Snowball Press
Snowball Press is Club Penguin's sole book publishing company. Players can see their logo on the bottom of the spine on all of the Club Penguin Books. All of their books are in the 'Book Room' on popular MMOG, Club Penguin, owned by the Disney Corporation.
List of Books Published
- Rockhopper and the Stowaway
- Franky's First Show
- The Spice of Life
- Truth or Dare
- Penguin Tales of Spring '07
- Penguin Tales of Spring '08
- Yearbook 2005-2006
- Yearbook 2006-2007
- Yearbook 2007-2008
- The Journal of Captain Rockhopper (Written by Captain Rockhopper and rewritten by the Snowball Press.)
Paint by Letters books
- My Puffle
- Burnt Out Bulbs
- Lime Green Dojo Clean
- The Snowball Press has published every book in the library except Rockhopper's Journal.
- In the first page of the first year book there are penguins with beta hats. This picture is very similar to one Card-Jitsu card.
- The first Yearbook arrived at the 2nd Anniversary party.
- All the yearbooks start in October rather than January, only because Club Penguin was created in October.
- In every page in a yearbook there is a hidden link to show you the pin of that month, except for the 2006-2007 yearbook!
- Yearbook 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 arrived on the same day.
- Even real life books of Club Penguin are published by the Snowball Press.