Enough Project
The Enough Project is a Washington, D.C. based project of the Center for American Progress that campaigns against genocide and crimes against humanity. Its co-chairs are John Prendergast and Gayle Smith, and its Executive Director is John Norris.
The Enough Project was co-founded by the Center for American Progress and the International Crisis Group in 2007[1]. Enough appears to largely focus on the situations in Congo, northern Uganda, Darfur, southern Sudan and the spillover violence in Chad, Somalia, and in Zimbabwe. According to its website[2], Enough “use[s] in-depth knowledge to create clear, viable policy recommendations, and engage activists to apply pressure on the perpetrators and well-meaning governments whose own inertia prevents them from taking the steps necessary to stop genocide and crimes against humanity.”
The Enough Project was co-founded by CAP and the International Crisis Group in early 2007.
Co-founders Gayle Smith and John Prendergast are both veteran Africa experts, and worked in the Clinton Administration in positions at the National Security Council and the State Department. Both have supported humanitarian interventions and have endorsed the ‘responsibility to protect.’ The International Crisis Group is no longer affiliated with Enough[3]. It is unclear if Enough will also expand to cover crises in non-African locations.
The Enough Project is designed to create a permanent constituency of citizens able to act against war genocide, war crimes, mass atrocities and ethnic cleansing. The Project’s work is a mix of field-based analysis and policy recommendations mixed with advocacy efforts designed to engage the public. Enough’s policy recommendations are based on what it calls a “3Ps” crisis response strategy: promoting durable peace, providing civilian protection, and punishing perpetrators of atrocities[4].
The 3Ps + Prevention
Promote Peace
Enough believes that “building peace costs less – in lives and in dollars – than picking up the pieces after a humanitarian crisis. The best way to end genocide and mass atrocities right now is with persistent, high-level diplomacy aimed at creating sustainable peace and laying the groundwork for a more secure future.” Enough recommends concrete solutions for resolving conflicts and achieving peace. Enough urges the United States and the international community to make real, substantial investments in these solutions.
Provide Protection
Enough identifies and pushes for actions that the United States and its partners must take to protect a country's citizens from crimes against humanity when their government cannot, or will not, save them.
Punishment for Perpetrators
Enough emphasizes the importance of holding the perpetrators of these horrific crimes accountable, both during and after the atrocities. The organizations’ stance is that substantive consequences must be imposed on those who commit these crimes and on those who provide the support that allows them to happen. Through the courts, sanctions, and public pressure, Enough lays out and advance a path to justice that will also deter future crimes.
Enough also focuses on what can be done to prevent the crises of tomorrow. Bringing to bear three key elements – analysis, advocacy, and activism – Enough focuses on the policies, tools, and investments that can be brought to bear to prevent genocide and crimes against humanity in the future.
Analysis, Advocacy and Activism
Working with a broad range of groups and experts with extensive experience in the field and in government, Enough issues a series of policy proposals focused on what the international community, and particularly the United States, can do now to prevent crimes against humanity and genocide in the future.[5]
Enough collects a large portion of their research directly from field experts on the ground in various conflict areas.[6] This analysis of ongoing crises from several researchers in the field is combined with policy analysis from experts with experience in the executive and legislative branches of the U.S. government and international organizations. Enough produces regular strategy papers and briefings that provide in-depth assessments about what is happening on the ground and what concerned individuals, activists and policy makers can do to help end these crises.
Enough works with a diverse array of partner organizations to strengthen and empower a growing activist movement for change. These partner organizations include Save Darfur Coalition, Genocide Intervention Network, Resolve Uganda, Invisible Children, Congo Global Action and STAND: The Student Anti-Genocide Coalition[7]. Enough also promote specific, meaningful actions that individuals can take to help end genocide and crimes against humanity.
With these tools Enough works to drive structural and systemic change to transform the United States from a late responder to a world leader in the prevention of genocide and crimes against humanity.
Enough Campaigns and Projects
RAISE Hope for Congo
A campaign to protect and empower women in the Democratic Republic of Congo that aims to raise awareness of the effects of the decade-long armed conflict in Congo and widespread sexual violence against women and girls[8]
Darfur Dream Team: Sister Schools Initiative
An education partnership linking schools in Darfurian refugee camps located in Chad with students in American schools. Students in the U.S. raise money to provide books, supplies, and teacher training for refugee schools; they learn about the situation in Darfur through a special curriculum developed by the Brookline, MA-based nonprofit organization, Facing History and Ourselves; and they connect personally with Darfurian refugee students through an online community. Partners include the National Basketball Association, the United Nations High Commission on Refugees, and several celebrities and NGOs. [9] [10] [11]
Not on Our Watch Christian Companion
A paperback book and outreach initiative that connects churches, fellowships, and individual Christians to the global movement to end genocide in Darfur and other crimes against humanity in Africa - expanding on the New York Times bestseller Not on Our Watch: The Mission to End Genocide in Darfur and Beyond, written by actor Don Cheadle and Enough Co-Chair John Prendergast. [12] [13]
- ^ http://www.crisisgroup.org/home/index.cfm?id=5096&l=1&m=1
- ^ EnoughProject.org
- ^ International Crisis Group Press Statement
- ^ http://www.enoughproject.org/about/our-approach/3ps
- ^ Enough Project Tools
- ^ Enough Project Publications
- ^ http://www.enoughproject.org/about/partners
- ^ http://www.raisehopeforcongo.org
- ^ http://www.darfurdreamteam.org
- ^ http://www.facinghistory.org
- ^ http://www.ninemillion.org
- ^ http://www.darfurchristianaction.org
- ^ http://www.notonourwatchbook.org