Warwick Academy
Warwick Academy is the oldest school in Bermuda and one of the oldest in the Western Hemisphere, established in 1662. It was named after the English colonial administrator Robert Rich, 2nd Earl of Warwick, who gave the original land.
Warwick Academy was formerly a government secondary school but since 1992 it has been an independent mixed-sex day school for students aged 5 to 19 inclusive. It has a reputation for high academic standards and strict discipline. It is divided into a primary school, a middle school and a senior school. The school's motto is "Quo Non Ascendam". The current Principal is Mrs Margaret McCorkell.
In addition to the usual GCSE courses, based on the UK national curriculum, the school also offers the prestigious International Baccalaureate in years 12 and 13.
The school has a strict dress code, e.g. boys up to year 9 must wear khaki short pants above the knee, with navy long socks, from 1 May to 30 November. There is a disciplinary system based on demerit points. Accumulated demerits must be worked off by attending Saturday detention (5 demerit points) or by doing work for the isssuing teacher. The handbook states: "It is only through firm, fair, and consistent enforcement of our rules that we will create the proper atmosphere in the school."[1] More serious punishments include in-school suspension, strapping (corporal punishment) and expulsion.
All corporal punishment is awarded on the decision of the Principal. The Deputy Principal administering it must be of the same sex as the student being strapped. This form of discipline is applied in cases such as fighting, smoking or obscenity.
There is also a positive merit points system for outstanding work, top test results, etc. and these are exchanged for rewards or prizes.
Every student is required to take part in at least two extra-curricular activities. Community service is compulsory in years 7 to 9.