Mina Crandon
Mina "Margery" Crandon (1888-1941) was the wife of a wealthy Boston surgeon and socialite. She almost won a prize offered by Scientific American magazine for showing authentic psychic ability. Margery appeared honest in the public eye and was supported by the educated upper class of Boston and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. She was so popular nationwide that her prayers were read by the US Army. The prize committee member conjuror Harry Houdini duplicated and explained her skills before Scientific American awarded her the prize and published a phamphlet exposing her methods. Later Houdini would present her effects on stage using different methods, the bell box. J.B.Rhine refused to test her. An English teacher, Grant Code, a vistor to the Crandon home became entralled by Margery's later astonishing performances and became a master in duplicating them. Code's exchange of letters with Walter Franklin Prince are in the archives of ASPR.