User:Wavelength/Articles userfied/List of environmental topics/L
The items listed on this page form part of the multi-page list of environment topics.
This is a list of topics related (in whole or in part) to (a) phenomena in the natural environment which have a definite or significantly possible connection with human activity or (b) features of human activity which have a definite or significantly possible connection with the natural environment, even if the connection is made indirectly through the built environment. For example, hamster has been included because the effect on the built environment can affect the natural environment. Also, factory farming (often practiced indoors) has been associated with epidemics, which do not stay indoors.
The connections can be positive (even remedial) or negative or both. Some introduced species intended to benefit the ecosystem have acted as invasive species, damaging the ecosystem. Also, different sources of energy development have both pros and cons. Furthermore, an environmental topic can be such for multiple reasons at one time, as in the case of resource extraction and processing; commodity distribution, use, and misuse; and waste management.
Contents: La-Laj | Lak | Lal-Lam | Lan-Lanc | Land (separate word) | Land (in hyphenated compound words) | Landa-Landz | Lane-Lanz | Lao-Lat | Lau-Laz | Lb-Ld | Le | Lf-Lh | Li-Lif | Lig | Lih-Lil | Lim-Lip | Liq | Lir-Liu | Liv-Liz | Lj-Ln | Lo-Lof | Log-Lom | Lon | Loo-Lov | Low-Loz | Lp-Lt | Lu-Lum | Lun-Luz | Lv-Lz
- La Leche League International (LLLI) (breastfeeding affects the dairy industry, which affects the environment)
- La Posta Astro-Geophysical Observatory (in California)
- La Selva Biological Station (in Costa Rica)
- La Silla Observatory (in Chile)
- La Vérendrye Wildlife Reserve (in Quebec)
- (lab mouse: see) House Mouse (see under Mice and men and under Mutant and transgenic strains)
- (lab rat: see) House Mouse (see under Mice and men and under Mutant and transgenic strains)
- Labor Day Hurricane of 1935
- Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)
- Laboratory for Laser Energetics
- (laboratory-grown meat) in vitro meat (see under Environment)
- Lachine Canal (Canal de Lachine) (through Montreal)
- Lachine Rapids (by Montreal)
- lachrymatory agent (lachrymator)
- (lactivists: see) breastfeeding
- (lacto-ovo vegetarianism) ovo-lacto vegetarianism (to be merged or expanded or deleted or moved to Wiktionary)
- lacto vegetarianism
- ladybird (ladybug) (lady beetle) ("beneficial to organic gardeners")
- lagoon
- Lagos bat virus (causing rabies)
- (Lagrangian point) (Lagrange point) (L-point) (libration point)
- LaGuardia Airport (in New York City)
- Laguna Fire (in California)
- lake (see also list of lakes and list of lakes by area and list of lakes by depth and list of lakes by volume
- Lake Albert (Albert Nyanza) (in Africa)
- Lake Athabaska (in Canada)
- Lake Baikal (in Siberia)
- Lake Balkhash (Lake Balqash) (in Kazakhstan)
- lake breakout
- Lake Chad (Lac Tchad) (in Africa)
- lake dwelling
- Lake Edward (in Africa)
- lake effect snow (a snowsquall)
- Lake Erie (in North America)
- Lake Eyre (in Australia)
- Lake freighter (Laker)
- Lake Geneva (in Europe)
- (lake herring) cisco (fish)
- Lake Huron (in North America)
- Lake Kivu (in Africa)
- Lake Ladoga (in Russia near Finland)
- Lake Lucerne (in Switzerland)
- Lake Malawi (originally known as Lake Nyasa, Lake Nyassa and Lake Niassa) (in Africa)
- Lake Manitoba (in Manitoba)
- Lake Maracaibo (in Venezuela)
- Lake Michigan (in North America)
- Lake Michigan-Huron (in North America)
- Lake Nicaragua (in Nicaragua)
- Lake Onega (in Russia near Finland)
- Lake Ontario (in North America)
- lake retention time
- lake stratification
- Lake Superior (Gitchigume) (in North America)
- Lake Superior Lowland (Superior Coastal Plain) (in Wisconsin)
- Lake Superior Provincial Park (in Ontario)
- Lake Superior State Park (in New York)
- (lake surge: see) storm surge
- Lake Tanganyika (in Africa)
- Lake Titicaca (Lago Titicaca) (in South America)
- Lake Victoria (Victoria Nyanza) (in Africa)
- Lake Volta (in Ghana in Africa)
- Lake Winnipeg (in Manitoba)
- Lake Winnipegosis (in Manitoba)
- Lake Zürich (in Switzerland)
- Lakehead Pipeline (Lakehead System) (in North America)
- lamp
- (lampblack) soot (carbon black)
- lamplighter
- lamprey (see under Relation to humans)
Land (separate word)
- land
- land art (earth art)
- land borders
- (land breeze: see) sea breeze (seabreeze)
