Modernismo is Spanish for modernism, however the term Modernismo indicates a more specific art movement:
- Modernismo, also known by its Catalan name Modernisme, as term in architecture generally refers to the pre-Art Nouveau style existing; e.g. in Barcelona in the last decades of the 19th century, the time Antoni Gaudí finished school and built his first projects.
- Modernismo also refers to a Spanish-American literary movement, most exemplified by Rubén Darío. Other notable poets are Julián del Casal and José Martí. It is a recapitulation of three movements in Europe: Romanticism, Symbolism (simbolismo) and Parnasianism. These ideas express passion, visual art, and harmonies and rhythms with music. This movement was of great influence in the Hispanic world, finding a temporary vogue in the Spanish Generación del 98, which also posited various reactions to its perceived aestheticism.