The Masters in Intellectual Property Rights (MIPR) is a Post Graduate Degree Programme of National Law University, Jodhpur. The programme is 2 year, full time residential requiring a submission of a Dissertation/Thesis on a research topic on Intellectual Property Laws (though not limited to) under the supervision of a Faculty member. [1]
The University claims an excellent placement for all its MIPR (Students not having an LLB degree) or LLM IPR (Students with a prior LLB degree) students.
The course is also claimed to be one of its kind in India. [2]
The Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) is a method for transferring funds amongst U.S. military organizations. It allows for multi-organizational cooperative efforts to be performed, rather than limiting funding to a single organization.
Source: Code of Federal Regulations, 48CFR253.208-1, DD Form 448, Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request. (http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2003/octqtr/48cfr253.208-1.htm)
Source: Code of Federal Regulation, 48 CFR 2917.501 - Definitions (http://www.dol.gov/dol/allcfr/Title_48/Part_2917/48CFR2917.501.htm)