- land bridge
- (land classification: see) ecological land classification
- land degradation
- (land depression) depression (geology)
- (land development: see) subdivision (land)
- land economy
- land elevation
- land ethic
- land grant
- land grants in the Swan River Colony (in Australia)
- land hemisphere
- (land incentive: see) Homestead Act (in the US)
- land incentivization (land incentivisation)
- land lab
- land lighthouse
- (land mail) snail mail (paper mail)
- land management
- land measurement
- land ownership and tenure
- (land plant: see) plant
- land reclamation
- land reform (agrarian reform)
- land rehabilitation
- land rights
- land sailing
- (land seaweed: see) Salsola (see under Salsola as invasive species and under Salsola as food)
- (land subdivision: see) subdivision (land)
- land trust (see under Conservation land trusts)
- land use
- land use forecasting
- (land use planning: see) urban planning
- land vehicle
- land yacht
Land (in hyphenated compound words)
- Landbrukstidende (Norwegian agricultural magazine)
- Landcare
- Landcare Australia
- Landcare Research New Zealand Limited (Manaaki Whenua)
- landfall
- landfill (see also list of landfills in Hong Kong)
- (landfill gas: see) natural gas
- landform (see under List of landforms)
- landing
- landing craft
- Landing Craft Utility (LCU) (amphibious)
- landings on other planets
- landline or (main line) (in telephone communications)
- landlocked
- landmass
- landmine (see also list of landmines)
- Landmine Survivors Network
- landscape
- Landscape Arch (in Utah in the US)
- landscape archaeology
- (landscape architect: see) list of landscape architects
- landscape architecture (see same for "landscape design" and for "landscape gardening")
- (see also list of schools of landscape architecture)
- landscape ecology
- landscape engineering
- landscape maintenance (groundskeeping)
- LandSerf (geographical information system)
- landslide
- Langila (active volcano)
- lantern
- lanternfish
- Large Electron-Positron Collider (LEP)
- Large Hadron Collider (LHC) (see under Safety concerns)
- larger context to habitats of Pachypodium
- (largest buildings in the world: see) world's largest buildings
- (largest cities [within political borders]: see) list of metropolitan areas by population
- largest cities of the European Union by population
- (largest cities of the United States: see) list of United States cities by population
- (largest cities of the world: see) list of metropolitan areas by population
- largest European metropolitan areas
- largest organism
- largest urban areas of the European Union
- larva
- Las Cruces Biological Station / Wilson Botanical Garden (in Costa Rica)
- Las Vegas Valley Water District (LVVWD)
- laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)
- laser applications
- laser cooling
- (laser propulsion: see) lightcraft
- laser safety
- laser snow
- laser ultrasonics
- Lassen Volcanic National Park (in California)
- (laughing gas) nitrous oxide (dinitrogen oxide) (dinitrogen monoxide) (a greenhouse gas)
- laurel forest
- Laurentian River System (Ontario)
- (Laurentian Shield) Canadian Shield (Laurentian Plateau)
- lava (see under Towns destroyed by lava and under Towns partially destroyed by lava flows) (see also list of lava flows in Arizona)
- Lava Beds National Monument (in California)
- lava bomb
- lava dome
- lava fountain
- (lava rock: see) igneous rock
- (lava shield: see) shield volcano
- Lava Tree State Monument (in Hawaii)
- lava tube
- (Law of the Sea) United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) (Law of the Sea) (LOS)
- lawn (see under Maintenance and under Criticisms)
- lawn mower (lawnmower)
- (lawn trimmer) string trimmer
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) (in California)
- (laws of nature: see) physical law
- Le Peuple Migrateur (Winged Migration) (The Travelling Birds) (documentary film)
- leach
- leachate
- leaching
- lead (see under Precautions and under Health effects)
- lead(II) nitrate (see under Safety)
- lead paint
- lead poisoning
- lead-acid battery
- Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
- leaf
- leaf blower
- leaf mine
- leaf mold
- leafcutter ant
- (leafflower) Phyllanthus
- leafy sea dragon
- League of American Bicyclists (LAB)
- least developed countries (LDCs)
- leaven
- leech
- legality of pet skunks in Virginia
- legionellosis (Legionnaires' disease) (see under How is legionellosis spread? and under Where is the Legionella bacterium found?)
