The Degrassi series is a Canadian drama that follows the lives of a group of teenagers who lived on or near De Grassi Street in Toronto, Ontario. The three main series were The Kids of Degrassi Street, Degrassi Junior High and Degrassi High. The early Degrassi series were produced by the small production company Playing With Time Inc. The current version of Degrassi, Degrassi: The Next Generation, airs on CTV (original version) and on VRAK.TV (dubbed in French) in Canada, and is rebroadcast on The N (and in syndication) in the United States.
The Kids of Degrassi Street
This is the first in the Degrassi series, about the lives of a group of children living on Degrassi Street in Toronto, Canada.
Junior High and High
Degrassi Junior High first aired in 1987 on CBC Television in Canada and PBS (through WGBH Boston) in the United States. It delivered 26 episodes in the first two seasons (1987, 1988) and sixteen in the third season (1989), developing a cult following for its realistic and gritty portrayal of teenage life, without resorting to melodrama. Seasons typically began in the winter of their respective years.
After the cast of Degrassi Junior High grew a few years older, their stories continued in the spin-off series, Degrassi High, where the cast was once again expanded and a larger building was used to portray the high school. Degrassi High aired on CBC and PBS for two years until early 1991. These series are often compared to Beverly Hills, 90210, a much more melodramatic series, which began airing in the United States at the same time, except 90210 used actors who were in their twenties to play teenagers, where as Degrassi uses people who are the age they are playing. This series is also compared to Saved by the Bell. Like Saved by the Bell, this series follows teenagers going through everyday normal teen social issues. But unlike Saved by the Bell, problems are not solved within the episode; some plotlines often continue through multiple episodes.
A few months later, the 90-minute Degrassi made-for-TV film School's Out was produced, which concluded the series. It sparked controversy and anger amongst fans and critics[citation needed] for the unusual characterization of familiar characters and infamous scenes of sexuality and coarse language. U.S. viewers saw a toned-down version in 1993, which did not feature the profanity Canadian viewers heard. (WGBH released the uncensored version of the film onto video). A six-part documentary series entitled Degrassi Talks aired soon after.
Hood and Schuyler subsequently worked on a similar series, Liberty Street, which applied the Degrassi format to a series about people in their twenties living on their own for the first time. Pat Mastroianni, one of the most famous actors from the Degrassi series, appeared in Liberty Street as well, although playing a different character.
The Next Generation
Almost a decade later, the Degrassi series was revived by Schuyler and Stephen Stohn as Degrassi: The Next Generation. During the series Degrassi Junior High Christine Nelson gave birth to a baby girl named Emma, who became the lead character of the fourth show. This Degrassi series deals with similar issues as its predecessor, yet in a more contemporary setting. It has had a successful run thus far and has grown its own distinct cult following amongst teenagers and adults alike. This series is broadcast on CTV in Canada and rebroadcast to the United States on the cable channel The N and MTV, to the Netherlands on Z@PP, to Brazil on the cable channel Multishow, to Australia on ABC Television and Nickelodeon, to Mexico, Peru and Chile on the cable channel MTV Latin America, and to Poland on the Canal+'s channel ZigZap.
This newer, "hipper" version of Degrassi has thus far dealt with more mature topics, such as relationships, online predators, love, peer pressure, sex, drugs, stress, sexual identity, self image, child abuse, alcohol abuse, censorship, date rape, violence, gangs, self harm, school shootings, teen pregnancy, academic stress, STD's, imprisonment, murder, cancer, cheating and various other heavy topics. Some say the huge range of issues covered in The Next Generation may make for more interesting television. This version displays the many challenges teenagers face in high school and the early years of college.
On September 25, 2006 Program Partners, a subsidiary of Sony Pictures Television, announced that they have acquired the syndication rights to the show, which will start showing daily on local stations in the US during the early evening fringe hours (between 5 and 7 pm) beginning in September 2007.[1] One of the reasons of the program's sale in syndication is that its programming content complies with federal E/I programming requirements. In 2006 and 2007, Degrassi TNG aired on several local channels throughout the United States at varying times.
Season 8 of Degrassi, the Next Generation has recently premiered on October 10, 2008, and featured some new cast of freshmen students, as well as some returning characters, and some in college. Season 9 of Degrassi began production on May 19, 2009.
Degrassi's characters
Stacey Farber (Ellie) - She played Mary in the cartoon hit, Dark Oracle and now she has just been under the radar with her work.[2]
Miriam McDonald (Emma)- Miriam McDonald is one of the newest stars on Lifetime featuring in movies such as "She's too young" and "The Secret Society." She has also played a voice on "JoJo's circus" that is being played on the Disney channel for all children to watch. [3]
Mike Lobel (Jay)- As of right now, Mike Lobel has participated in the Kidney foundation and has been starred in random movies such as "Selling Innocence" and "Brand New Girl" with Britney Spears. [4]
Aubrey Graham (Jimmy) - His recent hit song slammed the radios called "Best I Ever Had." He is featured on BET as "Drake" a famous rap artist and as of right now he is working on his music career. [5]
Evan Williams (Kelly) - Recently Evan Williams is studying art and has recently been to Ecaudor to make a film for MTV Canada. [6]
Sarah Barrable-Tishauer (Liberty) - She has been in the production, "The Lion King" and has studied in Montreal. She has also joined Evan Williams and traveled to Ecaudor. [7]
Cassie Steele (Manny)- As of recently she has starred in the hit series, "Instant Star." She won a young artist award and is now trying to pursue her singing genre. [8]
Adamo Ruggiero (Marco) - Is the host of the series "Instant Star" and appeared on "Canada's Next Top Model" [9]
Lauren Collins (Paige) - She was in various American movies such as "Take The Lead" and " Picture This" and presently, stars in the lifetime network. [10]
Shane Kippel (Spinner) - His major debut on television other than Degrassi is the Disney Show called "Life With Derek" [11]
Jack Goldsbie (Toby) - Jack isn't pursuing anything in the hollywood network but studying at the university in Montreal. [12]
- ^ "Broadcasting & Cable Breakinga News articleFlat CA6374579". Retrieved 2006-10-07.
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