i++) {
if (namedrefs[i] == refname) {
return true;
return false;
function errorCheck() {
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while (p<allrefs.length && !skipcheck) {
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errorlist[q] = '<tr><td width="75%"><tt>'+allrefscontent[i]+'</tt></td>';
errorlist[q] += '<td width="25%">같은 내용의 주석들은 같은 이름을 사용하여 재인용해야 합니다. <a href="위키백과:출처_밝히기">출처 밝히기</a>를 참고하세요</td></tr>';
samecontentexclude[sx] = allrefscontent[i]
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errorlist[q] = '<tr><td width="75%"><tt>'+allrefs[i]+'</tt></td>';
errorlist[q] += '<td width="25%"><a href="틀:인용">인용틀</a>을 사용하지 않은 주석이 있습니다</td></tr>';
templateexclude[tx] = allrefscontent[i];
skipcheck = false;
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var repeatnameexclude = new Array();
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if (namedrefs[k] == repeatnameexclude[d]) {
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while (z<namedrefs.length && !skipcheck) {
if (namedrefs[k] == namedrefs[z] && k != z) {
errorlist[q] = '<tr><td width="75%"><tt>'+namedrefs[k]+'</tt></td>';
errorlist[q] += '<td width="25%">같은 이름을 갖고 있지만 서로 다른 내용의 주석이 있습니다. <a href="위키백과:출처_밝히기">출처 밝히기</a>를 참고하세요</td></tr>';
repeatnameexclude[rx] = namedrefs[z];
skipcheck = false;
if (undef) {
var undefexclude = new Array();
var ux=0;
for (var p=0; p<namedrefcalls.length; p++) {
for (var d=0; d<undefexclude.length; d++) {
if (allrefscontent[i] == undefexclude[d]) {
skipcheck = true;
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if (!NRcallError(namedrefs, namedrefcalls[p])) {
errorlist[q] = '<tr><td width="75%"><tt>'+namedrefcalls[p]+'</tt></td>';
errorlist[q] += '<td width="25%">정의되지 않은 이름으로 재인용했습니다. <a href="위키백과:출처_밝히기">출처 밝히기</a>를 참고하세요</td></tr>';
undefexclude[ux] = namedrefs[p];
skipcheck = false;
if (q > 0) {
return errorlist;
} else {
return 0;
function dispErrors() {
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'<input type="checkbox" id="undef" /> 없는 이름으로 재인용한 주석<br/>'+
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document.getElementById('citeselect').innerHTML += out;
else {
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document.getElementById('citediv'+numforms).style.display = 'none';
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form+= '</table>'+
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