Survivor: The Australian Outback
Survivor: The Australian Outback was the second installment of the popular United States reality show Survivor. It was filmed during 2000 and aired from January 28, 2001 to May 3, 2001 on CBS. It was set in what the producers called the Outback of Australia. In fact, the location was only slightly remote by Australian standards (it was within three hours drive of Cairns, a small city on the coastline), and it was located in a wet, semi-tropical area rather than the arid, true outback. The two initial tribes were Kucha and Ogakor.
Fourteen episodes aired weekly. The elimination of contestant Michael Skupin during the sixth episode is noteworthy for being the only case where a Survivor contestant has had to be evacuated due to injuries. Skupin fainted and fell into a campfire he was starting, suffering severe burns; as a result of his evacuation, no immunity challenge or tribal council were held. The winner, Tina Wesson, was announced on May 3, 2001.
In terms of gameplay changes, this edition of Survivor was quite similar to the one that preceded it; the only true change made was that instead of the game lasting 39 days, it lasted for 42 days, meaning that the rapidfire elimination of a "Final Four" turned into a "Final Three". This series also marked the start of the Survivor tradition of revealing the results live, so that none of the castaways would have any idea who won until the finale.
During a reward on Day 34 where the remaining five contestants were permitted to communicate with their family members, Ogakor/Barramundi member Keith Famie asked his girlfriend to marry him. She said yes.
The entire season was released in DVD format on April 26, 2005.
Contestant | Original tribe | Merged tribe | Finish |
Debb Eaton | Kucha | Voted out 1st - Day 3 | |
Kel Gleason | Ogakor | Voted out 2nd - Day 6 | |
Maralyn Hershey | Ogakor | Voted out 3rd - Day 9 | |
Mitchell Olson | Ogakor | Voted out 4th - Day 12 | |
Kimmi Kappenberg | Kucha | Voted out 5th - Day 15 | |
Michael Skupin | Kucha | Injured, left game - Day 18 | |
Jeff Varner | Kucha | Barramundi | Voted out 7th - Day 21 |
Alicia Calaway | Kucha | Voted out 8th - Day 24 | |
Jerri Manthey | Ogakor | Voted out 9th - Day 27 | |
Nick Brown | Kucha | Voted out 10th - Day 30 | |
Amber Brkich | Ogakor | Voted out 11th - Day 33 | |
Rodger Bingham | Kucha | Voted out 12th - Day 36 | |
Elisabeth Filarski | Kucha | Voted out 13th - Day 39 | |
Keith Famie | Ogakor | Voted out 14th - Day 41 | |
Colby Donaldson | Ogakor | Runner-up - Day 42 | |
Tina Wesson | Ogakor | Sole Survivor - Day 42 |
Elimination notes
- Debb Eaton - Voted off unanimously for being perceived as the least social and most irritating of the tribe.
- Kel Gleason - A number of factors led to his elimination. The fact that Jerri made up rumors that he had snuck in beef jerky made people less trusting of him (though he denied this many times). Was also said to not fit in with the rest of the tribe.
- Maralyn Hershey - For being one of the weak links on the tribe, she fell down during an Immunity challenge and cost the tribe the win.
- Mitchell Olson - This elimination came down to a tie in votes between him and Keith, when given final words as to why he should be kept and not Keith he said "Physically, mentally, and emotionally, I'm drained". When the tie was not broken between him and Keith, the amount of previous votes each person received decided who got voted off. Mitchell had one and Keith had none so Mitchell was eliminated.
- Kimmi Kappenberg - Voted off for causing too much tension in her tribe (especially with Alicia) and people were annoyed by some of her habits.
- Michael Skupin - Eliminated without being voted off. Michael had passed out near a fire into a bunch of flames, receiving second and third degree burns on his hands and face. He was injured so badly, he had to be airlifted to the nearest hospital and did not return to the game. This was the only instance in Survivor history when a player left the game due to injury alone.
- Jeff Varner - After the two tribes merged, a tie came down between him and Colby of the former Ogakor tribe. Those on the former Ogakor tribe saw Jeff as the biggest threat on Kucha and had found out that he had a previous vote against him. When the tie was not broken between him and Colby, his previous vote got him eliminated.
- Alicia Calaway - Was voted off for being too much of a physical threat and for being part of the former Kucha tribe, which the former Ogakor tribe was dismantling one by one at this point.
- Jerri Manthey - Was voted off by both most of her former tribe mates and all of Kucha's former tribe mates. Jerri is one of the least popular Survivor players ever. A lot of people thought that she was a conniving and deceitful player and most were ready to be rid of her leading to her elimination.
- Nick Brown - Was thought to be the biggest physical threat left of the former Kucha tribe so was promptly voted out.
- Amber Brkich - After the merge, former Kucha members Rodger and Elisabeth had gotten very friendly with Colby, Tina, and Keith. Colby, Tina, and Keith felt more of an alliance with the former Kucha members then their own former Ogakor member Amber. Colby was the only one from the former Ogakor tribe not to vote for Amber.
- Rodger Bingham - When there were two former Kucha members and three former Ogakor members, the Kucha members were picked off and sent away. Rodger was the first victim of this, being voted off on day 33 and Elisabeth would be next.
- Elisabeth Filarski - Voted off soley for being a former Kucha member. Keith, Tina, and Colby all had an alliegance to each other all being former Ogakor members.
- Keith Famie - Voted off by Colby. Colby was criticized by many people for this saying that he easily would have won if he had voted off Tina and took Keith with him as Keith was not very popular with the jury members. Colby said he still doesn't regret it and was happy to take Tina with him to the final two.
- Colby Donaldson - The jury, in a very close vote, gave Colby three votes but not enough to win.
- Tina Wesson - Tina received four votes from the jury giving her the million dollars and title of Sole Survivor of the Australian Outback. Many people cite Tina's reason for winning was for flying under the radar and never getting on anyone's bad side and always staying neutral. She had not received a single vote against her in the game.
Five of the sixteen contestants became a part of Survivor All Stars: Tina Wesson, Colby Donaldson, Amber Brkich, Jerri Manthey, and Alicia Calaway. Of them, Amber went on to win the million dollars by one vote.