stongly opposed to further immigration and increase in population from a Western European perspective (rather for environmental and cultural reasons than an inherently racist or extreme right viewpoint)
mildly romantic nationalist
vehemently, even viciously anti-religious
Personal pet peeves
RACISM -- All too often used out of context or simply wrongly applied. A racist, in the strict definition, is somebody who thinks less of people based on race and/or skin colour. To be critical of multi-cultural society or government immigration policies does not inherently imply racism.
NAZI -- A nazi is somebody who sympathises with the Nazi party and the National-Socialist government form, and lives by the (inherently propaganda-like and oblivious to reason) doctrine of said party and its leaders. It is not an easy curse word that can be used at will for people all over the political spectrum just because a discussion ran out of useful things to be said (Godwin's_law).
First changes ever made to a wikipedia article (corrections) on: 9 jun 2004 16:00 (CEST),