- lemur (see under Endangered species)
- Leningrad Zoo
- lenticular cloud
- (Leonid meteor shower) Leonids
- Lepidoptera (second largest order of insects)
- leprosy (Hansen's disease) (an infectious disease)
- (less developed country: see) developing country
- lettuce big-vein disease
- leukemia (leukaemia) (see under Causes)
- lichen (see under Ecology)
- lichenology
- life
- Life and Energy (book)
- life cycle
- life cycle assessment (life cycle analysis) (life cycle inventory) (ecobalance) (cradle-to-grave-analysis) (well-to-wheel analysis) (dust-to-dust energy cost)
- life expectancy
- (life ground: see) John McMurtry
- Life on Earth: A Natural History by David Attenborough (television series)
- (life science) biology
- life support system
- life zone
- lifeform
- lifestyle
- lifestyle diseases (alternative medicine)
- light (see also list of light sources)
- (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) LASER
- (light bulb) incandescent light bulb
- light crude oil
- light industry
- light pollution
- light rail (light rail transit [LRT]) (see also list of light-rail transit systems)
- (light rail in San Diego, California) San Diego Trolley
- (light rail listing) list of light-rail transit systems
- Light Rail Transit (see also list of United States Light Rail systems by ridership)
- light railway
- Light Rapid Transit
- (light sail) solar sail
- (light spectrum) electromagnetic spectrum
- light therapy (phototherapy)
- (light water graphite-moderated reactor) RBMK (in the Soviet Union)
- light water reactor (LWR)
- light-dependent reaction
- Light-emitting diode (see under Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs))
- lightcraft
- lighter (fire starter)
- lighter (barge)
- lighter than air
- lighthouse (see also list of lighthouses and lightvessels)
- lightning
- lightning rod (lightning protector) (lightning finial)
- lightning safety
- (lightning storm) thunderstorm (T-storm) (electrical storm)
- lightvessel (lightship)
- lignite (brown coal)
- lime (mineral)
- limelight
- limestone ("vulnerable to acids, making acid rain a problem")
- limiting factor
- Limits to Growth (book) (and "Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update")
- limnic eruption (lake overturn)
- limnology
- Limpopo National Park (in Mozambique in Africa)
- Limpopo River (in Africa)
- Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) (in the US)
- line source ("a source of air, noise, water contamination or electromagnetic radiation")
- line-of-sight propagation (of electromagnetic signals)
- linear particle accelerator (LINAC)
- linen (made from flax)
- liquefied natural gas (LNG)
- (liquid aerosol: see) particulate
- liquid air
- liquid air cycle engine (LACE)
- (liquid breathing) fluid breathing
- (liquid cooling: see) computer cooling
- liquid cooling for computers
- liquid crystal display (LCD) ("uses very small amounts of electric power")
- liquid fire
- liquid fuels
- liquid helium (used as a cryogenic refrigerant)
- Liquid Hydrocarbon
- (liquid hydrogen) LH2
- liquid limit (of soil) (relevant to landslides)
- (liquid mechanics) fluid mechanics (fluid dynamics)
- (liquid natural gas) liquefied natural gas (LNG)
- liquid nitrogen
- Liquid nitrogen economy (Liquid Nitrogen [LN2] economy)
- liquid oxygen (LOx) (LOX) (Lox)
- liquid rocket
- Liquid Rocket Booster (LRB)
- liquid rocket propellants
- Liquid Smoke ("a relatively natural food ingredient")
- liquid water path
- liquified petroleum gas (liquefied petroleum gas) (liquid petroleum gas) (LPG) (LP gas) (autogas)
- (Lisbon earthquake of 1755) 1755 Lisbon earthquake
- list of large wind farms
- lithium (see under Precautions)
- lithium economy
- lithium ion battery (see under Warning)
- (lithology: see) petrology
- lithosphere
- litter
- (litter basket) dustbin
- (litter bin) dustbin
- litter box (litter tray)
- litterbug
- (littleleaf disease: see) Phytophthora cinnamomi
- littoral
- littoral drift
- Livability Court
- Livable Streets (book)
- live food fish trade
- livestock
- livestock guardian dog
- (living conditions: see) quality of life
- (living foods diet) raw food diet
- (Living Fossil: see) coelacanth
- living fossil
- living machines
- living mulch
- living museum
- Living on Earth (weekly radio program)
- (living organisms: see) organism
- (living standard) standard of living
- living street (home zone)
- living systems theory
- lizard ("chief impact ... on humans is positive")
- Lizard Head Wilderness (in Colorado in the US)
- Lizard Island National Park (in Australia)
- (Lizard Peninsula: see) The Lizard (in the UK) (see under Ecology)
- lizards in Canada
- loach (fish) (scavenger)
- load
- loam (a type of soil)
- lobster (scavenger)
- lobster fishing
- (local economics) community-based economics (community economics)
- Local Emergency Planning Committee (in the US)
- local food
- Local Nature Reserve (LNR) (in England)
- local-express lanes (collector-express lanes)
- locally unwanted land use
