Animal Jam (TV series)
Animal Jam is a children's television show produced by Jim Henson Television which first aired on February 24, 2003. The show is sort of like an "American Bandstand" for preschool kids. It features dozens of kids dancing to songs with movement themes, and was hosted by two puppet characters named Waffle (a monkey) and Edi (a zebra), as well as a giant dancing elephant named Bozark. The show featured many innovations in puppet design and production from the Jim Henson Company. It aired on TLC for several years, and is currently running on the Discovery Kids channel. Several shows are also available on DVD. "Animal Jam" was created by John Derevlany, who also wrote most of the episodes.
- Rickey Boyd - Waffle
- Leslie Carrera - Edi
- John Kennedy - DJ1 (Panda Bear)
- John Tartaglia - DJ2 (Koala Bear)
- Andy Stone - DJ3 (Leopard)
- David Maida - Bozark (Elephant)