User talk:ForteTuba
Hi, I'm Dan Cosley at University of Minnesota with the GroupLens research group. We do personalization and social systems (among other things).
I'm interested in making and evaluating tools that help people find pages to edit on Wikipedia, and will (hopefully soon) be looking for people to help me evaluate these tools.
We've done some other work related to Wikipedia, including a paper at CHI 2005 called "How Oversight Improves Member Maintained Communities" that showed peers are approximately as good as experts, available at We also have a more recent paper that looks at various editing policies and concludes based on both a mathematical model and actual experience in the MovieLens recommender system <> that reviewing contributions before including them in a repository doesn't directly improve quality. It also shows powerful effects on increasing contributions by doing very simple personalization of the items you ask people to work on. This is submitted-not-yet-accepted to CHI 2006 but anyone who'd like to look at it can mail cosley A T for a copy.