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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Carlosar~enwiki (talk | contribs) at 15:02, 19 November 2005 (Timeline of key events). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Personal Notes

Great work putting the party list here! I was too lazy to memorize these and was reluctant to do it. Since I already transferred the article, we should do this work in the main namespace...

Also, we only need the party/state marking the first time the name is used.


Which form do you prefer?

  1. Vanderval Santos (PL-SP)
  2. Vanderval Santos (Liberal Party)
  3. Vanderval Santos (Liberal Party - SP)
  4. Vanderval Santos (Liberal Party - São Paulo) * this one is probably best -- what about no spaces though?
  5. Vanderval Santos
  6. Vanderval Santos (Liberal Party-São Paulo)

Which form do you prefer?

  1. Workers' Party (PT) * maybe use the first time it is mentioned
  2. Workers Party (PT)
  3. Workers' Party * because it is used elsewhere on Wikipedia -- I prefer Workers Party personally, but we should be consistent
  4. Workers Party
  5. PT


  • Instead of "Vote-for-Cash CPI" I suggest using "Vote Buying CPI" because this last one is more widely known (see Google).

Good... I still think we should consider changing the article title as well. I'm not sure to what. Perhaps even the Scandal of the Mensalao.

We also might consider putting the timeline in a separate page at some point... Don't know.

Wiki References

Workers Party

  • Celso Daniel - Prefeito de Santo André, do Partido dos Trabalhadores. Segundo o Ministério Público foi assassinado porque descobriu que algumas pessoas estavam desviando para si mesmas o dinheiro de um esquema de corrupção na prefeitura para arrecadar fundo para o Partido dos Trabalhadores.

The allied figures


  • Adhemar Palocci - engenheiro, diretor de Planejamento e Engenharia da Eletronorte e irmão do ministro da Fazenda, Antonio Palocci. É acusado de ter intermediado contratos com a seguradora Interbrasil com empresas estatais. Em troca a Interbrasil contribuiria para campanhas do Partido dos Trabalhadores. A Interbrasil fez negócios com empresas estatais no valor de R$ 4,6 bilhões apesar de ter um patrimônio de apenas R$ 60 milhões.

Timeline of key events

June 30 – With his left eye injuried –because of a domestic accident - Deputy Roberto Jefferson (PTB-Rio de Janeiro) testifies to the Post Office CPI. Jefferson says that the agency of the Rural Bank at the 9th floor of Brasilia Shopping mall is used to withdraw the money of mensalão since the delivery by suitcases got very risk.

July 26 – The wife of Marcos Valério, Renilda Santiago tells the Post Office CPI she doesn’t know anything about the business of his husband.

September 15 - Post Oficce CPI reports that the bank accounts of eight enterprises belonging to Marcos Valério received 4.9 billion reals (about 2.24 billion U.S. dollars) between 2000 and 2005. The big financial activities are from DNA propaganda (2.6 billion reals) and SMPB (1,8 billion reals). The CPI's assistant reporter on financial activities, deputy Gustavo Fruet (PSDB-PR), says that the investigations show evidence of misrepresentation, corruption, illegal inducement, dishonest acts of administration and crimes against the finantial system.

September 20 - The money changer, Antônio Oliveira Claramunt -aka Little Tony from Barcelona, a reference to a neighborhood in the São Paulo suburb of São Caetano- tells to the Post Office, Bingo and Mensalão CPIs the money transferred to the Workers' Party (PT) by the Rural Bank came from foreign accounts belonging to Marcos Valério, and was introduced into Brazil through transactions with money changers. "Two schemes fattened the PT's account. These schemes involved the Rural Bank and the Bonus-Banval brokerage firm," says Barcelona. [1]

September 22 - Escort agency owner Jeany Mary Corner testifies to the Brazilian Federal Police. According to Ricardo Penna Machado, a former partner of Marcos Valério, Valério organized parties with girls from Mary Corner's agency in hotels in Brasília. Mary Corner confirms the existence of the parties and says that they were paid for by Penna Machado.