- location (geography)
- locavore
- loch
- Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park (in Scotland)
- (lock [canal]: see) canal lock (navigation) (see under Disadvantages)
- (Lockerbie air disaster) Pan Am Flight 103 (Lockerbie bombing) (in Scotland)
- (Lockport [geological formation]: see) Niagara Escarpment (see under Niagara Escarpment#World Biological Reserve)
- locks on the Kennet and Avon Canal (in the UK)
- locks on the River Thames (in the UK)
- locomotion
- locomotive
- locust ("damage to crops")
- locust swarm
- lodge
- Lodgepole Pine ("serious invasive plant in New Zealand")
- lodging
- loess (a type of soil)
- log
- log bridge
- log cabin
- log driving
- log flume
- log home (log house)
- (log road) corduroy road
- (logboat) dugout (boat) (monoxylon)
- logging
- logistic engineering
- Loihi Seamount ("undersea volcano in the Hawaiian archipelago")
- Lolo National Forest (in Montana in the US)
- Loma Prieta earthquake (in California)
- London (see under Geography and climate and under Transport and infrastructure)
- London commuter belt (London Metropolitan Area)
- London congestion charge
- London Cycling Campaign
- London deep-level shelters
- (London Horticultural Society: renamed) Royal Horticultural Society
- London sewerage system
- (London Smog Disaster of 1952) Great Smog of 1952
- (London Tube) London Underground (subway system)
- London's Transport Museum
- Long-distance trail (see also list of long-distance footpaths)
- longshore drift (LSD) (littoral drift)
- Long-term Ecosystem Observatory (in New Jersey in the US)
- Long Ashton Research Station (LARS) (in the UK)
- Long Beach earthquake of 1933 (in California)
- (Long Beach Freeway) Interstate 710 (in California)
- Long Valley Caldera (in California)
- longhorn beetle ("Several are serious pests")
- longitudinal waves (compressional waves) (pressure waves)
- longwall mining
- longwave
- longwave radiation
- (longwave transmitter: see) transmitter
- Lorentz National Park (in Indonesia)
- Lorne Greene's New Wilderness (New Wilderness) (television nature documentary series)
- Los Angeles, California (see under Climate and under Seismic activity and under Real Estate)
- Los Angeles Alligator Farm
- Los Angeles Aqueduct
- Los Angeles Basin
- Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden
- Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
- Los Angeles River
- Los Angeles Zoo
- (Losangelization: see) urban sprawl (suburban sprawl)
- (loss of habitat: see) habitat destruction
- loudness
- loudspeaker
- loudspeaker acoustics
- lough
- Louisiade Archipelago (southeast of Papua New Guinea)
- Louisiana State Arboretum
- Louisiana Water Resources Research Institute
- Louisville Zoo (in Louisville, Kentucky)
- (Louisville and Portland Canal: renamed) McAlpine Locks and Dam (in Louisville, Kentucky)
- Love Canal (in Niagara Falls, New York)
- low Earth orbit (LEO)
- low explosive
- low floor (in vehicles such as buses, trolleybuses, and trams)
- Low intensity conflict (LIC)
- low island
- low level waste
- low noise amplifier (LNA)
- low pressure area (see same for "low-pressure cell")
- (low water: see) tide
- Low-carbon economy
- low-energy house
- (low-energy light bulb: see) compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) (compact fluorescent light bulb)
- low-frequency radar
- low-noise block converter (LNB, for low-noise block) (LNC, for low-noise converter)
- (low-occupancy vehicle: see) single occupant vehicle
- low-power
- low-power broadcasting
- (low-temperature: see) cryogenics
- low-technology
- Lowell Observatory Near-Earth-Object Search (LONEOS)
- (lower explosive limit [LEL]: see) explosive limit
- Lowest Achievable Emissions Rate
- (lowest astrnomical tide: see) chart datum
- (lowest elevations: see) list of places on land with elevations below sea level
- lowest published lethal dose
- lowest safe altitude (LSALT)
- Loy Yang Power Station, Victoria (in Australia)
- Luarica diamond mine (in Angola)
- lubricant
- Lucens reactor (in Switzerland)
- Luddite
- Ludington Lighthouse (in Michigan in the US)
- Ludington Pumped Storage Power Plant (in Michigan in the US)
- Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (global)
- lumber (see especially under Preservatives)
- (lumber mill) sawmill
- lumberjack
- lumen (unit)
- luminance
- luminescence
- luminosity
- luminous efficiency
- luminous energy
- luminous flux
- luminous intensity
- luminous paint
- (luminous pollution) light pollution (photopollution)
- (luminous shark) cookiecutter shark (cigar shark)
- (luna [moon]: see) moon
- lunar calendar
- lunar eclipse
- lunar effect
- lunar meteorite
- lunar phase
- (lunar rainbow) moonbow (white rainbow)
- Lunar Society
- lunation
- lunisolar calendar
- lunitidal interval
- lure (see fishing lure)
- lux
- lye
- Lyme disease (Lyme borreliosis) ("an infectious tick-borne disease")
- Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC)
- lysocline (relevant to global warming)