Katie Sugden
Katie Sugden a character in soap Emmerdale played by Sammy Winward.
Katie arrived in the village as the blonde and beautiful girl-next-door girlfriend of Andy Sugden, who she went on to marry. Unfortunately her heart belonged to his devious brother Robert. The marriage fell apart when Andy realised this and held them at gunpoint. Their father Jack got shot.
Robert and Katie's relationship was controversial for the smaal village, but was reluctantly accepted. But Robert ruined it by being unable to stay faithful, even to someone like Katie, who he did love. He had a fling with rich Sadie King. He later proposed to Katie and she gladly accepted, until Andy revealed all about Robert's fling with Sadie.
Katie dumped Robert and turned to Andy for comfort, giving him hope of a reconciliation. But both of them realised it would not work, so Katie said her goodbyes to friends Donna Windsor and Chastity Dingle, and parted on good terms with Andy before leaving the village, and a heart broken Robert and Andy behind. (This was due to actress Sammy taking maternity leave)