September 22 - President of Banco Rural Kátia Rabelo tells the Council of Ethics that "the Banco Rural was used by Marcos Valério" but denies any bank involvement in the corruption scheme. Rabelo says that Valério had scheduled meetings between the bank's leadership and government minister José Dirceu.

September 23 – The senator Cristovam Buarque officially leaves the Workers Party and he enters in the Democratic Labour Party (PDT)

September 23 - The Executive offers 500 million reals to Brazilian parliamentarians' pet projects. The Minister of Planning, Budget, and Management Paulo Bernardo denies any relationship between the funds granted by the government and the upcoming election for the new President of the Congress.

September 27 - Testifying in the front of the Council of Ethics, Ex-minister and deputy José Dirceu denies participation by Lula or himself in any corruption scheme.

October 5 - The main suspects in connection to corruption allegations regarding contracts between the Brazilian public bank Caixa Econômica Federal and the enterprise Gtech confront each other in the Bingo CPI. Waldomiro Diniz, Enrico Gianelli, Rogério Buratti, Marcelo José Rovai, and Carlos Augusto de Almeida Ramos (Carlinhos Cachoeira) exchange insults and accusations.

October 6 - Bruno José Daniel Filho, the younger brother of Celso Daniel, tells the Bingo CPI that the President's cabinet chief Gilberto Carvalho was aware of the alleged corruption scheme in the municipality of Santo André.

October 10 - In Rio, Lula complains of a "urucubaca" (a curse) coming from people against his government.

October 11 - Lula's former minister Ricardo Berzoini is elected the new President of the Workers Party.

October 12 - The police find medical examiner responsible for examining the body of Celso Daniel, Carlos Delmonte Printes (55), dead in his residence. The physician is the seventhy person in connection with the case to have been found dead under mysterious circunstances.

October 18 - The Council of Ethics's rapporteur in the case against deputy José Dirceu, deputy Júlio Delgado (PSB-Minas Gerais), calls for Dirceu's expulsion of for breach of parliamentary decorum.

October 18 – In Russia, Lula says to O Estado de S. Paulo that “very little has been proven” about the bribery allegations.

October 19 – The ex-treasurer of the President of PSDB, senator Eduardo Azeredo (Minas Gerais), tells to the Post Office CPI having received US$ 4.863 million (R$ 11 million) from Marcos Valério during Azeredo's gubernatorial reelection campaign in 1998.

October 20 – the Ministry of Labor and Employment Luiz Marinho declares that the President of PFL senator Jorge Bornhausen (Santa Catarina) feels “saudade” of Adolf Hitler.

October 22 – The Workers Party approves the expulsion of the ex-threasurer Delúbio Soares, almost five months since the first denunciations of Roberto Jefferson.

October 25 – An unknown person spread fake and defamatory posters against the President of PFL senator Jorge Bornhausen (Santa Catarina). In the posters, Bornhausen appears dressed as a nazi holding the magazine Veja with one of his hands.

October 25 – The President of PSDB senator Eduardo Azeredo resigns his post. [2]

October 25 – The federal judge João Carlos da Rocha Mattos -arrested in November 2003 in São Paulo, for his alleged involvement in corruption that involved the selling of judicial sentences- says to the Bingo’s CPI that the Workers Party didn’t want a full investigation of the murderer of the Mayor Celso Daniel.

October 25 – The senator Geraldo Mesquita Júnior(PSOL-Acre (state)) announces his temporary retirement of PSOL. A former employee of Mesquita Junior accuses the senator of have kept 40% of the sallary of his employees to the party.

October 26 – The brothers of Celso Daniel: João Francisco and Bruno confrotate the President's cabinet chief Gilberto Carvalho in Bingo’s CPI. The brothers say that Carvalho is aware of the alleged corruption scheme in Santo André, São Paulo. Both say that Carvalho carried by car a suitcase with money to the Workers Party President at that time José Dirceu. They accuse the Workers Party of putting obstacles in the investigations. Gilberto Carvalho denies all the accusations and he accuses the brothers of disrespect to the memory of Celso Daniel.

