Cherry Valley O-scale
Cherry Valley O Scale is a not-for-profit club dedicated to the promotion of 2-rail O-scale (1:48) model railroading, located in Merchantville NJ, in the basement/undercroft of the Grace Episcopal Church.[1]
The club first started in 1963,[2] and has occupied the same space since inception. Meetings were originally held on Thursday evenings, but have since been moved to Tuesday evenings for better attendance. Rolling stock has typically been owned by the individual members, with the club jointly owning the layout and control system. Much of the current rolling stock has been weathered to better replicate real-world conditions.
Old Layout
The first layout in the space was of a double-track looped-8 design, built with traditional square tabletop framing, plaster scenery, and relay control. It existed from the mid-1960's through to 1999[citation needed], when it was torn down due to poor running and electrical characteristics. Many of the original structures and switches have been saved, for eventual inclusion on the new layout.
New Layout
The new layout was started in 2002[citation needed], is also of a double-track looped-8 design; but has been built around the walls, with several reversing loops, and curved laminate benchwork to match the curves in the tracks. Scenery has been built with a mix of hydrocal and extruded styrofoam board, and Digital Command Control has been installed to allow running of multiple trains without the need for complex relay systems.
Open House Events
Every year, the club traditionally has several "Open House" weekends between Thanksgiving and New Year's holidays. The 41st Annual Open House weekends were held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 5-7 and 12-14, 2008.[2]
Dates for the 42nd (2009) Open House weekends are as follows: Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 4-6, 11-13; and Saturday-Sunday Jan 2-3. Hours to be announced. Attendance is free (donations requested).
O-scale Swap Meets
The Club hosts two O-scale-only "Swap Meets" a year, usually on a single Saturday in both May and September. The next such "Swap Meet" is Scheduled for Saturday, September 12th.[3] Admission to the Dealer's Hall is set at $5, and includes a tour of the layout.