October 26 – The president of the computer workers labour union of Brazilian Federal District, Avel de Alencar, tells Brazilian Federal Police he is the author of the defamatory posters against senator Jorge Bornhausen (PFL-Santa Catarina). Alencar, who is a member of the Workers Party, says that he, his brother and his friend did the work alone. They deny any participation of the participation of the Ministry of Labor and Employment Luiz Marinho and the direction of the Workers Party.

October 27 – The senator Jorge Bornhausen (PFL-Santa Catarina) accuses the Workers Party of Brazilian Federal District of being responsible for the defamatory posters. The Workers Party of Brazilian Federal District denies.

October 28 - The attorney general Luciano Sampaio Gomes Rolim moves a public civil action against José Dirceu for supposed improbity during his administration. Documents from the Attorney General office show that between 2003 and 2004 Dirceu organized a special structure for his son, the mayor of Cruzeiro do Oeste (Paraná), José Carlos Becker de Oliveira (aka Zeca Dirceu).

October 29 – Vladimir Poleto and Rogerio Buratti, two former advisers of the Finance Minister Antonio Palocci, say to leading Brazilian magazine Veja that Cuban founds were used during the political campaign of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in 2002. According to the magazine $3 ou $1.4 million dollars came to Brazil through the former diplomat and Cuban Communist Party leader Sergio Cervantes. Poleto says that he carried the money by plane from Brasília to Campinas. Next, the money was carried by car to São Paulo and it was finally delivered to the Workers Party threasurer Delúbio Soares, in Vila Mariana. He states the money was hidden in whiskey boxes: Johnnie Walker Red Label and Black Label and Havana Club.

October 30 – An official statement from the Cuban embassy in Brasilia denies the allegation of Cuba have illegally contributed to da Silva’s political campaign : "The Government of Cuba categorically rejects the slander, confirms it has never interfered in the internal affairs of a sister nation and attributes full responsibility for this propaganda scheme on the aggressive plans of imperialism against Cuba and Lula".

October 31 - The leader of Cuban Communist Party Sérgio Cervantes leaves Brazil with no comments about the Cuban founds .

October 31 - In Senate, the senator and the leader of PSDB Arthur Virgílio says that he and his family are being watched and threatened by a ex-cop contracted by the Workers Party. Virgílio says that he is able of trashing President Lula.

November 1 - In Congress, the deputy Antonio Carlos Magalhães Neto (PFL) says that he and his family are being spyed by Abin's agents. Like Virgílio, Magalhães Neto says that he is able of trashing President Lula. In Senate, the senator Heloísa Helena (PSOL) says that she is also able of trashing President Lula under threats to her family.

November 1 - The Council of Ethics archives the process against the leader of the Liberal Party deputy Sandro Mabel (Goiás). The deputy Raquel Teixeira (PSDB) accused Mabel of trying to bribe her. The Council of Ethics conclusion is that there are no proofs and it is the word of a deputy against other.

November 2 - The president of the Council of Ethics deputy Ricardo Izar (PTB-SP) declares that he found a telephone tap in his office.

November 3 – The Post Office CPI rapporteur deputy Osmar Serraglio (PMDB-PR) and the deputy Eduardo Paes (PSDB-RJ) think they are victims of eavesdropping attempts.

November 3 – The Post Office CPI rapporteur deputy Osmar Serraglio (PMDB-PR) claims to have discovered a scheme for diverting 10 million reals (approximately US$ 4.5 million) from the state-run Banco do Brasil to the Workers Party. According to Serraglio the money went via the Visanet company to bank accounts held by the advertising executive Marcos Valério, and from there to the Workers Party.

November 3 – The businessman Roberto Colnaghi confirms he borrowed his Seneca airplane prefix PT-RSX in July 31, 2002. Colnaghi refuses to say exactly the name to whom he borrowed the plane and he declares “the identity is implicity”.

November 5 – The pilot Alécio Fongaro tells Folha de S. Paulo and Veja he flied from Brasilia to Campinas in July 31, 2002. The pilot says that he flied in company of Vladimir Poleto and 3 sealed boxes of whiskey. The Brazilian Civil Aviation Department (DAC) confirms the airplane’s route.

November 7 – President Lula says to the Brazilian TV show Roda Viva that the “mensalão” has never existed and it is a “folklore of the Congress”. Lula defends his former minister José Dirceu against the charges of improbity.

November 9 –The ex-minister of Transportation Anderson Adauto (PL) says to the Vote Buying CPI that he used undeclared founds in 11 political campaigns. Adautos confirms the receivment of 410,000 reals (about U$ 187,138) from Marcos Valério.

November 9 – The Congress approves the Council of Ethics report which absolves the deputy Sandro Mabel (PL-GO).

November 9 – The official press service confirms that the President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva watched the Accademy Awards Brazilian movie nominee “Dois Filhos de Francisco” in a pirate DVD. According to the press service there was a fault of one of the advisers of the President.

November 10 – The former aid of Finance Minister Antonio Palocci, Rogério Buratti, says to the Bingo’s CPI that he was consulted by Ralf Barquete -close advisor of Palocci- about how to bring $3 million dollars from Cuba in 2002. According to Buratti, the money came and it was used in Lula’s political campaign.

November 10 – Lula prepares a special operation to bann the approval of the requirement for the extension of the works of Post Office CPI. The Executive branch promises to free 1.2 billion reals (547.72 million dollars) for projects to deputies who decide to remove their signatures off the document. 35 deputies decide to remove their signatures. A preliminary count shows 170 signatures of deputies supporting the requirement. Since the minimun number of signatures of deputies is 171, it seems that the extension will not be appoved.

November 11 – A new count shows that there are signatures of 171 deputies and 35 senators supporting the extension of the works of the Post Office CPI. The requirement is appoved and the Post Office CPI is extended for 120 days more, until 2006.

November 11 – The economist Vladimir Poleto - ex-aid of Antonio Palocci when he was the Mayor of the city of Ribeirão Preto- speaks under a habeas corpus (exempting the individual of certain legal sanctions for not telling the truth) to the Bingos CPI. Poleto alleges his interview to the Brazilian magazine Veja should not be considered reliable because he was threatened by the journalist and he spoke under the influence of alcohol. The economist told he transported 3 boxes of whisky blanded Johnnie Walker from Brasília to Campinas (by airplane) and from Campinas to São Paulo (by car) on July 31, 2002 as a favor to his friend Ralf Barquete . Poleto guarantees the shipment was only whisky. The senators of the CPI asks Poleto to explain the motives for a complex and expensive operation to deliver an alcoholic liquor which can be easily bought in any Brazilian supermarket, including in São Paulo, the greatest city of Brazil. Vladimir Poleto doesn’t answer.

November 11 – The magazine Veja publishes in its website the audio file of part of the interview given by Vladimir Poleto. The senators of the Bingos CPI play the audio in presence of Poleto. The tape contradicts the previous speaks of Vladimir Poleto. In the recording, the journalist begins to talk with the permission of Poleto and Vladimir Poleto speaks in a normal way, indicating that he was not drank. The senators ridiculize the testifiy of Vladimir Poleto and they appove a requiriment to the criminal indictment of Vladimir Poleto arguing he lied to the CPI.

November 14 – Pré-holiday. May deputies and senators travel to their homes out Brasilia. The Minister of Finance Antonio Palocci remains in his residence, out of the trail of journalists.

November 15 – Day of the Republic. Palocci remains in his home receiving advisors and preparing himself to his speech next day before the Brazilian Senate Economic Affairs Commission (CAE).

November 16 – Morning. Without mentioning the name of the Minister of Finance Antonio Palocci, President Lula praises the good moment of the Brazilian Economy.

November 16 – Afternoon. The minister of Finance Antonio Palocci speaks to the Brazilian Senate Economic Affairs Commission (CAE). The senators dont ask about the allegations of corruption envolving the name of the minister. The senators understand that the minister should explain the denunciations before a CPI. Besides that, Palocci does a short statment denying the denunciations of corruption during his administration in Ribeirão Preto and the denunciations of Cuban, FARC and from Angola founds tied to the political campaing of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, in 2002, which Palocci admites he was one of the coordinators.


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